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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Funny in a way how the old stuff you really had to tackle it to learn it. Now we take all the preset soft-synths for granted. I remember doing photography with my dad in the darkroom. That was a blast and I sure learned a ton from him. Kids don't know what they are missing seeing the image appear like magic and learning how to stop the image from being over developed. My oh my, I'm old ?
  2. Sure yours was better than mine tonight. Whole family got home late from school activities. George Foreman grilled Chicken breasts with mash potatoes.
  3. Bill you're having a . for dinner? Let us know how it tastes ?
  4. Just one track. https://www.garritan.com/products/instant-orchestra/ sort of kidding
  5. I Am quite positive Becan cures that in huge dosages ?
  6. And which side of the fence shall Bill be rooting for
  7. Friday Friday Friday That is all I wanted to say at the moment
  8. Well thanks for telling us. I haven't been able to sleep not knowing this. Doubly glad ?
  9. So do we go for a pulse wave or a.................................................................... Sorry I have to leave it blank or I might get myself in trouble
  10. You're right! It is the ELECTRICAL CHARGE that matters ?
  11. cool video. Do you like DaVinci?
  12. Hey if you're directing that sarcasm at me, I'm honored ?
  13. Only you S.L.I.P. I think Bill would have a short circuit. ?
  14. Or this one too. Towards the end they show the synths used.
  15. Just bumping because a topic of sarcasm needs its time in the frontline
  16. I loved the quote in YouTube comments. Netflix: Skip intro? Me: H*ll no ?
  17. This one goes great with BBQ which you love Bill. Only available in WI So if you ever get up North try some I'm not much of a drinker anymore but I always get a six pack to have on hand with BBQ chicken!
  18. Funny. I will never forget having pizza with Canadian Becan on it in Virginia. It had to be the worst pizza I every had ? Of course being raised in Chicagoland area, most pizza places around the country don't taste right.
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