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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Had to have spine surgery 11 years ago for two ruptured discs. Never been the same since
  2. Question , how did you form the Bacon Shell ?
  3. Glad to see down under treats its citizens right! Hope you now have a speedy recovery and no more set backs Mike.
  4. And here when I had to record some forest sounds, waves etc I took a little field recorder. I'm so behind the times?
  5. NO, some Kitty Love and Tenderness. Just don't tell Bitflipper (Dave) He doesn't like kitties
  6. My puppy would love one of those
  7. Okay I'll bite. What hurts and why do you need a nap.
  8. I'm impressed they managed to capture the smell but enough is enough ?
  9. I wish it did but nope it has a distinct smell of German sauerkraut with becan ? Ed you have some explaining to do.....................................
  10. But it looks like you need to wear a Hat ?
  11. I appreciate you for A 12 Bar riff. No more, No less?
  12. When is 4.5.3 hot fix coming out. I'm having problems with the cut-off. I think they went to far and Captured Bapu's Farts ?
  13. I highly doubt that as she is not Polish ?
  14. Cuba and no mention of Cigars?
  15. how did billiard's get into this discussion ?
  16. This is the culprit ? You need Biscuits not Scones. How could you not know this S.L.I.P. I'm very disappointed in you?
  17. So only a thing, what a downer ? Pun intended ?
  18. Bapu v4.5.2 Hmmmm........ Maybe I should investigate this Bapu v4.5.2, there might be a hidden macro for me to add 80,000+ posts ?
  19. And thanks for doing so as you helping me with my post count?
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