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Everything posted by abacab

  1. Not happening here, but if it was I would check MIDI channels, although I cannot see how this would affect only certain instruments in this scenario. I would presume either all or none would work, as Komplete Kontrol is not multi-timbral, like the Kontakt instrument itself is.
  2. Microsoft gave away Internet Explorer (IE or MSIE) with Win 95 in 1995 and which eventually crushed the business model of Netscape Navigator (begin the browser wars), a paid for (commercial use) internet browser by Netscape Communications Corp. This eventually led to Microsoft's antitrust trial. Firefox rose from the ashes of Netscape with Mozilla, after Netscape open sourced their codebase in 1998. The result being that internet browsers became available mostly as freeware. Then Google Chrome and others like Opera, etc. Of course all of this is highly oversimplified, and recommend reading the Wikipedia pages for MSIE and Netscape if interested in the historical details. The point being that giving away the right stuff can have a huge effect!
  3. Yes, all set in that regard. And waiting for November ... ?
  4. I do recall one last year, but I deferred on that deal... I have a Kontakt Player library that qualifies me for the Kontakt crossgrade price, but it would be nice to get that at 50% off, as was offered to me last time. This year's Summer of Sound doesn't seem to be the same. But they are teasing me with Komplete. ?
  5. I see that covers Komplete, but not Kontakt, unless I am missing something?
  6. I agree, especially with the shells. Waves, can you hear me!!! ?
  7. Just asking for a friend, when do you think the next 50% off deal on Kontakt 6 will happen?
  8. What about HALion? Seems to be in a similar position to Falcon. Not much 3rd party interest. But both Falcon and HALion have been judged to be excellent products.
  9. I see the point, but as far as I know all of the commercial sample library formats are proprietary, with the exception of some sound fonts and SFZ files. There may be some exceptions, but my view is that most commercial content creators benefit by protecting their sample libraries and hard work from theft by using proprietary copy-protected file formats, and linking them with a registered sample player. Of course, you or anybody else can create your own sampled instruments in SFZ format https://sfzformat.com/ and give them away if you wish. There are several players for that.
  10. Linux is not UNIX. It's only UNIX-like. I know, that's a technical point. But the current Mac OS actually is UNIX certified. I think you get that, but were only clarifying the previous poster's comment. However, the Linux platform has been fragmented because it is so open and can be customized to suit any purpose. Probably more choices than standards...
  11. abacab

    Rapid Synth

    There you have it! Let's see how long that commitment lasts, LOL! ?
  12. Hey man, I guess you didn't read my post a few hours ago where I said the same thing. ?
  13. Unless that was just a rhetorical question, I could serve up a possible reason for alternatives to those two. Some folks might prefer a lean synth or two rather than purchase bloated samplers and hybrid sampler/synths with enormous factory libraries. Different preferences, different needs... All good! ?
  14. Well, with the sales pressure at an all time low, it seems that the BandLab developers are hard at work cleaning decades of old Cakewalk code! ?
  15. abacab

    Rapid Synth

    Thanks for the link ZT. I found this comment from last year when somebody quoted the vendor response to the question of VAT: Oh well, not going there... ?
  16. abacab

    Rapid Synth

    That's odd, because their website shows the sale price INCLUDES 20% tax...
  17. I have had my eye on Dune 3 as well. Seems to come highly recommended as possibly the best sounding synth today. Need to try the demo. I have also tried the demos of most of u-he's synths, and you cannot beat their sound quality! My last demo was for Repro, which I may even like that better than Diva! I have the cut down freebie one osc version of Zebralette, which is simple and sounds awesome, but never quite got along with the UI of the full Zebra itself, although it sounds terrific! Be interesting to see what a Z3 will be like (someday). All a bit too pricey for me, and that makes deciding on ONE u-he synth very difficult! I also have the cut down Beatzille freebie version of Bazille, which is a lot of fun! Would welcome them all, of course!
  18. abacab

    Rapid Synth

    I don't need another synth. I don't need another synth... ? (Just recently picked up Pigments, keep telling myself to learn that one first.)
  19. BandLab didn't get this for free - they paid Gibson for it. FIFY Agree with everything else that you said, also a Cakewalk user for 20+ years. ?
  20. I believe that Meng, the CEO of BandLab Technologies, https://bandlabtechnologies.com/ is a guitarist and music lover. Consider him a patron of the arts. ?
  21. abacab

    IK VI Group Buy

    ZT - Thanks for the breakdown! I think that due to sample drive space limitations, I may not have downloaded all of the expansions that I was entitled to at the time. Bummer that the ST4 MAX instrument content downloads have timed out for me! I may have to pay the re-activation toll to see what all I am missing! ? Here is the full list of content for each ST4 version: https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/include/st4/soundlist/SampleTank_4_comparison.pdf [Edit]: I just noticed that if you open up the ST4 UI where it shows your installed libraries in the left hand panel, the ones that you own, but haven't installed yet are shown with a download arrow icon overlaid on the library icon. Yikes! I'm missing most of the expansions! ?
  22. abacab

    IK VI Group Buy

    Ok, looking past the high ticket items like MODO and the Hammond, what are the best sound sets for ST4? I already have ST4 MAX, and Spaceport from the giveaway a while back. What are your favorites, if you have any of the others?
  23. Yay! Always wait for the x.x.1 release! And you can always install a new version side by side with the old one, to test and gradually migrate over. No ugly surprises that way. Also wise to make an extra backup of your old songs folder, as if you happen to save any in the new version, you might not be able to open it again in the old version.
  24. OXa is ok. I have the full Syntronik. But I think you would probably have more fun with the free OB-Xd, which was just released as V2. https://www.discodsp.com/obxd/ It's actually totally free, and the $49 'Buy' link is just for a donation to help support development. You can right click anywhere on the faceplate of the synth for a context menu to switch skins or banks, and the patches (.fxp) in the bank are selectable from the top of the plugin window in Cakewalk.
  25. Yes, that seems to be true. That's why it is always a good plan to download and squirrel away a good .iso version before MS releases the next latest thing. That's been a twice yearly event, Spring and Fall. I'm running the latest (2004, patched thru July) and it appears stable so far.
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