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Everything posted by Grem

  1. That's why I thought of the double sided tape. I will use it to put it in my studio. But I already know I will have to do repair work when/if I have to move them.
  2. @PhonoBrainer Did you use Gorilla Glue for the Velcro stuck to the wall? Nice studio.
  3. I have used the double sided tape to put sandpaper on wooden blocks to use for sanding. My thought was to just remove the sandpaper when I needed to change grit. In reality, that did not work out as easily as I thought it would. When that stuff sticks, it's really sticks and is hard to pull off. How will it handle with daytime heat, is unknown. I have a garage door that I want to insulate to help keep the heat down during the afternoon when the sun is shinning on the garage door. So I am going to stick a piece on it today with something stuck to it that has a little weight to see what happens. [edit] Yes I would use it on a ceiling to hang the foam. Get a roll and you will see, that's some sticky stuff!! Again, I just don't know how it will handle daytime heat. One thing to consider, I can see this stuff ripping the paper off sheetrock, so be careful.
  4. Great prices! Real good find bit. Real good! 12"x12"x4" 12pk= $20 That's the wedge shape.
  5. Thanks for info bit. Let us know how it works out. Gorilla Glue makes a real good double-sided tape. JAPSA
  6. Once I saw it was a Dolly cartoon, I had to go back and sing it to myself!!
  7. Yes do enjoy it!! I bet it will be a learning experience too!! And for sure keep us updated with pics and story details.
  8. That may have been his best one right there!! I mean I knew "something" was coming... but I didn't see that!
  9. Here I go stepping out the norm... I still remember the first time I ever heard The Police. The guy and his girlfriend was all excited about them and was gushing about how great this new band sounded. They started with Roxanne and was in love with it. I hated it. Still do. I just don't get it. At all. I don't own anything by The Police (not that they need my money!). I didn't like to listen to anything until the Syncronicity era. Then I got into earlier songs "Message in Bottle" and "Every Little Thing She Does". And the more I listened to these songs I realized how great Copeland was. Andy too for that matter. In fact I realized they all were really exceptional musicians. And the same thing happened when I first heard Ozzy's first solo album, and AC/DC's first album. Friends would come over gushing about these great new bands. Just didn't like either. However, I came to like and really enjoy Ozzy. When I had to learn "Highway To Hell", I kinda started to like AC/DC. But when Back In Black came out, I went ape shzz over it. Learned every song. But they fell out of favor for me with the next album. And I really haven't like anything they came out with since BiB. BOT, this song writer right here don't make no money from my songs.
  10. So your saying this is all normal for us!!
  11. Jack wondering why Bapu changed the topic... and what did he change it too?
  12. Let us know if you get that one figured out. I sure a few of us would love to take a trip!!
  13. Yeah, I see it now. Another Duh moment!! Can I ask what is that to the left of the mic, a statue of...
  14. I listen to my stuff while mixing over and over. I think I know n it in and out. Then I let it go and move on to next one. Then when I do return to my songs I am surprised at how critical I was being when mixing it. I actually enjoy it. That's on the condition I don't listen too many times. Because if I listen too many times I start hearing the flaws, perceived or real!!
  15. Was it that automated mixer you just recently purchased?
  16. It's been a while since I had a PA voucher. Sorry
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