I agree with Southpaw. All I have is a i7 2600K, And I still use these plugins. Not on every trk, but alomost on every project on a buss at the very least. Haven't used the TG Mastering plug much, so IDK about that one. And I don't us Chambers much. I prefer AR Plates with maybe some delay if needed.
@Zo - love that R56!
That was before it went to the vote. By that time it had changed so much. If I am remembering correctly, we were supposed to be able to do it on a post card!
Hit the nail on the head right there.
I came close several times to getting the large MDrummer. I knew I would have to devote a lot of time with it though. And I have gotten to a point now where I don't want to learn something else to be able to write a song. I've done enough of that. So much so that my song writing has taken a nose dive to the bottom of the pit. So I made a decision to get back to why I got into this in the first place, writing songs.
After making that decision, I had to make my GAS go away. It's mostly gone now, but still creeps in every now and then. It helps to look. A lot. Just don't put it in the cart!! : )
And I still look at MDrummer!
I watched part of the video and like Jesse, I think it has a unique way of making up some beats. Which could inspire someone to create, which is the idea.
However, I'm not one of those people.
If it intergrates well with CbB, that's another big plus.
AFA AD3, we may be SOL.