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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Hey it rained on my wedding day. Or should I say it started raining during the reception and we had to run across the street to the hotel. A lady in a car rolls down her window and yells Honey your wedding dress is going to get ruined! My wife's response was priceless. I'm never going to wear it again! ? Now what does my response have to do with this thread?..........................................................................................Still don't know........................................................ When I think of an answer I'll come back and post So please keep this thread open!
  2. Wow that would be great! So how many years do we have to wait......................
  3. Yep CbB engine is behind in that regard. If that is what you need you will have to look elsewhere
  4. Danger, Danger, Danger, another DAW being talked about
  5. Ha Ha HA! Our black cat will never be buddies with the dog. The tabby and puppy will occasionally lay close to each other That will about as close to a pet hug they allow. Black cat usually just camps out in daughters bedroom. She has made a claim to my daughter and really is depressed sad kitty when she is not home.
  6. I had Becan and Eggs for Breakfast. Is there a Reaper theme for that
  7. I feel like the Angels are marching to come and get me.
  8. Ouch. If I locked my wife in the boot of the car I wouldn't be around afterwards? but you are right the dog would happy to see me ?
  9. Thought I share our Puppy having a grand ole time playing in the snow
  10. I wish I could hit the high notes with a little of that juice.
  11. Go big or go home. Wait you are home......................
  12. Just don't talk about Apple Pie to me anymore. After the American Pie Movie I can't look at an Apple Pie the same way?
  13. Hey at least we didn't go down the C****Y pie road? You know your 20 year old self would have been. Now we just want to talk about Pot Pies
  14. My wife would agree with you on that. Now me I can have mushrooms on anything.
  15. Hmmm I think I'll stick to my Chicken Pot Pie
  16. Plus you should be having a big bowl of ice cream while you are testing your new i9 powerhouse. No, I'm not going to get into a debate about what flavor to enjoy.
  17. Hmmm. Pork Pie I never heard of such a thing. Must not be made in my neck of the woods But Everything taste better with ICE CREAM!
  18. I hope you had ice cream with the pie................
  19. Seriously it looks killer. Enjoy
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