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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Hmm. What about Corvallis Oregon? I'm asking because I just asking?
  2. Can I just have some Fig Newtons and call it a day? I promise I'll imagine them being very tasty!
  3. Do the Fraggle's get a royalty on each FRAGMINTS? Just wondering , the Fraggle Rocks could use the $$$
  4. maybe it was "over their"................... I can just see my 12th Grade English Teacher now Scolding me?
  5. Glad to hear Cakewalk is working on improving the core and tackling bugs this past year.
  6. Well Bapu seems to abandon his own thread. Off to different DAW-LAND?
  7. Yep. I have to say Presonus did it right with Studio One. There are tons of videos to watch and guide you along. One of the things missing from Cakewalk. So any video that helps folks learn CbB is fine by me.
  8. I feel like I'm in Kingston Mines-Chicago listening and having a Brewski?
  9. Nice! I liked the touch of the BYE sign towards the end of the song.
  10. So you have been taking my parking spot!?
  11. Hey what if its modeled on a female Drummer. Does it have that perfume chanel #5 scent.?
  12. MUDGEL now that your heart is all cleaned up please do start a exercise regimen.
  13. Yep hospital discharges. We could get together and write essays on experiences we all have had. I had exploratory surgery as they say. Used small hernia as reason to go in. All test showed that I didn't have an appendicitis. My nurse wife thought otherwise. So long story short my wife was right and I did have what they call a chronic appendicitis and instead of rupturing it scarred over multiple times. I was having lower abdominal pain for over a year. Anyway the surgery and the recovery were shorter then my discharge from the hospital? They did my surgery in the afternoon and let me decide if I wanted to go home. I wanted to get out of the hospital and it took over 4 hours to get me discharged.
  14. So you're going to gang up on Fragments. How dare you be so cruel. What have fragments ever done to you.
  15. Well at least she is not getting older.
  16. The Navy gets the gravy but the Army gets the beans!
  17. Finale always seems to get a bad rap. I think because it has a steep learning curve for advanced notation. But Finale for the printed page is excellent. Glad I brought it way back when. I never updated at each release. Usually skipped one or two and got the upgrade on sale price.
  18. I restarted on Sonar 4 and didn't miss an upgrade. I know what you mean about the forum being nasty. Case in point I have more then half my post count here in less then 3 months. It took me over 14 years to get my 1200+ on the old forum. I always read posts but didn't much reply. I was afraid I'd be attacked by the few nasty members. So now I decided I would hang out more in the Coffee House and enjoy the company here.
  19. Thanks! Now I have a taste for some sweets.
  20. I'm so embarrassed! How could I have not know that "This" is what you were talking about. ?
  21. Mike, make sure to take care of yourself.
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