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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. So wait a minute. You want it in a Polish accent?
  2. I'm getting cramps just listening to it......
  3. Ever wonder how a triangle could get lost. It has its own built in Triangulation ?
  4. Think we should also add in Dick and Harry to be on the safe side ?
  5. I was waiting for you to do this S.L.I.P. ?
  6. My fellow band-mate look at my Avatar
  7. I forgot which movie it was from but I was just foolin with you.
  8. I believe they have that pattern on a blanket?
  9. Why would you choose stinking weed if you had the choice of non-stinking weed? ? I actually can't stand the smell of it myself. If it does become legal in my neck of the woods I might try a chocolate bar Anyway Bill ,I hope your place is back in order from all the water you had these past few months.
  10. If he is so coal shouldn't we pitch in and buy him a blanket?
  11. Having you been smoking the weed. Hope it is legal in your next of the woods ??
  12. Thanks Jack for the write up. Must of been a stressful situation but exciting at the same time.
  13. So Jack how long did it it take to make the calculations back then. Now what is it a split second computer driven calculation.
  14. He must of been he has lost most of his hair ?
  15. Hey don't bring my golf game into this ?
  16. Coal? How old you are, I thought you would be a diamond by now?
  17. Where is the disclaimer. Only professionals should attempt this! Novices please do not attempt this wailing.
  18. Come on Jack spill the beans. How did you fake the landing??
  19. Just sayin with the name Jack Stoner they let you near Telemetry..................? Houston we have another problem? Just fooling with you. You all must of been proud when the mission was a success.
  20. Unfortunately for me the MRI proved otherwise and I had lost feeling in my right foot and some of the right leg. The ruptured disc fragmented and were against the nerve. I was dragging my right leg by the end of the day. Since it was L1 and L2 disc the surgeon basically removed the fragments. But because it took to long to have the surgery approved the nerve damage never fully healed As a story my wife is a nurse and the medical group she works for, there is a doctor that had the same thing happen to his back and he had the surgery very quickly and tells my wife he has no nerve damage. This doctor is more livid then me that I was left hanging for approval. I said what can I do doc, it is the state of medical insurance in the U.S.A. I know we are not suppose to talk politics on here but it is really sad that I have been working since I was 15 with a workers permit and have a mishap in my mid 40's and I can't have it taking care of because the system is so F*#ked up! Wish we could get rid of both parties and start a new with a government here that is actually for the working class!
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