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Everything posted by Zoukiman

  1. FYI... Back on track! https://www.virus.info/downloads
  2. https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/software/solid-state-logic-ssl-native-flexverb I was so close to buy this one, last week deal... $25!!! ? But I forgot about it ?
  3. Hmmm, how do you get the $0 free crossgrade?!? Do you have to purchase 1 version at first, checkout and pay then add the other version while logged in and get it at $0?
  4. Still waiting for the Any 5 For $249 - 10 For $399 like in 2022... I missed it... ??
  5. Already own plug-ins included in Flow® Mastering Suite? Find out how this benefits you here. https://www.softube.com/support/faq-flow/faq_flow_mastering_suite
  6. Not dead... "The Access Virus website is currently offline for security reasons." ?
  7. Yee but what a joke ! I didn't upgrade from 11 to 12... Now I have to buy for a new 13 version, no upgrade pass ?‍? Crazy ?
  8. Will probably be part of the V Collection XI... If you can wait, can be a better deal ? ?
  9. OK, you registred 2 and the expiry went to 2026 automatically in your Bitwig account ? Right ? Tempting then, that a bunch of money to save... Next 50% will be in...??? ??
  10. Already bought one update plan for this year, July. Should I buy a second one for next year too ? Seems it should work as well? 50%, damn good deal...
  11. Re-read this thread from the beginning... ?
  12. Thx! And yes, that's my conclusion too by now ?
  13. OK, I may have found some answers here and there... but still blured... https://helpcenter.steinberg.de/hc/en-us/articles/6232567486098-Upgrade-voucher-in-MySteinberg-for-switching-to-Steinberg-Licensing and... https://helpcenter.steinberg.de/hc/en-us/articles/4413291566994-Steinberg-program-releases-still-supporting-eLicenser-technology OMG...
  14. I've read and re-read the different Steinberg references about eLicenser Service Closes Down in 2025... And I'm quiet confused... And I'm probably not the only one or? Please someone clarify for me and to others at the same time ? I have the following products on the USB-eLicenser: WaveLab Pro 11 (Upgraded to Steinberg Licensing) Cubase Pro 11 HALion 6 Padshop Pro Extension HALion Symphonic Orchestra (Box) Does that mean that all products expect WaleLab have to be upgraded to Steinberg Licensing (the new thing if I understand right?) "Fine" too for Cubase or Halion as I can move to the next level (upgrade, right?) But how do I do with Padshop Prod or Halion Symphonic Orchestra? I don't get it I have to say... Any help? Thx
  15. Steinberg guarantee yes, as I read it. But the usb hardware guarantee itself... Indefinitely? ??
  16. Please note that the KVR Marketplace has a minimum order value of $10.00. The cart total must be at least $10.00 before you can checkout ???
  17. Only missing a nice upgrade price from 1 to 2...
  18. Well, I don't know as the price is in € for me, but I had to tweak to get it at €16.57... As I remember ?
  19. And you even don't have to practice, don't need a guitar, just read the book... ? (by the way, if you are short on money, you just have to adjust the price down from 25 until it change from 18 to 11 books, then increase a litlle again and get them all 18 for 16.xx or something like that...)
  20. I do not know, I've just tried with the _bin ?
  21. ... it worked in fact! ? THX! 1. unzip the V. TI Suite .msi file 2. unzip the cab file 3. rename the f..._bin / _bin64 with .bin at the end 4. place the file in the same directory as for your OSTIRUS VST, start it 5. Working like a charm (TI2 ROM loaded)
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