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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Why would anyone bite dust? Asking for a friend of course you understand grandpa, right
  2. Bapu to keep this thread from not getting deleted you needed to tell us what music was playing while he hit the mat
  3. Look on the bright side Larry, you will build up your strength pounding all that sand ? and you can do it taking a nice long walk in the forest
  4. Funny I was going to comment right away that your wiring looks like my old train layout wiring! Then I read that it is your RR wiring ?
  5. Me thinks you don't like real drummers Jamstix is one of those programs you didn't know you needed to have!
  6. I can make it happen @cclarry by buying a Focusrite interface. It seems to always happen to me as soon as I join one of these promotions they get axed
  7. and of course you told her that she has to press and hold the rewind button until the DVD reaches the beginning
  8. I would be hiding out too. Social gatherings just don't make sense at this point in time.
  9. Can we have this image color for the background on he forum. Purple
  10. Sorry no you can't as we are having a shortage of Maple Syrup.
  11. So if I use a cane I'm not in good standing? See above comment
  12. Just have to say Bapu really has a lot of Random Thoughts for a Bass player.
  13. With this Pandemic I was trying to get far far away I'm thinking the Borg are doing this to us and resistance is futile
  14. Maybe Lar and Zo can bring back Wilkins Coffee ☕ ?
  15. Bapu will be selling us Basses and Fleer will be having us leave CbB for Native M1 DAW
  16. Larry and Zo's Sampler sessions. They will come expecting VSTi but instead you will be talking about Coffee
  17. Nice to have you back in the fold Scott. Looking forward to what else you have for us
  18. I have new 2n1 coming that has 11 installed already. Hope it turns out okay. Delivery scheduled for tomorrow
  19. Me thinks you are being too picky. If Windows wants to update your machine it will assimilate you. Resistance is Futile ? And as has been mentioned you did get your dark background so stop your complaining Yes I haven't had my morning cup of coffee yet!
  20. Reminds me of Synful Orchestra! Glad I never brought it even though I liked his approach. Really no major development for long long long time!
  21. I'm glad I got this synth. It is just that I don't have the time to play with all these wonderful synths. I do for a while and then life gets in the way and my old brain doesn't remember how to use the synth(s) again Oh well I have to look on the bright side if this was a hardware synth I never ever would of been able to afford it. Carry on boys and girls
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