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Everything posted by Grem

  1. You can get the two newest Abbey Road plugins, AR Chambers and AR TG Mastering Chain, for the price of one of these plugins at everyplugin.com using the above code! $43.73! No-Brainer!!
  2. Go on....elaborate. Unless it involves a can of worms! : )
  3. I'll never forget the first time I heard PFDSOTM on CD. The first thing I heard was a faint sound of a heartbeat, that slowly came into focus. Not the crackle and rolling sound of a needle running through grooves imprinted in vinyl, or the steady hiss of graphite against a tape head!! I wrote a song about the debate of vinyl/CD. And as much as I loved albums, give me CD any day.
  4. Was wondering the same thing
  5. If I am not mistaken, bands and producers tried to get the album length to stay below a certain time due to the quality of the music. If the album was real long, the grooves had to be made smaller. This sacrificed the ability of the grooves to carry the full frequency of the music, especially the bass.
  6. Limp Bacon!!! Ewe!! Gotta be crisp!
  7. Thanks to your Father for his lifetime of service and to you and your family for the sacrifices made that allowed your dad to serve our country and it's citizens. God Bless you and your family in your time of this great loss.
  8. Hey Rico, I knew that it was just the kick you use the DR on, and I was listening for anything out of place on just that kick and I didn't hear anything!! Like I said, great job!! Tools can do wonderful things when placed in the right hands!
  9. Matthew, I really like that plugins that are in the fx bin, and I have them off, their color turns red!! If I remember correctly, way back when the Skylight UI came out, this was a major discussion on the forums because the default colors are hard to tell if the plugin is off/on. Good work!
  10. Thank you Matthew. I am using the Soft/Segmented/Dark. Looks good.
  11. I am pretty sure "layers" turned into "Take Lanes" a while back.
  12. Great job Rico! I never noticed (yet, half way through song) the singer's mixer showing any signs of distortion. Sound like some of that 'paid for' harmonics that we add!! Good video too. And you used the DR? If you wouldn't have siad anything I would have never known. Excelent job.
  13. Thanks for the glimpse John and Jyoti!
  14. Thanks for the heads up Steve. I was going to jump, decided not to. I looked long and hard at the deal which is really great if you meet the requirements. I just had to be honest with myself. I have MPB2 and a license for O7A, and have not used them as much as I thought I would. Though I studied what is offered, just could not justify. So I closed FF and played some guitar. The GAS almost got me!
  15. So sorry to read this John. Will think of you later in thought and heart.
  16. Ok John, it's past 12 and I'm still waiting!! I spit coffee all over when I read this! Still laughing!! Rare indeed!
  17. I noticed that the picture of him using the 'Balck Strat' is not the 'Black Strat.' The one in his hands (in the pic) has an rosewood fret board. Anyone notice this? Totally agree. I mean they may pick it up and stum it a few times to say they 'played DG guitar' but not much more than that. I am a guitar 'collector' in that I buy what I want, and don't sell it. I also use it. It's why I bought it. The people who buy these guitars are the real deal 'Collectors' in that is will sit somewhere hoping to increase in value.
  18. I stated: And sound just as good as anything out there. I stand by that statement. Thank you for your contribution to this thread. : )
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