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Everything posted by Grem

  1. Limited in what it can do for sure. But it can get the job done at a no-brainer price!!
  2. Wasn't we just talking about this? : )
  3. Yeah, but considering what you are able to do with it, why upgrade!!? You still remember how to use 8.5? : )
  4. Take it easy now!! Don't want you to over do it!! We expect another album to fulfill your obligations (contract!).
  5. You can add the correct vst folders where your plugins are in CbB. It should pick them up if it knows where to look.
  6. I haven't done that yet!! LOL!! : ) That I know of....
  7. Does that mean you s..... never mind. Bad joke!!
  8. I am drinking coffee as I write this! Love me some coffee. And becan!!
  9. Yep.... to rich for my blood too!! Unless I win the lottery soon! : )
  10. Maybe you were in comping mode and it keeps thinking (and acting) like your selecting portions of the clips to comp. Can you change to sound on sound and see if it acts better? If not can you get a recipe for a repro and submit it? I also come across some strange stuff using take lanes when trying to edit the takes as I would a regular trek. But have not been able to get any reproducible steps to submit.
  11. Man that's a nice setup. I thought I had it made with my 27 inch screen. I need to get one of those monitor extension stands.
  12. Sound good for sure. Looks really good too!! Wonder how much?
  13. Yeah Mike, the apps ain't gonna do it for you. I am larger now than I have ever been in my life. At my age, that ain't good. And it was all the stuff at night (well, some of the stuff during the day too!!). I find eating healthy stuff, like fruit and nuts (in moderation) helps curb the munchies. And I haven't smoked in many many years. So my weight gain was not drug induced either!! LOL : ) Also eating smaller portions meals five and six times a day helps also. Look at your palm. That's a portion for you. Green leafy veggies are also good to eat almost as much as you want. Eating that often helps keep the munchies away. When you start feeling hungry, it's almost time to eat! It also helps keep your metabolism fired up.
  14. You serious? What kind of stand is it on?
  15. Now that's a dang good question!! Why use Reason at all?
  16. I thought about buying one of these back in the early days. But damn they wanted way more money than what I thought it was worth. Looking back now, what a fool I was!! The money I would have spent on that would have saved me so much in frustration and work arounds. Also given me much better results than what I ended up with. Hind sight is everything! Sorry for going off topic.
  17. I am really surprised at how much Yamaha and Roland start a product that is by no means cheap, and just one day, drop support for it. At one time I really had a lot of respect for these two companies. Not so much anymore. I have been reading about Linux for years. I have never dipped my toe into the Linux waters. But I have always been one of the guys on the side cheering them on! Always hoping for something to start this big movement toward the free open source OS. Hasn't happened. As as time goes on it likely won't happen because And not only for audio, for everything else also. Except surfing the web. But you got to give it to Linux for taking the server market. They got that by the a$$. Even with MS might trying to force it's way into the lead, it has fallen short. I don't think they have given up, but certainly even they see the writing on the wall, no? : )
  18. Agreed. Those are all good plugs for the asking price of $49. Get it here: https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products.html
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