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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Yes! Haven't you learned anything by now.
  2. Bias sample - Hey look, music related.?
  3. Solved. It looks like the Grateful Dead ?
  4. Hmmm I'm still trying to figure your statement out. Does me, myself and I count as 1, 2, or 3 ?
  5. Let us know when you find the tenth one
  6. I not Dyslectic and I can't spell it. Reminder for all the sarcastic folks that you have 13 days to get it out of your system and then you must become prim and proper. Wish me lots of luck ?
  7. Only the Sausage and Perogies for me . But thanks anyway for the remind that I have to polish my shoes for a wedding I'm attending tomorrow night
  8. I think Dave will only answer if you can solve his math equation in his signature.
  9. I think we have all done something similar. I call them Brain Farts ?
  10. You have to go to the other-side. Ask Eleven, she might be able to help you (Stranger Things if you are not in the know) ?
  11. Hey! Don't grab it so low ,you're close to parts you shouldn't be touching. We only just met ?
  12. At the pace Cakewalk is going it will be noticed. Hey wait a minute, it is being noticed by the some great folks, Us! ?
  13. Still nice to see you here having Random thoughts ?
  14. Yeah right posting that in the sarcasm thread?
  15. No! They would be drooling and panting real hard ?
  16. Just give them the darn Ice Cream already!?
  17. Where is the Cow Bell! How does he reach the Kick Drum?
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