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Everything posted by Amberwolf

  1. If you bounce the clip it creates a new file for the new clip. Open the clip properties dialog and it should have info there on which specific file this one is, so you can be sure not to delete it when you clean out files you don't want.
  2. Just for the sake of trying it, I rearranged some of the clips and tracks of A Peek Over The Wall so I could just mute out all the bassline and most of the percussion, leaving just the slow stuff and accents, to make a "closer to ambient" version, over here: To really become ambient it would need quite a bit of changes, and an underlying unifying bed-sound I haven't decided on. It would need to not only fit what's there, but also fit the idea behind the song. In that show, the opening is full of rushing air / wind as someone falls and falls and falls in their cocoon dream, so, probably that kind of thing, so there's a temporary bed of wind sound. I'm still working on the original "ambient beats" 😆 version but the above will probably be the basis of an extended full-on ambient version of it.
  3. I don't have access to Next, so can't test this, but in the other Cakewalks (CbB and Sonar and older stuff) you can transpose inside the clip properties dialog (audio stretching tab IIRC) for either audio or midi clips. I would expect Next to have *some* way to do this, even if it's destructively processing it (via a menu transpose function or whatever) rather than that way. EDIT: google https://www.google.com/search?q=tranpose+clip+in+"cakewalk+next" says there's a manual here https://bandlab.github.io/cakewalk/docs/Cakewalk_Next_User_Manual.pdf but searching on "transpose" only shows a way to do what seem like individual midi notes. So you may not have the functions that the other Cakewalks have?
  4. Yes, for those who don't have multi-output drum synths, this would be useful to auto-split their drumtrack to separate instances of that same drum synth to effect different parts of the kit differently.
  5. Thanks! It's meant to be mysterious so it's good that came across; the idea is that one of the Haibane (kind of a ghost but not exactly; they dont' know who they were) in Guri (kind of a purgatory but not exactly) climb to the top of the wall surrounding the area, and see whatever is outside that (which is never shown or described, though a few things are implied by things that happen in the show).... Yeah, it's not really ambient (I started out trying to do that, but "couldn't help myself" after hearing some of the other clips available in the sets... 😊 After playing around with it I think I'm going to "branch" it into two "forks" (like software) and have this one and then one that's really ambient using the same main sounds and themes...but I haven't started that one yet. I took the whole bass track down by about 9db, and the bus down by 6db and the mix into the percussion/bass subbus down another 3db. Does that help? I have severe tinnitus (which only gets worse over time) so it's hard for me to hear a bunch of things in the higher frequency bands, and it can cause me to make some poor mixing choices even outside those bands (since it's not just the specific frequencies I can't hear, it's the overall whining/buzzing in my head that distracts me 24/7 from all the rest of it too). FWIW, I don't really like that kind (well, amount) of bass either, that shakes the ground for blocks around. (the actual sound, I don't mind, it's the earthquake-level power they use in those sound systems that makes it a physical assault upon everyone around them for blocks. I don't have a system that can do that, and I doubt that any of my speakers or headphones can even reproduce those frequencies, so I don't really know which things cause them. I've got EQs on every track and the master bus taking multiple passes of -18db on everything below 20hz, as someone on the untitled WIP said that every song I'm making has huge amounts of those frequencies that are taking up energy in the track but are things you can't hear anyway, But it doesn't change the Voxengo SPAN results at all, no matter how many of those I stack or where...so I have no way of telling what is going on down there. If I can find a different free spectrum analyzer that does work at the low end, I can put it in Audacity (which now loads VSTs) and export the SONAR results as individual tracks, then look at them in Audacity to see which ones have the problem, then play with filters until I find a fix, then apply that fix within SONAR.... (long story, can't see any new vsts in SONAR, can't fix that without breaking existing ones, there's a discussion in another thread here somewhere about it already, no need to worry about that here). Interestingly there is no flute or any other wind instrument (other than processed human voices in the clips from the Cymatics sets; I'm guessing one of those must be what you're hearing). It *is* supposed to be "high up" in that it's on top of a high "city wall" looking down on the unknown landscape / etc below. I reduced the percussion by about 6db overall, and some things more than that. Does it help?
  6. Some places have "ambient beats" as a category to put on what you upload. I have no idea what category to put my music under. I don't know what it is--I don't listen to much of anything out there anymore, so don't know what's similar. I tend to just call it MotionPictureScenes, since that's what my mind does--it makes sounds to go along with scenes in my head.
