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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Please do it in a dark room so nobody can see you?
  2. My daughter found a spray that has helped on the chewing. Snuggles is her cat and seeing how much that cat and my daughter have bonded I'll pay for the cable if Snuggles happens to chew through it. ?
  3. Well considering I have a cat that likes to chew on cables and I can't hide my headphones one easily I think it is essential ? And no I'm not getting rid of the cat
  4. Breakfast blend, medium blend, dark roast.................. where are the details?
  5. For YouTube videos you just have to copy the http address and paste it in your post. The software automatically does the rest. just copy and paste ?
  6. That's okay because I have moved on to the train in Back To The Future III
  7. Fixed it for you because you know we are still waiting for one in an update?
  8. Or take back with you the sports almanac like in Back To The Future II
  9. Or the packaging would be there but not the product
  10. I had COBOL in college too. We had some CRT terminals that you would type on and then would punch out the cards and we also had direct terminals to punch out the cards. Had to be early or stay late to get one of the CRT terminals?
  11. That must of been a blast. Not the break but the playing
  12. Good thing it wasn't in yellow otherwise I would have to report you for not using © sign
  13. Well you know what today is If they did though I don't think it would be a good idea to buy it. If you use it your song/tune will keep going down lower in the charts ?
  14. Be Vewy Vewy Quiet I'm Hunting Wabbits!
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