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Everything posted by Grem

  1. Haven't done that either!! I thought I was bad. Thank you gentlemen!!
  2. With WinDirStat I have found two file on my Surface Pro. Both about 8gb in size, and both named "Unknown". I have tried to delete these files and can't seem to do it. I will have to check the hibernate status on here.
  3. I don't go up there much at all, in fact, the only thing I have ever read about "That Folder" (in CW sponsored forums) was in the CH forum. [edit] Until today. : )
  4. Automatic Authorization!! What a gimmic!!
  5. OR something you would find in "That Folder!"
  6. My first was Voyetra Digital Orchestra. It came bundled with a Ensonix sound card. I had no idea what to do with it. In the process of looking for help for VDO, I found the Cakewalk News Groups. And then someone helped me get started with Professional Audio 6 (Pro Audio was top of the line back then). Didn't go to PrAudio till version 8.
  7. Interesting read. Before I sign anything, I want a lawyer to look at it with an eye out for who ends up with the copyrights and publishing rights. Man I am so glad I didn't get caught up in that s**t when I was younger. I would have gotten chewed up and spit out. No telling where I would have ended up.
  8. I like the Grid Slammer pedal he has. Sounds good. I got a real Grid Slammer and he nails it. I also got the Tri-Axis. Really like that sim.
  9. Grem


    Mmmmm good! My precious!!
  10. Jude, I use a style call JamStix Classic. You can find an explanation in the manual at 18.2.2 It's under Special Styles. If you need help finding it, let me know. When I have a new song, I will use this to make a general beat. It was hard for me to put my head around this very simple UI, but it has unbelievable potential! Seriously. For the kick, you will see the green dots on the first and third place, which represent beats. For the snare green dots on the two and four. Both on the top row. Start up transport in CbB and just listen. Very simple. Adjust tempo of CbB to what you need. Now as it's playing, on the kick add a dot right under that first dot. See what you got now!? Add a beat under the second beat on the snare now. See what starts to develop? : ) Adjust the slider to the right of the beat you want to limit the amount you want it played. Now drop down and start playing with the Hi Hat style. See? Now adjust the Open setting. Sweet! OK, now hopefully you got something that you can work with, but it'smay not just be quite right. Drop down to the bar editor and select the first Bar. Select the second drum hit, and adjust it's timing to the left. Hear that? That's where the "feel" for me comes in. I can adjust this to be just like I like it. I can make it push, or lay back. But there's more!! Now you got several Bars fleshed out just like you want it, you feeling the grove. Now save these bars as a new style!! Then you can use this style to create the song your working on!! It will generate an INtro, a Verse, Pre Chorus, Chorus, Bridge.... ect!! But there's more!! Now you got your song set as a style, and you have generated the general format of the song, now you can further adjust the feel, power, repetitions, and... you get the idea. But, yes there is more!! Now that you got your song going, try different drummers and it changes things up, but stays on the style you want. Yes there is much more. I am only touching the tip of the iceberg here. When you factor in that you can do what I just explained for the Accents and Fills, it's really unbelievable.
  11. Let us know what they tell ya.
  12. If you want to use Jamstix, you have to read the manual. Your not going to get anything like it's full potential out of it unless you read that manual. Read it, play around with JS, read the manual some more, play with JS some more, and keep repeating!! Be aware the it has Save Points feature. Use it excessively!! [edit] Let me state I have nothing against the videos. Watch them after you read the manual. Read the manual after you watch the videos!! : )
  13. Grem


    I was thinking of staying out of this one too!!
  14. Well, I am thinking that the design of it makes it different in that the way it creates filters don't produce any of the "unwanted characteristics" of regular EQ's. However, they do mention 'Vintage" and "Tube" sounds, which to me spells "unwanted characteristics" of regular EQ's! So I am not so sure. Curious certainly, but not at that price. There is a 14 day demo. May try it out.
  15. I think he just wanted to get up on a soap box and scream: LOL!! : )
  16. So am I! So I grabbed this one too!!
  17. PA is still sending out the Vouchers. As of last month, I have still received the $75 voucher at the beginning of the month for a while now. I have expected to have this voucher to decrease in value since the beginning of the year, but it hasn't. I don't know what their present policy is on vouchers, my point is that my voucher hasn't changed in months.
  18. I been waiting for a deal like this on the Townhouse comp. I'm going for it while it's still in stock!! : ) Got it for $29!!
  19. Dark Roast Community Coffee. CAF from Black Rifle Coffee Company
  20. I would have to sell a awful lot for an awful long time!! : )
  21. Sure was. That's what I was saying when I posted this:
  22. Agreed. Now he can devote time to innovation. Something he undoubtedly would rather do.
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