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Everything posted by Solidos

  1. Yes that's Reaper in the video. Reaper is highly customisable AFAIK.
  2. https://www.arturia.com/sounds Free for all users and works with the free Analog Lab Play! Emotive atmospheres into the unknown A cinematic synth array full of dystopian textures and analog undertones, for a formidable and progressive sound.
  3. I think this is a good time to get Phase Plant for me, what an offer! Also the price of these huge preset libraries is making the pricing of kilohearts third party content banks look really bad.
  4. https://www.expressivee.com/109-phase-plant-expressive-suite Phase Plant + Sound Banks: 99€ 199€ Intro Offer Sound Banks: 39€ 79€ Intro Offer Until April 15th More Videos on the YouTube Channel of Expressive E
  5. https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/cinematic/action-woodwinds/ Intro Price 199€ 299€ until April 1st Will be part of the next Komplete version of course (I'm guessing Ultimate), so take that into consideration. Cinematic woodwind engine A stunningly realistic scoring instrument offering full creative freedom Effortlessly craft dynamic woodwind sections with both high and low ensembles Tailor and blend over 1000 pre-built phrases to design your own custom themes
  6. https://www.bitwig.com/buy/ For a limited time, buy Bitwig Studio and get Arturia's excellent synth plug-in Jun-6 V (worth 149 USD/EUR). This offer is valid from March 14, 2024 till March 25. 2024 and it's available to customers purchasing and registering a Bitwig Studio, Bitwig Studio EDU, Bitwig Studio (Upgrade From 8-Track/16-Track/Essentials/Producer) license, or existing customers renewing their Bitwig Studio Upgrade Plans. Jun-6 V is available as a VST plug-in for macOS and Windows. For further information, see system requirements on Arturia's website.
  7. Changes in Bitwig Studio 5.1.6 [released 12 March 2024] Fixes Control Surface API: Now truncates sent sysex messages to the first F7 byte TouchDesigner controller script: Is only included once
  8. Somerville Sounds releases their first free plugin "Prototype Rubber Bridge". It is a standalone plugin, no need for Kontakt. Somerville Sounds is a new company formed by Jon Meyer, Hunter Rogerson & Owen Bolig. They are the creators of some of the best previously released Pianobook libraries, especially Hunter's stuff is amazing imho. Download Rubber Bridge Plucks from http://www.Somervillesounds.com
  9. This method is not needed at all. Just click on the "My UVI" header directly when logged in instead of any of the subheaders and you'll see an overview page where you can select "Vouchers"
  10. https://venustheory.gumroad.com/l/solaris Welcome to Solaris, a new Decent Sampler library harnessing the raw chaotic power of the Elta Music Solar 42 - a ridiculously cool looking chaotic analog ambient drone synthesizer.
  11. https://www.uvi.net/falcon 199€ 349€ Could someone tell me if that 100€ voucher you receive when you buy Falcon has a time limit? Found it (100€ voucher valid for two months after purchase): https://support.uvi.net/hc/en-us/articles/360000247617-Where-is-my-Falcon-Gift-Voucher
  12. https://heavyocity.com/product/solo-textures/ $119 $149 Registered Owners of NOVO, FORZO, VENTO, or Symphonic Destruction Get an Additional $20 Off. The intimacy of solo violin, viola, and cello, captured and melded with Heavyocity’s signature sound design. Solo Textures delivers the expressive, rhythmic, and emotional nuance only found in the performances of solo instruments.
  13. Why should it be? If you actually take a look at this "offer" then you can see that Komplete is not discounted at all atm instead of the regular 50% off sale. The buyer therefore effectively pays for the "free plugins", overpriced i might add. So let's say you are a new buyer of Komplete: Komplete 14 Standard (gets UNITY Nostalgic Synth (79€ OVP) free): 599€ -> you effectively pay 300€ for the free plugin Komplete 14 Ultimate (gets UNITY Nostalgic Synth (79€ OVP) & Lunaris 2 (159€ OVP) free): 1199€ -> you effectively pay 600€ for the 2 free plugins Komplete 14 Collector's Edition (gets UNITY Nostalgic Synth (79€ OVP) & Lunaris 2 (159€ OVP) & Groth (259€ OVP) free): 1799€ -> you effectively pay 900€ for the 3 free plugins And I don't see this being worth it when upgrading from a Komplete version either. Again, given that Komplete is not discounted at all this makes no sense.
  14. @CSistine If you haven't yet, check out the channel of Chandler guitar, he does a lot of videos for Melda. More in practice stuff but there are also walkthroughs of plugins. Also you can go on any support page of a plugin and download the PDF documentation. MCharacter's for instance is 114 pages with a whole lot of information: https://www.meldaproduction.com/MCharacter/support
  15. You can press F1 while hovering over any parameter to open up an explanation.
  16. @User 905133 I would just take a break and leave it. Their site was highly overloaded when the freebie was made available, it's possible that some other problems resulted because of that.
  17. @ralfrobert In this case it says that these are to be "redeemed on Other Platform" so you won't download them from HB directly.
  18. Here's the site that CSistine means: https://www.softube.com/installers
  19. Free libraries are automatically in your account now by the way, no need to "purchase" them anymore ?
  20. https://www.bitwig.com/circle/#sonarworks For a limited time, all Bitwig Circle members* can get a free three-month trial of SoundID Reference for Headphones and Speakers (worth 249 USD/EUR). Just log in to your Bitwig profile to find your code with instructions on how to claim your plug-in. This offer is valid from February 29, 2024, until February 28, 2025. * This offer is valid for customers who have a Bitwig Studio, Bitwig Studio EDU, or Bitwig Studio (upgrade from a lower edition) license with an active Upgrade Plan. Customers with an active Bitwig Studio rent-to-own lease are also included. SoundID Reference is available on macOS and Windows. For more information regarding Sound ID Reference, headphone or speaker calibration, please visit Sonarwork's website.
  21. @Niky Serrano I thought about buying it with that coupon a few days ago (cost 5€ I think), but I decided against it as I thought that something available that cheaply will be given away at some point and here we are. There's absolutely no urgency to get a Filter plugin anyway... Then again, maybe you will just not buy anything from PB this month? ?
  22. https://www.pluginboutique.com/articles/1967-Claim-your-FREE-copy-of-Minimal-Audio-Hybrid-Filter https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/11829 Ends 31st March
  23. Changes in Bitwig Studio 5.1.5 [released 29 February 2024] Fixes Deleting a scene no longer crashes the program (a regression in v5.1.4) [35184]
  24. https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/vocal/jacob-collier-audience-choir/
  25. Changes in Bitwig Studio 5.1.4 [released 23 February 2024] New Features Support for SSL hardware controllers and plug-in mixing system Note: This requires the imminent SSL 360° version 1.7 update Improvements Added mappable shortcuts to Increase/Decrease Tempo by 1 BPM and Increase/Decrease Tempo by 0.1 BPM Fixes Export audio in offline mode did not work with some plugins anymore (a regression) [35075] Realtime rendering can now be turned off again [35060] Clip Launcher: White highlight frame is now painted again for clips within group tracks (a regression) [35097] Convolution (Reverb) device: No longer crashes Bitwig when dragging AIF files onto device [35053] Detail Editor Panel: Drawing a velocity ramp was not working for some clips/notes in Track mode [35007] Notes without gain expression no longer show a Spread value of 100 % in the Inspector Panel [35055] Windows: Chain (Container) device's text isn't cut off anymore [32616] Fixed KLE3 crash bug [#79]
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