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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Dreamboat Annie was one of my first LP's that I brought with my paper route money. Those of you folks that reside in the Chicagoland area will know about Rolling Stone Music Store in Norridge, IL. Got most of my records from them. Gee I am getting old
  2. Its a Guitar Orgy. Do they get jealous?
  3. Thanks Craig too. That is a great tip.
  4. My only surprise is that they don't have some add-on purchases yet. I think that would help peoples concern about funding are favorite DAW
  5. yep go do google search on old forum about this. So far Meng has kept his word about Cakewalk. A great deal for someone wanting to learn a full featured DAW for free. Look at it this way. If for some reason it doesn't work and you were a newbie, you still would be able to transfer your knowledge gained over 90% IMO do another DAW. Not a bad return on your investment.
  6. Well that's because you are from down under.
  7. And then on the 25th day......................Headache? Keep the noise down!
  8. think of it as a slow start to a great romance❤
  9. Did you finger Nancy yet...........................................?
  10. I need a guitar player to go along with the purchase as I have no idea on how to play a guitar ?
  11. Yep have to agree that the staff view really does need some attention.
  12. Thanks man! Now I'll have that image in my head all day.................... as he goes off to soak his head under ice cold water?
  13. So glad to hear the surgery went well Mike. Stay in touch will us down here in the coffeehouse
  14. But if I told him I'm Bm would he leave me alone
  15. Guitars or Guitarists in bikinis?
  16. Sorry Bapu but you're not my type?
  17. Only her guitar........................................................
  18. Well Notion is owned by Presonus so I think that is a no go. Nobody needs a full blown notation in the DAW. Just usable notation and Cakewalk has let the staff view suffer for too long. As full disclosure I have Finale V25 so I'm set on making great printable sheets. I got Samplitude when Sonar went down and it has a good implementation of a staff view IMO. Totally agree with statement. CbB for the educational market needs to have a better STAFF VIEW/EDITOR!
  19. Now you got me thinking Noel and how to use the lenses when I get my new laptop.
  20. How many notes do you count for a Glissando? If you do a trill do you stop and count each note to? I know I'm a pain in the Dupa ?
  21. I forgot about Mama Bear. I always would read her posts.
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