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Everything posted by Amberwolf

  1. I don't know what's been done to it in the many years since the ancient version I use was made, but I do almost all my midi editing in the inline prv in track view. (mostly because I can clearly see aligntments of midi and auedio easily this way, as everyt89thing i do is a mix of both)
  2. Now has a name, "I'm Sure It's Nothing, But....", and is now on Bandcamp at https://amberwolf.bandcamp.com/track/im-sure-its-nothing-but Basic layout done; any feedback would be useful. No name yet; still waffling among several ideas (none of them feel quite right). Older version still here: https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14942877 Meant to be a bit mysterious, sparse bits of instruments among the base bass / percussion. EDIT(s): A number of significant edits made, mix changes, added parts and instruments, etc. Most recent version number at the bottom, first five versions at sounclick link, all more recent versions at bandcamp link at top. 2-13-25: 020825 000027h (first public version) 2-13-25: 020825 000039j 2-15-25: 020825 000044k 2-16-25: 020825 000048k 2-16-25: 020825 000054m 3-3-25: 020825 000058n 03-07-25: 020825 000001 100063p - cahnged from sonitus eq to lp64 eq to calm down the 35hz and lower by 24db. (is only 6db at 35hz, rolloff starts at 50hz AFAICT on the scale (hard to tell on it's gui), presumably is down by 24db by the time it hits 0hz. 03-11-25: 020825 000001 100072q: re-eq'd bassline, assorted edits of many parts, mix changes.
  3. Thanks! Any particular pieces that stood out?
  4. Did it work correctly before the ASIO4all was installed? (might not have anything to do with this problem, but it has caused so many others...) IIRC, you'd have to select the actual driver you're using in that bottom sectioni to see the settings for that driver. I think all you are seeing ATM is the ones for the ASIO4all because it's what is shown in the dropdown above them.
  5. How exactly are you using the VST? In which type of track? What type of track is feeding it, and what are that track's input settings? Is input monitoring enabled? Are the meters in the VST? ' Or are they in the track the VST is in? Or are they on your hardware, or a bus, or ??
  6. Does the crash dump point to any specific file, etc? BTW, most of the time on systems that autoupdate stuff, the problems start right after some update happened (that the user doesn't even usually know occurred), often to a driver, etc. (this is why all updating on all systems and devices I have is disabled, because if it's already working, there's no reason to change anything).
  7. Thanks--I do have a BL account but it won't let me login anymore--at some point they changed their system to require "continue with google", instead of just letting me login like I used to, so I can't use it anymore. (there's no error with my username or password, it is just insisting on an extra security that is completely unnecessary). If they ever fix that, then I can get on there to do this.
  8. in the ooption button to show velocity/etc, in prtv and tv-prv mode, therres anm ooption for hde muted clips. turn it off to ghost mnotes instead ogf hiding them
  9. Are any of the envelopes (automation) you can add for it in the track for the preset / program? If so, then you can just use the envelope to do this. Does the plugin accept MIDI controls? Is one of those for preset/program? If so, you can send it a MIDI command from a track that feeds it's MIDI input port/channel.
  10. I liiike this one! I can hear some other things that could go on in it... (some vocalizations, a few other things I'm not sure of yet). Would you mind if I played around with it by recording the SC into my system and adding some bits? Not sure how I could get it to you afterward, but we could figure that out, if you're up for it.
  11. Thanks! Which version did you listen to? Were you listening to the original version with a "beat" thru almost the entire thing, https://amberwolf.bandcamp.com/track/gareki or the alternate version that only has that in a few places? https://amberwolf.bandcamp.com/track/gareki-ii-alternate-version-cinematic-feel
  12. It's just not as sweet as the baby ruth theme song.
  13. Maybe the board they sell only has one connector on it?
  14. Yeah, I typically have a couple of dozen multibandeq's in a project, a dozen eq's, several delays, several reverbs, and may have other stuff in there too. Tha'ts just for the sonitus plugins.... some of the projects have a lot more eqs to notch out bits of some tracks to make room for other track sounds...
  15. Thanks! What images? (trying to learn how to give the ones I intend...) Which version did you listen to? Were you listening to the original version with a "beat" thru almost the entire thing, https://amberwolf.bandcamp.com/track/gareki or the alternate version that only has that in a few places? https://amberwolf.bandcamp.com/track/gareki-ii-alternate-version-cinematic-feel
  16. Or puppies. artists concept from my Being Still cover art, based on former realities: I like your repurposing of the fireplace.