  7. Yeah, it's not really ambient (I started out trying to do that, but "couldn't help myself" after hearing some of the other clips available in the sets... 😊 After playing around with it I think I'm going to "branch" it into two "forks" (like software) and have this one and then one that's really ambient using the same main sounds and themes...but I haven't started that one yet. I replied to the rest in the thread for the song to keep all the info together for later reference. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/topic/83167-a-peek-over-the-wall-wip-looking-for-feedback/ EDIT: forgot to add that the updated version based on this and other feedback is also up there.
  8. See this post for the results of one thing I tried out last week; worked for that song: (mostly quoted from that thread: ) I started it because I was having trouble hearing anything i needed to in the untitle4d WIP so i forced myself to (mostly) just use sounds out of the "beta" free packs from Cymatics.fm, and to do what I could to misuse them by layering any loops so they are from different "sets", if there were "stems" I used them from different sets too, with a few exceptions, to make me make decisions I probably would not otherwise have done. Wherever loops came from the same set, I misaligned them on purpose so they wouldn't be "as-designed", and chopped out bits as needed to make things fit what I heard in my head as I listenened to the results. Added fx to some (including Acmebargig's Shred to some of the guitar bits after rearranging the chopped up pieces of those). Except the bassline, which is created using some of the midi clips supplied with some of the stemmed clip sets, then edited / cleaned up to play a Z3TA2+ synth with an arp. I also "splattered the canvas" with various sounds first, dropping things into the tracks (using a template made from the untitled WIP)
  9. Might not apply to modern versions, IIRC the Shift key held down while scrolling changes the resolution in my ancient SONAR.
  10. If you google around, there are a few "free" recovery utilities, though some of them charge to actually recover the data they find. This is the first hit on that search https://www.lifewire.com/free-data-recovery-software-tools-2622893 I highly recommend doing the download on a different computer, and running it from a USB stick or cd/dvd. Anything you download or install onto the computer you're trying to recover has a chance of overwriting the data you're trying to save. Just using the computer causes drive writes and file creations/etc., each of which has a chance of overwriting that lost data.
  11. Jkoseattle, you probably won't like it based on your most recent posts above, but I went ahead and started trying to work on something kind of like what I'd like to do, though atm it is still on the way toward that.
  12. if new sonar is like my ancient one, you hold the shift key while moving the selected nodes / segments, and it's locked to vertical movement only. You can also change your snap to move-by / measure and be zoomed in far enough so movements aren't going to snap to either side, if the shift modifier doesn't work.
  13. Thanks--i'm still working on it, but got stuck so have been working on this one to get my mind off things i can't figure out and let it percolate back there instead. Thanks--I started poking at these things, but am stuck as noted above, so iwll come back to it once i can hear stuff in it clearly again. i have some thoughts but i'm wiped out atm so will post them later.
  14. A Peek Over The Wall https://amberwolf.bandcamp.com/track/a-peek-over-the-wall-wip This is related to a (very good) anime called Haibane Renmei; imagine one of the Haibane sneaking up Guri's wall, and getting a look outside.... This one I started because I was having trouble hearing anything i needed to in the other WIP (see link below) so i forced myself to (so far) just use sounds out of the "beta" free packs from Cymatics.fm, and to do what I could to misuse them by layering any loops so they are from different "sets", if there were "stems" I used them from different sets too, with a few exceptions, to make me make decisions I probably would not otherwise have done. Wherever loops came from the same set, I misaligned them on purpose so they wouldn't be "as-designed", and chopped out bits as needed to make things fit what I heard in my head as I listenened to the results. Added fx to some (including Acmebargig's Shred to some of the guitar bits after rearranging the chopped up pieces of those). Except the bassline, which is created using some of the midi clips supplied with some of the stemmed clip sets, then edited / cleaned up to play a Z3TA2+ synth with an arp. I also "splattered the canvas" with various sounds first, dropping things into the tracks (using a template made from the other WIP over here I don't know if it will get longer; there are some sections I would like to expand on but don't yet know what I'd be doing with them, and i'm wiped out and can't concentrate ATM. EDIT: previous versions: https://www.soundclick.com/amberwolf/?more=14900124 https://www.soundclick.com/amberwolf/?more=14901375 https://www.soundclick.com/amberwolf/?more=14901398 https://www.soundclick.com/amberwolf/?more=14901402 https://www.soundclick.com/amberwolf/?more=14901406 https://www.soundclick.com/amberwolf/?more=14901818 https://www.soundclick.com/amberwolf/?more=14901819 https://www.soundclick.com/amberwolf/?more=14905850 https://www.soundclick.com/amberwolf/?more=14905853 https://www.soundclick.com/amberwolf/?more=14905852 