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Everything posted by InstrEd

  1. I'm telling the wife..... I could be silenced with one of your pies ?
  2. Now Now they were having a musical march up to the capital that is all Is that musical enough? Cool that they were able to get a patent. Congrats to them!
  3. InstrEd

    Cop The Feel

    and hear I thought he was a Rapper ?
  4. InstrEd

    Cop The Feel

    I'm sitting here typing and all of a sudden I get the urge to cop a feel for some Small Monitors. Look what you done Bapu! It is all your fault. ?
  5. InstrEd

    Cop The Feel

    As he keeps adding and adding and adding to his Total ?
  6. InstrEd

    Cop The Feel

    Looking at Bapu post count. His is our leader. Hopefully his account will not be shut down ? Stay strong, let the force be with you. Maybe you will be able to hold out for a month.?
  7. InstrEd

    Cop The Feel

    I thought I might of had to look at another keyboard. My Casio PX5s froze a couple days ago then it wouldn't boot-up after 7.5 years of no problems. Searching the internet found I needed to flash the bios as it has happened to others. Thankfully it worked. I really love the beast that the Casio PX5s is. If it does go, the first board I want to try is the Roland RD88 that came out last Summer. Seems like a good fit for my needs.
  8. InstrEd

    Cop The Feel

    But the Piano I want to "Cop a feel" is not in stock
  9. Hey it is in Henry's hand. Don't you trust good ole Henry? ?
  10. For these actions we invoke the "Sorting Hat" You shall now reside in the Ravenclaw House............... ? What does this meme. Heek who cares ?
  11. As a side note "Dream Boat Annie" was the first LP I brought with my own money. I'm showing my age!
  12. Are you shure it wasn't a Monty Python episode and with your old age............
  13. It all depends on if the alleged Ground-Hog comes out to see if he has a shadow or not?
  14. Next sale I will have to upgrade too?
  15. and the last several years Yamaha Digital Pianos have built-in Audio over USB.
  16. Even longer than Garritan Personal Orchestra update
  17. I interested in the 16 banks of MIDI. Could be useful for setting up templates for Orchestration type music. Also maybe not for us but the lighting for shows could really do some killer lighting themes say at a Las Vegas venue. Either way it surely did take them a long time.
  18. In a few years we will be wondering how did we live without this.
  19. mandalorian MIDI 2.0 should of Trademarked this: before the Mandalorian's did
  20. I Am_______________________________________________
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