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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. I'm sorry I just don't see the point. Mac users are what about 5% and Apple has Logic at a very low price plus Garageband too that is iOS. Apple is valued at over a trillion $. How will Bandlab even remotely compete. So far there seems to only be a few coders at Cakewalk in Boston. Now I can see Bandlab expanding Bandlab part more into the iPad market. Would make more sense that way. It takes a lot of work to build a functional DAW. Tracktion Waveform has a Mac version and most complain that it not as stable as the Windows version. MOTU made a Windows version of Digital Performer and took several versions 4-5 years to get it up to the Mac version on stability. I think I would rather have Bandlab make Cakewalk DAW the best Windows DAW on the planet IMHO
  2. Wow all these years and I never realized Bach was Asian (Jk)
  3. My puppy wants to see how she comes out.
  4. Cranberries. I never heard of such things. Enlighten me sir if you will?
  5. Only her backside...........................Hehehehehehehe!
  6. I have to admit, I love how user friendly the software is especially on mobile.
  7. I keep learning new things about the forum software. I'm such an oldie?
  8. Hmmm it sounds like you got a new hit song. Quick, strike up the band
  9. Hey admit it. That is all of us here. We all felt the Fear of Abandonment if no more Cakewalk Forum. Long live the new forum.
  10. Thanks all. I just was going through some of the old pictures and scanning some in. That one just touched me how she would just want to be outside. She never went far. She was funny that way. The second kitty that found its way into the house was all me. I found her on the next block just laying on the sidewalk. Took her home and fed her but left her outside. Rang doorbells but nobody said she was theirs. So a week later she was my baby. Frisky would always be by my side when in the house. Frisky also wanted to go outside and she would investigate the neighborhood for the first couple years of her life. Then she was done and would take the front porch while Snowball took the backyard. Frisky was with me for almost 20 years and we had a set routine at night time. She would knock the comb off the night stand and look at me. Hey silly its time for my brushing. Funny how you end up loving these little creatures .
  11. Crash Cushions!!!! Are you expecting a motor vehicle to come crashing through your residence? Also I forgot to ask what time should I appear. I only have so much Floo Powder (Harry Potter reference for the uninformed)
  12. Is it English tea. Do you have it with milk, lemon or honey? I need to know these things before we talk about it. Also what type of couch do you have?
  13. Man I just can't do this creepy stuff alone can I? Okay I'll take the upstairs and you take the cellar. I'm always afraid of whats in the cellar?
  14. She was with the family a long time. Almost 19 years. She was a very petite kitty but very protective of the family. She would let me pick her up anytime and curl up in my arms. In her later years she would just want to stay by the back windows and look outside.
  15. Don't worry it is I..........................
  16. Came across this old photo of Snowball. She came into my parents house as a kitten when I was a teenager. She never left and became part of the family. She loved to soak the sun on the back patio.
  17. I see why so many want Sonar back. It must of came with a free Light Saber (We can not guarantee what color you will get ) ?
  18. I have another one. We are not much of drinkers my wife and I. So of course every time I need to find the corkscrew opener it is not in the drawer it is suppose to be in. How does that happen?????????????????????? We think we have some leprechauns sneaking in at night and helping themselves to the little wine we have
  19. I will have to find a picture of my Dad's old Checker Marathon Taxi Cab and post it here https://imgur.com/3OZi1Hc
  20. As said above does it matter now. CbB is the replacement for Sonar and it runs great.
  21. how about a 1968 Checker Marathon limousine body taxi cab
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