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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. Are you sure it was an old man and not Scooby Doo? ?
  2. Wait here my Lad, you are suppose to be serious teacher. No fun allowed
  3. It shall cause Headaches as you will be hitting your head against the wall with the new upgrade pricing ?
  4. Usually a very slow death. The idea is almost deceased but then a new manager comes in and resurrects it almost like Nazareth but unlike Nazareth the idea has a terminal illness and slowly dies until another manager come in Rinse, Repeat.....
  5. With a name like that I expect them to start selling Rice Products ?
  6. They seem to be carving out a place for themselves.
  7. I don't have long enough hair to play any of those instruments
  8. I don't have long enough hair to play the Keytar ?
  9. Well with how well Opie Directs this edition will go at a premium!
  10. I guy having a guitar strapped around him = cool. Having a Keytar straped around you = Nerd. So reading my last sentence, I really should have a stash of Keytars to play
  11. Well then I think you are more likely to be pounding away sir. Is this wrong. I can't say as some like to have a good pounding..... Don't worry I already got my coat for the last sentence.
  12. Have to admit I browsed the new NAMM link while using the Lavatory. Was it wrong. Is this too much information to share in the Coffee House? Can you tell I'm bored this morning ?
  13. Depends. Are you using a Mouse, stylus, or a track-ball. How do you expect me to take you seriously if you don't provide all the information. ?
  14. @Brian Walton you are going to keep me busy
  15. Wow that site has a lot. I guess I've been in a closet. Didn't know there was so much out there in brushes.
  16. Tell me about it. I have been watching more of the designer videos to start with
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