New version 2, 120524 000001 000030h -- mix edits, arrangment tweaks, etc New version 5 120524 000001 000046l previous versions still up at the sounclick links in the first post. Main changes: removed bellchime intro measures to go straight into the piano, reduced bass a lot, reduced percussion some, effected some percussion clips (reverb to push back in stage). (details in one of hte replies belwo) I also added two string tracks, one Dimension with Full Tremolo strings, the other SI Strings Detache Strings, with hand drawn (snap off for "feel and movement") versions of some of the vocal melodies as backing accents in various places. Synth track volume automation was used for dynamics to "draw up" some notes after they start to go along with the vocal dynamics, or in some cases to contrast with them. Just for the sake of trying it, I rearranged some of the clips and tracks so I could just mute out all the bassline and most of the percussion, leaving just the slow stuff and accents, to make a "closer to ambient" version : https://www.soundclick.com/amberwolf/?more=14901552 To really become ambient it would need quite a bit of changes, and an underlying unifying bed-sound I haven't decided on. It would need to not only fit what's there, but also fit the idea behind the song. In that show, the opening is full of rushing air / wind as someone falls and falls and falls in their cocoon dream, so, probably that kind of thing, so there's a temporary bed of wind sound. I'm still working on the original "ambient beats" 😆 version but the above will probably be the basis of an extended full-on ambient version of it. New version 7 120524 000001 000057p Cleaned out unnecessary bassnotes that trigger the arp, and transposed the remaining ones in various places to match vocals or complement them. Added wind fx (same as that used in "ambient" version) at beginning and just barely in the background during the break. Other minor edits and timing tweaks, various mix tweaks. I've been poking around at mixing tweaks, and ran into a wierd issue that took several days to figure out the cause of; the cause is listed at the end, in case anyone ever runs into this, but it's wierd, and doesn't make any sense to me. It's quite likely that whatever wierdness caused it isn't even present in current versions of Sonar, but I don't have those to verify, so this is just archival info partly so I can refer to it later if I ever run into the issue again. Removing some unused empty archived tracks (mostly MIDI) suddenly caused all synths to stop receiving any MIDI from their tracks. The MIDI tracks feeding them all had signals on their MIDI meters, so they were outputting data, but none of the synths were receiving any. The synths would work if I played them from their internal keyboards in their GUI, but not from any clips on any track, even re-routing tracks to other synths, or inserting new synths, or deleting all synths and making new synth tracks, etc. Same for the MIDI tracks--I even made new tracks to route to existing (and later new) synths, and drew in notes that should've worked, but didn't. Undoing all the way back to the original empty archived track deletions did fix it.... but nothing about those tracks could affect the others, even if they weren't archived they had no data on them, etc. Certainly shouldn't make all synths suddenly unable to receive midi data. Redoing the deletion, then changing the midi buffers in Global prefs from the 25ms I always use (without issues) to 250ms (because adding a zero was fast and easy) also fixed it, but anything less than 250ms would not work, even though the projects all work fine with a tenth of that (except for this one after the track deletion). So I deleted the empty archived tracks one at a time until I found the specific one that did it, and it had two disabled MFX in the bin--Track Doorman by TenCrazy, and Quantize by Cakewalk, in that order. Removing TD would cause all synths to not work, but removing Q didn't affect anything. Neither should affect anything, as neither one is in an active track, and this track is archived as well as empty. Adding a TD to the track doesn't fix the synths, *only* undoing the original TD deletion. Tried rerouting the track midi output to all possible ports, channels, but still deleting the TD or the track would nuke the synths MIDI again. Moving the TD to *any* MIDI track in the project, active, inactive, archived, empty, or with data, still allows the project to work as normal...and removing the empty archived track doesn't then cause any issues. No other TD (existing or added now) causes this problem when removed...just this one. 😕 So I just left the disabled TD in one of the tracks, and the project works fine...but I have no idea how removing a disabled MFX (that was in an empty archived track!) could break all MIDI in a project. Back to the irregularly unscheduled updates of the track, now that I can work on it again. New version 10 120524 000001 000085y Assorted minor edits and mix changes, replaced some shakers with dog pants from JellyBeanThePerfectlyNormalSchmoo, added some crow sounds. I couldn't get JellyBean to pant in time with the notes so used Audiosnap and dragged the markers around as needed to fit. Timing not perfect yet but had to move on for the moment; couldn't listen to the looping of the short section anymore tonite. 😢
  15. Not strictly true. You can still use the older versions (as long as your computer system is compatible, as mine is with even a really ancient version), you just can't get updated versions without the subscription.
