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Everything posted by abacab

  1. Here is Music Radar's take on the best VST plugins, as of last year. https://www.musicradar.com/news/the-best-vst-plugins-2020-the-finest-synth-drum-machine-sampler-and-effect-plugins-you-can-buy-right-now They are not free. Here are some that are free. https://bedroomproducersblog.com/free-vst-plugins/ For other free plugins, check out this list curated by forum members. >>> This... And this... >>>
  2. I would say a definite yes to Saturator X, as it show a reasonably low CPU load on my system (4%). I suppose it's something that you could insert on all tracks, if desired. I like the lunchbox style module that IKM has employed in ST4, and Mixbox, but the full T-RackS version has more options. However, the tape machines show an avg 19% CPU load each, so they are definitely something to be used on a separate bus, or even just as mastering tools. And Zo really likes the 24 for his kind of music. Can't argue with that, but the whole Tape collection offers something for diverse material. And they have an uncanny ability to "glue" things together. Saturation and harmonic distortion...
  3. Cinekinetik is way cool! Don't miss that one!
  4. Definitely the Saturator X. I have all 4 Tape machines now, but haven't really used enough to write a review. Here's a couple of reviews posted a couple years ago... https://soundbytesmag.net/review-tape-machine-collection-from-ikmultimedia/ https://www.musicradar.com/reviews/ik-multimedia-t-racks-tape-machine-collection If I had to pick just 1, I'd probably start with the Tape Machine 80, a replica of the Studer A80, with tape speeds of 15 and 30 ips. The 440 and 99 run at 7.5 and 15 ips, so may have more of a warmer, vintage character. And then there is Zo's video!
  5. The IKM MEMS Mic for the ARC system software is also compatible with Mic Room.
  6. And I ended up buying Tracy Collins' Steel, Resonator, and Fiddle last week. They are all awesome, but the Steel sure has "that" sound! ?
  7. You should start a game show called "Name that instrument". ?
  8. Some interesting sounds in this one!
  9. My "too good to pass up" offer for V Collection 8 (prior to the SQ80 release) was $249. And I only owned Analog Lab V and Pigments 3. Now Arturia wants to sell me SQ80 V for $49. So it looks like with that new deal you could be getting SQ80 V for $20.
  10. If you are not having success, then you are not doing everything properly. There are many good suggestions in this thread, but this topic has become a 2+ year old mashup of problems. and you are like the 10th person to add yet another problem to a thread that should have died a long time ago. There is no one size fits all solution for every problem. But rather than accusing this community of not giving an answer to YOUR problem, go RTFM and watch the getting started tutorial videos. Get comfortable with the Cakewalk basics. Then, rather than tailgating on an old thread with a "me too" post, please start your own thread, giving details about your setup, and a detailed step by step of what you have tried that did not work. Then somebody might be able to help you with YOUR problem. ? All the best!
  11. You are correct! I have mine placed about the same distance apart. I am using floor stands with adjustable height, that swivel easily. Turning mine just slightly inward from parallel seems to provide the sweet spot for the stereo image. If I want headphones, I'll just plug in my Sennheiser HD 280 Pro...
  12. The Ghost Hounds were influenced by Robert Johnson. https://americansongwriter.com/ghost-hounds-bind-the-blues-into-their-rock-n-roll-reverence-on-sophomore-lp-a-little-calamity/
  13. Will have to fiddle around with the fiddle some more this weekend! Distortion, chorus, and delay sounds juicy!!!
  14. Good luck with your new projects, TTF!!! Will miss your productions elsewhere! ?
  15. 1024, eh? What audio interface and drivers are you using?
  16. Hey @Simeon Amburgey, did Tracy ever reveal the model of fiddle used to record the samples for "The Fiddle"? It sounds very good!
  17. Thank you @Simeon Amburgey, for a great interview with Tracy Collins of Indiginus! I have heard lots of good feedback forTracy! My first experience with Indiginus was with the Amadeus Symphonic Library, that was a collaboration with Sonic Scores and Indiginus. I love the full symphonic patch that was requested by Tracy! So I was recently attracted to The Fiddle, and ended up with that, as well as The Resonator, and The Steel, in my shopping cart! Well done!!!
  18. Well then, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and buy it, LOL!!! Lots of folks are waiting for that chord track in CbB!!! Take one for the team!
  19. The Waveform chord track is not really needed for the Pattern Generator, which keeps up with the chords inside the generator section itself. In fact, that video tutorial was made prior to Waveform including an actual chord track. So the free version would include what you see in the video. The new chord track is more global, in that it can also be used with MIDI parts that are not controlled by the pattern generator, which was a drawback with early versions of Waveform. So yes, it's not a plugin, and you would have to export/import MIDI if you wanted to move back to Cakewalk. This was just presented as an example of a quick and easy way to generate MIDI patterns. For free. But that's why my preference today would be for the Scaler 2 plugin. Work within your DAW of choice.
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