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Everything posted by abacab

  1. Good point! I forgot about that one... ?
  2. Vital can do text-to-wavetable!
  3. What? You didn't check out the Cherry Lowdown? ? https://cherryaudio.com/products/lowdown
  4. And for my Moog stuff I usually reach for Cherry Audio, LOL!!! ? The Miniverse does a great Moog Mini emulation!
  5. I just said that because apparently Urs modeled the various oscillators and filters available in Diva based on those classic synths. While saving the Prophet for Repro!!!
  6. For the Moog, Roland, Oberheim, etc. sounds, stick to Diva!
  7. I install both as the plug-in files are not that big. It's a personal preference as to which ones you see and use in your plug-in browser, unless you are a Cubase user. VST3 has some potential advantages if the plug-in is correctly coded and the DAW supports them. But I haven't seen any real-world differences yet. It used to be that some developers had issues with coding VST3, and in those cases you were better off sticking with VST2 for stability. But it's been a while since I had a VST3 related issue... Some things to consider: Legacy or end-of-life products that never released as VST3 will forever be VST2. New developers will only be able to release VST3. Some hosts (such as Cubase) may cease support for VST2 plug-ins.
  8. I think it's the "feeling" I get when playing Repro is that it just connects. It sounds like a real instrument, or something like that!
  9. Next up u-he synth for me will be the Zebra Legacy. Not in a hurry though, as I currently have a lot of other stuff to sink my teeth into before I tackle that one, LOL!!!
  10. I've got both the new Arturia Prophet-5 V and u-he Repro 1/5. The new Arturia Prophet isn't bad sounding, but... Repro blows the Arturia Prophet away, IMO! It's got more analog soul! And not just due to the Howard Scarr patches, although those are awesome. Hard to put my finger on, but it sounds much more organic.
  11. I never got past the demo of Hive. ?
  12. Make sure that the iRig audio input associated with that mic is selected as the input for the Cakewalk audio track, and that have you have also enabled "Input echo" on that track.
  13. The free Sitala drum plugin should give you that. https://hiphopmakers.com/best-free-808-vst-plugins#Sitala
  14. I was introduced to Genesis albums in the 70's during the Gabriel days, and became a fan. Have always liked Gabriel's voice. It's quite cool that he's collaborating with Brian Eno! A couple of outstanding music pioneers! Looking forward to good things to come!!!
  15. I once heard an orchestral composer describe his response when asked a common question of whether he could play every instrument in the orchestra. He responded yes he could, but poorly. Knowing how to write for an instrument is quite a different thing than knowing how to master the playing of it. Of course the composer added that to compose one needs to understand a bit about each instrument's performance characteristics and articulations, and it's role in the overall arrangement of the orchestra. I suppose any trick in the book is fair game if it helps you write music!
  16. "And Betty, when you call me, you can call me Al"
  17. Elon Musk has warned us about AI... ? https://www.cnet.com/science/elon-musk-ai-is-greatest-risk-we-face-as-a-civilization/
  18. I did not know! Very sad! BTW, how does one "lose" a YouTube channel? Edit: nevermind, I found your video explanation. At least you still have your sense of humor! Good luck with the new channel, and I hope that someone at Google/AdSense comes to their senses!!!
  19. Ultra-deep sampled analog synths... For those that live in a universe where disk drives grow on trees!
  20. Suggest that maybe edit your topic title to include more specific keywords regarding "CW engine loads on track FX vs. bus FX", rather than just the original "Improve Engine Load"??? I realize that you just uncovered this distinction in your session, but you really should update the topic title now. And if you want Noel to see this thread, you do it like this... @Noel Borthwick
  21. LOL! Good luck with that one! ?
  22. As far as I know this is a per project setting, rather than a global setting.
  23. Well, as Glenn implied above, it's not going to be quite as simple as obtaining a professional instrument to get you the sound of your favorite artist. "best guess - a bunch of synths etc and spending lots of time to remix and create..." Ableton Live is a popular tool used by professional musicians, DJs, and producers. Tons of free tutorials are available on the web. Here is a 5-part video tutorial series on how to make a track from scratch using Ableton Live Lite. While it's not totally free, Live Lite is often included in a free bundle with other software and hardware products. Not trying to say that Cakewalk or any other DAW cannot be used for this, but in order to do so you would need to collect various plugins and experiment with workflows to get it right. Live was designed to make this type of production workflow easier out of the box. https://www.ableton.com/en/blog/how-to-use-ableton-live-lite-making-a-track-from-scratch/ Making a beat Building a bassline Creating chords Sampling vocals Arranging and mastering
  24. Not exactly a Sound Canvas, but the KORG Collection Triton has GM sound banks, as well as the factory banks and expansions of the original Triton. The "Combi" mode is 8-part multitimbral. https://www.korg.com/us/products/software/kc_triton/ https://www.korg.com/us/products/software/korg_collection/specifications.php Plug-ins (Demo available? VST, VST3, AAX (Supported 64bit plug-ins only) Win/Mac ProTools 2022 compatibility.
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