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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Is that a random thought? what key did you randomly think to say such a thing ......? Bapu would be Am?
  2. Craigb your Magic Eight Ball is working over-time
  3. What size pad do you think Bapu is using to Pad his post count............................
  4. Somebody say mush. How did you know he has dentures ?
  5. don't tell that joke in Scotland ?
  6. I so much want to touch this one but we are not suppose to go down that road? So just have fun with this great software called Cakewalk ?
  7. And with CbB working on stability foremost it keeps getting better and better. Keep up the good work Cakewalk Team!
  8. Just don't light the candles too close to its neck ?
  9. Or was she a mermaid......
  10. CJ is coming to get you?
  11. Well then can you help me with my personal life?
  12. We are going down a slippery path here. I didn't mean to do it. I have Easy-Off on my mind because I have to clean the grill?? What happens on the grill stays on the grill ?
  13. Well with your name being S.L.I.P. of course she just slid off ?
  14. Or did she just smell like a fish.................................
  15. I tried Easy-Off and I can't Imagine using anything else. Does that count?
  16. Alaska you become an Eskimo. California you deal with Forest fires. Colorado same thing. Maine, do you like Lobster? etc. etc. etc......
  17. Also do satyr count? and if they do, how high do they count two?
  18. That depends on which way you tip those goats. Are you talking foward, backwards or sideways? I can't give an answer without more info?
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