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Everything posted by abacab

  1. abacab

    IK VI Group Buy

    If you start up SampleTank 4 it will show you what you have installed (or not) in the left hand library panel. Of course this is only useful for libraries that ST4 can load up, not for other items such as T-Racks or Amplitube, etc. If you see a download arrow on top of a library icon, that means you own it, but have not installed it yet. If you see a shopping cart, that means you have not bought it yet. [Edit] However I just discovered that the new ST4 expansions such as Clavitubes do not show up this way...
  2. https://www.cakewalk.com/Press/Release/1165/Cakewalk-Announces-New-SONAR-Session-Drummer-3 Kits-from-Andy-Johns-and-Neil-Peart
  3. It was actually replaced by Session Drummer 3 in Sonar 8.5. Still some time, though!
  4. That's probably true, but since we're talking 13 years difference in file formats, I would say at least make backup copies of your old projects before working in the current version. Just in case, you know?
  5. Here is a list of the included plug-ins with Cakewalk by BandLab: http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Plug-ins.1.html I don't see any Session Drummer included, only Studio Instruments Drum Kit. The other plug-ins you see are probably left over from a previous install of Sonar.
  6. I don't think that Cakewalk project files that have been saved in newer versions of the software are backwards compatible with older versions. I think it's always been that way, and not just with Cakewalk. Most vendors recommend that you save a backup of your old projects before you open and edit them in new versions of their software, in case you decide to revert to the old version of the software.
  7. Sonar 5 (all versions) and later were available as Sonar x64. Session Drummer 2 was included in Sonar 5 thru 8. Was that plug-in only available as 32-bit? Just curious, as my installs don't go back that far.
  8. abacab

    IK VI Group Buy

    Just 30%, or $3.00 off. So that's $6.99 to re-up. Fortunately that unlocks the sounds downloads for ALL of your IK products!
  9. I see that the latest H-Comp v11 is covered, but my previous Waves H-Series plugins are all v10. And it seems that Waves shows no love for them except for the convenient "renew coverage" option... for $54 for my H-Series bundle, or $130 for all of my Waves v10 plugins. ?
  10. abacab

    IK VI Group Buy

    You might want to consider imaging for your sample drive, unless it is way too huge. I have all of my samples and content on a 1TB SSD drive, about 60% used space. As long as I keep a current image of that I should never need to reinstall anything on that drive. Just restore the image and go!
  11. abacab

    IK VI Group Buy

    I believe that is close, if not completely correct. I recall reading somewhere that the cymbals are sampled. Which is why I said mostly modeled, and since I do not own either couldn't state with certainty.
  12. abacab

    IK VI Group Buy

    I've about come to the decision to no longer archive the IK sounds installers. I image my OS and sample drives regularly, so in the rare event that I would ever need to clean install, paying $10 to re-download the installers is certainly more cost effective than buying another drive to store them on.
  13. abacab

    IK VI Group Buy

    I agree. SampleTank 4 MAX has apparently "jumped the shark" as far as instrument sample storage is concerned. No complaints regarding the quality of these sounds, which are excellent, but it seems like it's time to explore more use of physical modeling technologies instead of uber sampling. I think we may have reached the limits of what is practical for sampled instruments and storage space in this latest version...
  14. abacab

    IK VI Group Buy

    I glanced at their requirements and they appear to require minimal space (compared to many of their other instruments). Most likely because the MODOs are mostly modeling based rather than sample based.
  15. I was just stating facts that could hopefully help someone that just stumbled onto this thread. Not trying to start a debate. And I have never seen an instructional video for Cakewalk beginners that didn't pile on too much up front, or leave something out. So would agree most of them fall short in some way. IMHO a DAW like Cakewalk isn't really ideal for absolute beginners, because it is so deep. But we all have to start somewhere, and the price of entry is quite attractive to those just starting out. ?
  16. Right, there are some 3rd party instruments that do, but in order to avoid confusing the matter, the OP's original statement was: The Cakewalk bundled instruments do not generate MIDI.
  17. As the plug-in itself is not a MIDI controller. Available MIDI controllers will show up in the track inspector or track header (including the virtual controller) as the available inputs to a MIDI /Instrument Track. That is where the real-time MIDI input data is routed to the instrument plugin (and MIDI track). A virtual instrument takes MIDI data in (live or pre-recorded), and generates sound as audio output.
  18. Translation via Google Translate:
  19. abacab

    IK VI Group Buy

    Same suggestion. Peruse the comparison list. Lots of nice samples in the MAX, but you may not need/want them all. I got a good deal on the pre-sale crossgrade to MAX from ST3. That was a no-brainer, but cost me a SSD upgrade on my sample drive to accommodate it all. One thing I could do without are the zillions of relatively anonymous Synth variations, basses, arpeggios, leads, pads, etc. instruments included in MAX (about 1/2 the instrument list, or 20 GB). I already have the full Syntronik, and I find them mostly redundant. But that doesn't take away from the exclusives to MAX, such as the very nice Stick Basses, Euphoniums, Flugel Horns, French Horns, Tubas, Nylon G guitars, J200 guitars, string Basses, Cellos, Violas, Violins, Alto Saxes, Flutes, the Red Strat Electric Guitar, plus any ST3 extras you may be missing. Otherwise the ST4 standard edition would offer a very nice upgrade to the SE edition, including the Black Les Paul Electric and a pedal steel guitar.
  20. abacab

    IK VI Group Buy

    I don't know. You be the judge whether you need the extra sounds. I will say some of them are quite good. Here's the comparison: https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/include/st4/soundlist/SampleTank_4_comparison.pdf
  21. The simple answer is playing the instrument with a mouse does not generate any MIDI data that can be recorded. That function is only for auditioning the sounds, not recording them. In reading through the thread that appears to be an assumption that this should work. It does not. You can generate MIDI data in real time with an external MIDI controller assigned as input to the track that the instrument is on, as well as by using the Cakewalk virtual MIDI controller or PC keyboard on that instrument track. Other options instead of recording in real time are to use pre-recorded MIDI loops, or to generate your own MIDI patterns in any of the following: the piano roll view, step sequencer, or staff view. All are time proven methods of recording MIDI for Cakewalk virtual instruments.
  22. That's why the guitar was invented. ?
  23. How many other synths use a similar method of sound generation? I think spectral filtering of samples is pretty rare... and for $10 a no-brainer! From iZotope Iris 2 Help Documentation: Etc.
  24. I read it again, and it's not really clear what you are asking for here. In a earlier post you stated that it was about bank/programs. Then in this latest post you said you are not asking for them. Do you just want to manage patch names? You clearly misunderstood the point that what I was trying to make. It's not the DAW's fault if the VSTi doesn't share program info with the host, it's entirely up to the VSTi developer to fix that. That was what I meant by it's not the DAW. It's the plugin. Still MIDI, but the other side of the fence. The only interface for this communication was baked into the MIDI standard decades ago. You may want to take a look at this project, VST and standalone: https://www.pluginguru.com/products/unify-standard/ It appears to be attempting to do something from the ground up that might be useful for managing VSTi. There is a demo version to play with. And I have been using Cakewalk for 20+ years and know all about Twelve Tone when it was MIDI only. I used to sequence external MIDI synths with that originally, so I am quite experienced with MIDI. I have moved on to VSTi at the present time. I generally still mostly do sequencing, and very little audio.
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