  16. Unfortunate that the paying customers are the ones punished (by having to deal with all sorts of issues from the copy protection methods of various companies) for other's misdeeds. Especially since the ones causing the problems are just going to hack it so it still works for them without paying for it, so all the stuff that still punishes the paying customers just slows down the pirates, from what i've seen in google searches over the years when this topic comes up. I certainly understand the money issue...but I disagree with the ways many companies have gone about protecting their stuff because of the problems it creates for legitimate paying users. //end rant
  17. well, that requires selecting the event (clip) and opening the event inspector (unless that's something in new sonar taht's not in mine--mine i have to open clip properties, then go to the tab for times/pitches/stretches, check the box to enable either looping or pitch/tempo changes, then do the transpose, then close the properties dialog (because it's modal), for every clip i'm experimenting with...which really slows down the workflow and gets me out of the groove of creating). if i had a key shortcut i would be ablet o just tab from clip to clip and key up or down while looping a section to see what it sounds like.
  18. this kind of music sounds like what i used to make before i had any form of sequencer available (in the device or a computer), and just used some salvaged reel-to-reel decks and cassettes to record things to and loop and dub, back in the 80s. i haven't really done the kind of stuff i originally did in quite a while, so this thread is prompting me to try going back to that. i did a lot of it (have boxes of tapes that probably can't be played anymore) and was what i would sit down and play just one part of with usually just one keybaord (usually a little toy yamaha psr and later added a tg33 bolted to the top as a parallel sound source), at scifi conventions in the hallway or lobby or consuite, and sometimes had a little crowd. poeple sometimes asked me when i would release a tape, but i didn't have money for that. i got more complex with stuff once i got my used ensoniq eps16+ because it had an 8 track sequencer/editor in it, started trying stuff with drums and beats and songlike stuff, inspired by a local alternative rock band called the narrow way that i sometimes was a sort of roadie for to help setup/teardown. some people that had been my audience before still liked my new stuff, some didn't. at cons id play usually more of the old type of stuff cuz it's hard to do multitracking in that environment since i have to make everything up as i go along (can't play the same thing a second time; i can't learn/memorize stuff like that). i eventually released a cd (the uncommon ground cd on http://amberwolf.bandcamp.com ) but it didn't sell even to those that had asked, but it had neaerly all new-style stuff, not really much of anything that was the older ambient type stuff i started out doing. i couldn't really get any answers from anyone in the audiences as to which type of stuff they'd prefer, though. i haven't played outside the house in a very long time (couple decades?) and couldn't do it anymore with the style i do now, but the more complex stuff i do these days i put up on the internet, and few people listen...maybe if i went back to my "roots" i'd get a bigger audience? (i'd do the music even if no one heard it, but any creator / artist wants their stuff to be experienced by others...it's part of the ego that makes us do what we do, i think)
  19. if it's not already in sonar nowadays, you could ask for the keystroke to transpose audio clips up/down. that was pretty handy in p5. been too many years so don't recall exactly, but it might've been ctrl+ / ctrl- ; i think it worked in realtime during playback/looping (many (most?) things in p5 worked realtime, which was really useful for messing around and grooving to come up wiht stuff; i'd usually take the idea over to sonar to build from there if it was any good....hmmm...tempted to install it and see if it still works in win10 to mess around with all the audio loops i have made, downloaded, and bought, these days).
  20. can't happen. besides, wherever i go there will be "people" like this, and if there arent' when i get there they would move in. do i just run away forever and never have a home?
  21. so the loud party has basically been going on for four days now. tehy haven't yet gotten back as loud as they were for the first 10-12 hours, and they haven't done the earthshaking bass for more than a few minutes here and there, but they just won't stop. they have paused now and then--for instance they weren't doing it when i went to work this morning, but they had already started again before i got home. it's hardly ever never gone on this long before, but i'm about at my rope's end. now there is a second party that started earlier tonite and it's actually louder than the first one, though thankfully it is apparently live music and they don't seem to have an earthshaking sub, but the trumpets and vocals are loud enough to hear even thru my block walls, doublepane windows, and the thick foam blocks in the windows...and they don't seem to be at their max volume yet as it gets louder every few minutes. really wish someone could do somethign about these *****ers, since they obviously don't give a flying ***** about anyone else.
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