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Everything posted by Zoukiman

  1. Thanks guys! Don't worry... we will celebrate ? Floris (FabFilter) — Apr 16, 2024 ... keep an eye on the website ? Floris (FabFilter) — Apr 16, 2024
  2. No birthday party ?!?! ? Come on ! ???? Let us celebrate! ??? ?
  3. No WF upgrade price for 11 and earlier!?! Crazy!
  4. April 2024 - 20 years anniversary... From the past ... April 14, 2014 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FabFilter is celebrating its tenth anniversary of creating powerful audio plug-ins with superb sound quality and innovative interfaces. The company is proud to toast this occasion by announcing a generous ten-day sale, with a discount of 40% off all bundles and plug-ins, from April 14 to April 24.
  5. Too good to be true? https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=8879349&sid=c490379bbd3777e1ba80b58cd320a9b6#p8879349 Arturia V Collection 8 $59.99 https://www.proaudiostar.com/arturia-v- ... 5hEALw_wcB Tried the paypal option and the site got blocked after payment so i could'nt get the product. Edit: Got my Money back now but i wish i could get it at that price.
  6. By the way... No one said that it will be the same deal 10 years later... It's a reference for what happened in 2014, right ? ?
  7. For 10 years ago... Soon then now, soon... FabFilter celebrates tenth anniversary milestone with one-time discount sale April 14, 2014 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FabFilter is celebrating its tenth anniversary of creating powerful audio plug-ins with superb sound quality and innovative interfaces. The company is proud to toast this occasion by announcing a generous ten-day sale, with a discount of 40% off all bundles and plug-ins, from April 14 to April 24.
  8. April just in a few days now... Will there be a... Miracle then ?!?! ? (I have resisted ! ?)
  9. Same here! Even at $29 I will not hesitate... ?
  10. I will wait patiently then... I think I can resist... I have to!!!
  11. Yes, >450MB (windows) for a "PAN" VST plugin... what the... But as they say "free" ?
  12. Yes Reason did... For a long time ago now, indeed...
  13. https://rhizomatic.fr/index.php/buyplasmonic/ $99 / €99 (normaly $149 / €149)
  14. well, google is your friend.... https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=595507 .... and so on ?
  15. Xils Lab plugins. https://www.thomannmusic.com/xils_lab.html Until 2024/01/14
  16. https://www.adamszabo.com/ Viper - A modern Virtual Analog beast! JP6K -The definitive Super Saw synth! Windows only! Christmas Discount To celebrate the holidays, there is a Christmas discount available! Use the code XMAS2023 on checkout until the 31st of December to get 25% off of any product! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  17. almost the same price as I gave for the VST plugin itself ($21) ?
  18. Thx! Just what I expected / "feared" ? And... I hate that "Looks like the upgr prices are the same as full price at mo for BF period"... Why no better prices for loyal customers, I really don't get it...
  19. OMG! THX! You're right, you're completely right! 90% on the full bundle! Crazy deal! And... don't forget to apply the 10% newsletter too! Unbelievable!
  20. For some weeks ago you could get anything at Hornet with 90%, on everything! Bundles included... Damn, I missed it ?
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