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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Fuzz? Maybe it is time to clean your belly button ? Just sayin ?
  2. That explains my failure then ? Which is fine by me as I never would of been able to handle the fame
  3. Seven of Nine struggled but she managed to get out ? Okay the rest of us are a pretty weak bunch of characters Where did I put my wallet?
  4. How do you know they were trumpets and not Fugal Horns?
  5. and now for another episode of "Porky's"
  6. You were to be playing music and not measuring ............................................................ ?
  7. I just realized I never actually responded about your music. I liked the piece. The starting has a nice gentle vibe to it.
  8. @Tim Smith Sorry my failed attempt at Humor. Porcelain Throne AKA the Toilet
  9. How about make it two keyboards for all the grief I have had to endure ?
  10. Are we sure this isn't a really late April Fools joke from the Bakers? Bakers I have been really good not naughty this year and these nested folders would be a nice Christmas Present
  11. Pizza? In those days it was Grits and Beans I'll have you know you young whipper snapper! ?
  12. Well it won't be the drummer as they never use charts ?
  13. @abacab You wrote what I was going to write. As much as I love CbB it really isn't a great candidate for open source for the reasons you listed.
  14. Now that the Bakers added nested folders I think the only major need for me would be a chord track. Staff view I have come to terms with. Thanks Cakewalk for really concentrating on the behind the scenes improvements. Peace.
  15. So was this piece about the P*** Throne Sorry I'll get my coat................
  16. Honest Lar it isn't me spamming you ?
  17. I come for the humor ? You mean to tell me there is a DAW we should be talking about?
  18. I'm just wondering what ever happened to your Brothers Daryl and Daryl ? Yes I'm showing my age
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