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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. I was looking over the fine-print on this Group Buy and Pete has let me down again. No free Keyboard ? What the Fudge is going on
  2. I still think with how many GB's these sampled libraries take up they should come with a tag-along Group Buy for Hard Drives
  3. Funny, my BIL, as an adult wishes he learned notation. He looks at me taking lead sheets and playing like it is no big deal. He can't grasp the Chord concept. I think basic notation should be a requirement in schools like letters and numbers. But heck we fund sport programs not music programs ?
  4. You have a great point on the notation side. I'm surprised Bandlab hasn't invested the resources to update this part of the program as I'm with you that it is needed for the educational market.
  5. I started with Cakewalk Pro Audio something or other way back in the day. Point is I still feel like a newbie at times. Learning the basics isn't that hard if you take it slowly. Learning all the in's and outs of this monster of a DAW or any of the big DAWs is actually mind blowing IMHO. What we can do in a DAW is amazing compared to the old days. So take it slow and if a few months time I bet you will have the basics down
  6. As my nurse wife has said countless times. People are testing too soon with the home tests. It is a short window of time though to get the Paxlovid for it to do its job. So my wife sees why folks panic and test right away. Heck my daughter is coming home from University end of next week and her sister still has a few weeks left in High School. So we might be using those home kits on the college kid to make sure she doesn't have Covid and pass to her sister. She has AP finals and she doesn't want to get sick. I'm still wearing a mask at work and when I'm out shopping. Every little precaution helps!
  7. I'm still waiting for the VSTi piano that makes me a good pianist I don't think I'm asking too much or am I
  8. Always forgetting about us Lefties ?
  9. No you were just un-imformed. Now you know and don't worry, this one I think all of have done a few times.
  10. So how many freebies to get onboard?
  11. I think you might have a one hit wonder with that title Dave
  12. some times in music you need collisions to make it sound better ? but then it isn't an accidental is it
  13. It always seems a compromise when choosing a keyboard. I love the weight of my Casio PX5s but don't like the little display. But I have to tell you when I used it in church a few times it was so nice that it was under 25lbs. For my needs I would be checking out the Roland RD88 if I needed to in the future. YMMV
  14. Roland RD88 you old man Seriously it seems like it might be a nice fit as only being ~30lbs. That is if you like the PHA4 Roland keybed.
  15. Liar, Liar Pants on Fire ? Actually I have to agree that I have more then I know how to use too! Especially after the IK Group Buy last year.
  16. Tastes Great Less Filling ?
  17. Wait I just noticed you're from NC! So to you Southern Boys no matter how I sing you're going to find it sounds funny with my Northern accent Go have some flavored grits today and celebrate!
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