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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Is that what happens when you keeping feeding the Amp Am chords
  2. I would but this isn't the forum for........................... Nevermind ?
  3. My problem is I want to try a few and Samash who use to have a nice display of them is getting just as bad as Guitar Center in not stocking them in store. But you are right I was going to get one last month but then I ponied up $$ for Kontakt 6 ?
  4. We could all use therapy but it actually cost way more then just buying the plugins! So what the heck go ahead and spent the $$. It is way cheaper in the long run
  5. I got it on the last sale but to be honest I haven't used it yet. Life gets in the way of our hobbies!
  6. So what is the Staring ? Freaking me out Lar ?
  7. I'm leading down the same path ?
  8. It does look like a very interesting tool to add as I could use all the help I can get.
  9. Alas, I took some Tums a little while ago so at the moment no GAS
  10. I suddenly feel the need to do some face painting and sharpen my weapons
  11. Really that would be quick turn around
  12. @cclarry I thought you had some gospel musicians for hire ?
  13. Those are considered naughty words ?
  14. Is the V8 collection eco-system worth investing in?
  15. Must be nice to be popular Lar
  16. Close but you weren't in REM sleep ?
  17. Man your birthday two days after Christmas your parents didn't time that very well ?
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