  17. @Wookie: I sympathize greatly with you. I don't know if any of this helps, but... My dogs (all rescues, usually big ones, so many I have lost count; the last decade's worth from the SaintBernardRescue of Arizona) are my family, my "kids" as it were. I have lost so many dogs over the decades but it always hurts just as much each time, sometimes even more because I feel the loss of the others on top of the latest one(s), which happens more as time goes on. For now I still have JellyBeanThePerfectlyNormalSchmoo(ButAVeryStrangeDog) but who knows how long she'll be around (she takes antisieizuire meds 3x daily, but they don't know what causes her seizures; been almost year since they started and they're under control but...you never know with this stuff). (Becasue I don't know how mcuh I have left in me to handle this, I've been designing Snuggles The Wolf as a robotic companion that "wont' die", but I doubt I'll get that done before *I* do). The last ones I lost were Kirin in May of 2021 and then Yogi in June; I was knocked so far off axis that I was forced to go on leave from work for half a year to recover. Kirin was my special one, attached to me all the time, and I to her. I've only had a few that were truly that close, but she was the closest even of those. Yogi had been with me since about a yearish after I had lost my entire previous set of four in a housefire (one of whom was another super-close one), and it was like someoone had just cut my life off there, after having just lost Kirin.
  18. If you really need clips to always bounce to the full measure, etc., you can stick a controller event of a type / number that you know none of your synths/etc respond to (or that you know you want set that way anyway) at the tick(s) where you require the clip to start/end, so that no matter where the notes are relative to the measure boundaries, the clips will line up there. Just make sure you select the CC events with the notes when you bounce.
  19. What differences are there, mechanically, between the RME and the Audient? Are they both metal cases all-round? Or plastic? Or parts of each? Do they both use external "wallwart" type adapters, or does either have an internal supply that has a direct-connect AC cord? Or does either use a "brick" that has cords at both ends (one to wall, one to device)? Does either one use ground pins on their adapters? Or just two-blade types? Does the Audient have a built-in microphone? (perhaps for self-room-eq'ing, like an old 80s car amp I have around here by Gerhardt does) Or does it have some form of automatic level control or compander that automatically turns up the gain on all mic (etc) inputs when there's no signal so it can hear 'tiny" noises, and just turns that back down when an intended sound is actually being input.? If the problem you were hearing/seeing in the audio was induced electrical noise, you wouldn't hear actual drive spinning noise--the only way you can get that is an audio pickup of some kind. If it's the motor drive noise isn't from an audible source but is instead elecrical noise from the motors, it would be still be unusual for it to be picked up by the audio interface; there is a fair bit of shielding in the drive itself to prevent this from getting out, so whatever picks it up would have to be ungrounded/unshielded at some crucial point somewhere, and I wouldn't expect that with an interface. It might be possible for a ground-loop to induce noise in a signal. That might happen if the audient's case is also it's analog ground, *and* the computer's case is also it's ground...maybe. If that's the case then isolating either one's casing from the rack metal would interrupt that. If the noise is magnetic-field induced (highly unlikely); copper plate between the two things will help negate that. Does the problem happen when there are no cables plugged into any of the Audient's audio connections (just powered on and connected to the computer and whatever power supply it has)? What happens if you run the Audient's power adapter off a different circuit breaker than the computer?
  20. Her'es a previous thread about this that mayhave other useful info
  21. Thanks! Were you listening to the original version with a "beat" thru almost the entire thing, https://amberwolf.bandcamp.com/track/gareki or the alternate version that only has that in a few places? https://amberwolf.bandcamp.com/track/gareki-ii-alternate-version-cinematic-feel I don't have separate threads for them because I didn't want to pollute the forum after getting feedback on another one that i was posting too many versions and it was likely to keep me from getting feedback.
  22. FWIW, the most common cause I've seen wiht anyintermittent issue is a connector or wire failure, in decades of fixing things of all kinds--if it's got wires in it, they're usually the cause. usually at the contact itself--either the wire is not correclty crimped into it or it was crimped so hard it broke the conductiors at the back of the cotnatc, or the contact is spread so the open side doesn't fully mate with the pin side, or the side that's soldered to the board is not soldered correclty or at all. Sometiems the wire is borken somewhere alontg the length, usually at the back of a connector or at the board connection point, or at the entrance / exit of whatever casing the wire pases thru. it's not usually a copmlete break, just the conductor inside, and the isnluation looks good but sometiems has some physical difference to working wire.s
  23. There was a time when SCSI was the only way to get the speeds of both drive access / seek time and data transfer rates to/from the computer, but the last couple decades has seen that rapidly fade. The decade-plus-old 1TB spinny-type SATA drive in my equal-age laptop works faster, far quieter, lower power, and around an eighth the physical size of the 100gb? (maybe it was only 10gb?) 10,000rpm SCSI spinny drive that a friend of mine spent a fortune on to get a video editing system able to actually stream the data realtime...which it could just barely do. I don't know what modern SCSI drives can do, relative to the SSDs or even spinny SATA drives of today, but the one I have with the 16gb of ram I've got in the ancient laptop lets me use enough audio clips and audioloop tracks to do the stuff on my bandcamp site without problems in playback, while also sometiems recording more tracks with the mic or guitar. Not sure if this article is helpful, but it has some comparisons and explantions that include scsi https://www.ibm.com/think/topics/ssd-vs-nvme
  24. Although you may have the same number of cat fights going thru either one... /end OTness
  25. I usually have to keep mine below zero for that to happen.
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