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Everything posted by tansetter

  1. maybe 3.6.3 will fix the install errors with 3.6.2
  2. Privacy - Big tech harvests your data. for their own purposes, then don't protect it properly. For example, Microsoft recently turned over the confidential hotmail email records of journalists Project Veritas (love 'em or hate 'em, that's not the point) - violating assurances of confidentiality to whistleblowers. "Microsoft Accounts," Apple IDs - why give them control of your data? politics - Microsoft and Apple support many political organizations that you may not want to subsidize, as well as working conditions in offshore manufacturing, pollution that evades the laws where consumers live, the ethics of taking jobs out of the USA walled garden app stores, closed ecosystems OS bloat FOSS (free and open source ethos) vs proprietary, closed source software, ability to scrutinize open source code, less likelihood of NSA backdoors, OS makers don't have relationships with state actors, security through obscurity, most viruses aren't intended for linux, not logged in as admin better performance on old hardware, security updates for longer in many cases hardware agnostic there's probably more. anyone who disagrees with this post, don't get political in the deals forum.
  3. I miss the days when you could get XPand2! for $1 (I really like Air Stuff, and xpand, no joke, for real!) I still find licenses for it in old jackets and under the cupboard, but remember that Scrooge McDuck feeling . . .
  4. not a good idea to store passwords in a browser anyhow - poor security, vulnerability - bitwarden is a free password manager that people seem to like that's more secure than storing them ni your browser.
  5. I wish my dog loved me as much as Hornet plugins does. . . .
  6. I fired up CbB yesterday and got a message asking me if I wanted to beta test and preview upcoming features - not my cuppa, but others here may find that more to their liking. . . .
  7. Here's a tiny copy of Asher Durand's painting, Kindred Spirits, in appreciation of this community:
  8. Great idea to wait for a bundle sale - when it comes to giving money to people for free things, if I can save 50%, then that's my bag! thank you both for the replies!
  9. giving a gigantic thumbs up to the melda free bundle - Their wave folder, wave shaper, ring mod plugins are a riot - so good I'm thinking of putting a ring on it (paying to get rid of nag message). fun fun fun
  10. also the Behringer Cat - check around the site for more $200 Behringer synths
  11. normally $325 or thereabouts https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/K2Mod--behringer-k-2-semi-modular-synthesizer
  12. I've got their pdf editor, which I picked up cheap on humblebundle a few years back - kind of clunky, but functional.
  13. Yeah, I'm really thinking of getting off the supported OS treadmill and riding Win10 into the ground far beyond 2025 EOL. I'll get a separate (cheap) machine for banking and secure financial transactions, and dip the DAW machine in amber, harden it, DMZ it, virtualize it. Shoot, I bet in 10 years neo-hipsters will be pestering me for my collection of vintage plugins, and I'll be bragging in forums about that classic VST2 32 bit "warmth," and character!
  14. I'm a big fan of Voltage Modular - this is the best price yet on these modules, I'm pretty sure. Doublecheck, since I haven't used just the free one (VM Nucleus) in a while, but VM also installs with a second fx plugin, so if you like PSP stuff you can use these in your DAW as an effects chain. Also includes a comb filter, for people interested in DIY physical modeling synthesis.
  15. free Bitwig v5 8-track with the current June issue of ComputerMusic
  16. You and me both, my friend! I love that old Air stuff, and got nothing to say about ilok either. (not trying to pick a fight, you lovable scamps). Xpand is a constant inspiration with my virtual modular Voltage Modular software. Worst thing about Air is inMusic, which has neglected the living daylights out of the great stable of products they acquired.
  17. shoot, I'm not a professional, but among us non-pros I think I enjoy myself about as much as anyone else, and I feel like I'm blessed that for just about a negligible amount of dosh I have a virtual collection of synths and drum machines and 303s and studio environment in my PC that I never could have had before like any other time in history, without tens of thousands of dollars. Everything is a trade-off. Would I rather have $20k worth of hardware - yes indeed! Am I happy with what I have? Is software occasionally inconvenient? You betcha! I'm living in a golden age, at least in my head, and there's plenty of room in here. Thank you proprietary (and FOSS) software developers!
  18. Oh man, that would be terrible. I celebrate wonderful wizards like those at Reason being able to pay their bills.
  19. There seem to be work-arounds, youtube has a bunch of quasi-reliable people saying you can I haven't verified, since I plan on running Win10 into the ground (same as I did on ❤Win8.1❤) worth checking out before dropping older hardware in the trash (anyone not having done it, installing OSs is easy) videos, search "windows 11 unsupported" "Windows 11 Now WILL Support Old CPUs (With a Catch)" "Install Windows 11 on Anything!!!"
  20. That was a great story. Reading that was the high point of my day, thanks!
  21. Hi, is this legal? Anyone care to share where the code is from?
  22. never heard of this . . . could you tell me about what you use this for that makes it a better tool for you than audacity or a free DAW like Cakewalk? thanks very much!
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