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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. I just hope it isn't one of those vinyl coats ?
  2. I keep staring at your avatar Bill. Maybe because I have some of Mr. Ed in me ?
  3. so true Dave what were you thinking?
  4. My mom, bless her soul always called me Eddie When she was still with us, she helped out at business and couldn't figure out the phone intercom so she would just yell out EDDIE! ? Had a lady from church that ran one of the choirs in store and heard my mom calling me Eddie. So she thought she could to. I would play keys for some of the special masses. Nope not going to happen?
  5. Couple more weeks and we shall know if AMD has hit a winner.
  6. Some try to call me Eddie but my wife hates that. If it is someone who is close to me I don't mind. If not I usually don't answer them ? I also have been called Ted because it can't be Ed?
  7. Well from one Ed to another Ed, does one really know oneself..........................................................?
  8. Glad to see a great sum of money get bid for the instrument collection.
  9. I don't know who Bapu is but he must be famous for all the talk around hear their everywear about him. ?
  10. Only if you're going to watch a Jame Bond movie?
  11. Have to ask the question how do you celebrate in Am Bill? Must be a very somber party.?
  12. The only time I was in Vegas was 1994 and you're right Dave the prices were great. Hotel for 4 night stay was under $200.00 total for a nice room.
  13. Give us a review Ed when you put it through its paces.
  14. Happy 6th Month Anniversary to the new CbB Forum ?
  15. Serious here. I like ik multimedia syntronik and I'll have to take a look at this.
  16. How did we get to talking about hotels?.......?
  17. Now I would be doing the same thing if I said Drum Roll Please...............................................?
  18. That is a cheap way to add to your post count Ed?
  19. I have a Microsoft Bluetooth mouse that I would be lost without.
  20. So do I ? I just want some competition in the CPU space for Audio applications. I think what AMD did with Ryzen chips two years ago was great. I even made a desktop office machine with a 1700x cpu. Great bang for the buck, but not great at low latency audio work. Plus I think Intel like Nvidia have gotten too cocky . Competition is good!
  21. I'm thinking it might be able to do 4.6GHz clock speed on all 16 cores. The 12 core might be the nice sweet spot CPU from AMD next month. Lets hope it can delivery low latency for DAW work
  22. As long as it isn't 4D! Who wants to smell that carcass
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