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Everything posted by Solidos

  1. @Eduard Telik Just a heads up, bedroomproducersblog posted an article about your ETI Roads so there's probably coming a bit of a traffic increase your way. It's a pretty big blog, especially when it comes to free stuff. You might be lucky that many of the users don't have Full Kontakt, but they'll probably download it anyways ? Thanks for your work!
  2. And who's scanning the plugin that is scanning the other plugins? ?
  3. It does not work in conjunction with these kind of offers. It says so in the newsletter: "Dynamic discounts and loyalty vouchers cannot be applied during this period"
  4. https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products.html $29.99 each
  5. Log In to see your upgrade prices: https://www.eventideaudio.com/plug-ins/ H9 Plug-In Series Ultra Essentials Bundle Elevate Mastering Bundle Anthology XII Clockworks Bundle (seems to be not on sale yet, but is advertised as such on the homepage and already on sale on PB) Deals are also available on Plugin Boutique until September 4th.
  6. https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/show?sale_id=13942 Ends 31st August
  7. https://www.pluginboutique.com/articles/1936-Claim-your-FREE-copy-of-iZotope-Neutron-4-Elements-or-Excite-Audio-Lifeline-Console-Lite Ends 31 August. WARNING: If you have an earlier Elements version then it's probably not wise to "upgrade" to the newest version. They seem to give you less manual control in the newer ones.
  8. It is done. We can sleep safely tonight.
  9. Now that you've quoted me, I can not retroactively censor me so who's at fault here? ??
  10. Nothing to read here PA, move on.
  11. Just FYI your JamPoints can expire, so check when they were generated to know how much time you've got left to use them. > JamPoints™ expire after 24 months at the end of the quarter. On the JamPoints™ page in your User Area, it displays when your JamPoints™ were generated. (https://www.ikmultimedia.com/jampoints/)
  12. No use for it at the moment, but nice of you to give it away at the start of the month already. ?
  13. @Bapu The $25 one is just - AUGUST-25-OFF
  14. https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/39-FX-Bundle/10747-Supermodal-FREE-Gatekeeper-Exclusive- 01-15 August WARNING: This deal is inadequately named "Polyverse Supermodal + Gatekeeper FREE Sale", but you can get Supermodal cheaper than this here ->
  15. https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/show?sale_id=13860 01-15 August WARNING: If you are interested in both Supermodal & Gatekeeper there's a cheaper combo deal ->
  16. https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/64-Virtual-Instrument/8341-IDOL 01-07 August
  17. https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/21-Channel-Strip/10158-API-Vision-Channel-Strip 01-07 August
  18. 01 - 31 August: https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/show?sale_id=13787
  19. Hey all, I've been a silent reader for some time now, but thought i help out a bit while "cclarry" seems to be on his well deserved break. Thanks to everyone for all the deals you've posted in the past. So here's the deal: Glitchmachines Sound Design Bundle for £45.50 / $49 (91% Off - prices may vary) The bundle consists of 7 Instruments/Effects & 4 Sample Packs: Instruments & Effects: Cryogen, FractureXT, Quadrant, Convex, Tactic, Polygon, Subvert Sample Packs: Parabole, Syndrone, Vimana, Deflect Will be available until August 15!
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