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Everything posted by tansetter

  1. great mag - their archive is a treasure!
  2. love Air music stuff - years (decades at this point, but still great) of enjoyment!
  3. The theory is (in tons of youtube videos) that Microsoft assigns lots of licenses to non-Western countries at rates more aligned with the incomes in those countries, and those licenses are then diverted for resale in Western markets for higher profits. Legit licenses. I've been waiting for MS to implement region-aware license authentication for several decades now. . . .
  4. Well, I've spent hundreds on Cherry Audio stuff, and here's my thinking - we get free updates, from Voltage Modular 1 to Voltage Modular 2. And their stuff is cheap - we're not talking $800 Ableton Live here. . . we're talking $40, $20 on sale, or $1 if you're buying through Humble Bundle right now. These aren't manors or titles that we're handing to our descendants. I don't have any recollection of updates being intrusive - there's an icon that appears in the upper right of the window, to manually trigger an update. And if you want to know storage, get the free wiztree (Windows only). kinda rushed, maybe if this convo continues I'll add more. best wishes. [update] OK, I see the irony of saying it's only $20 after saying that I've spent hundreds. But my main point is, I don't see how anyone could stay in business if they're in a small market and have to bid against their own used products with free updates. If our choice is free updates, or buy new versions and pay for transfers ,I'd rather have free updates. Ask me again if they change free updates though.
  5. I purchased my cakewalk forum account used, on the aftermarket, just so I could start with those 20 likes, for the status! Bought it off some sucker for $0.07
  6. K-2 $150 off, now $200 other discounts: Deepmind12, Cat, Wasp, Crave https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/K2Mod--behringer-k-2-semi-modular-synthesizer
  7. I love cherry audio, especially voltage modular, but also including their eight voice Oberheim SEM standalone synth! They are probably my favorite audio company. I'm not aware of the mixed reviews, although there are people who talk about aliasing or CPU usage - those aliasing people are the same ones still fighting the "analog v. digital" plugin fights from 2010, and CPU on voltage modular is way, way, way lower than VCV Rack, in my experience.
  8. You're one of us, my friend! In the immortal words of Abraham Washington, "Hold my beer!"
  9. Metric, of course, is wonderful if you're counting to 10, or slightly higher than 10, because it corresponds to the number of fingers on the human hand. If you're counting higher, or aren't in the habit of using your fingers as calculators, the United States customary system corresponds to the tuning of A above middle C, bringing unity to both longitudinal and acoustical measurements. Commonly referred to, in the USA, as the "Harmony of the Spheres," this synesthesia is what intuitively allows us here in America to see and hear the underlying relationships of different modalities of thought, and invent things across different domains like television, electricity, the internet, the 20th century, dinosaurs, rock music, and hamburgers.
  10. Annual sale at libreoffice! https://www.libreoffice.org/
  11. 5280 / 12 = 440 That's how we got to the moon, baby!
  12. Under section 37B of the contract signed by him, it states quite clearly that all offers shall become null and void if - and you can read it for yourself in this photostatic copy: I, the undersigned, shall forfeit all rights, privileges, and licenses herein and herein contained, et cetera, et cetera... Fax mentis incendium gloria cultum, et cetera, et cetera... Memo bis punitor delicatum! It's all there, black and white, clear as crystal! You ommitted fizzy lifting links! You bumped into the ceiling which now has to be washed and sterilized, so you get nothing! You lose! Good day, sir!
  13. By far the easiest thing is to use free 3rd party tools to convert partitions. Microsoft's tools for this purpose have always been complete garbage. The big 3rd party tool providers always used to give away their most important tools, and ask you to pay $50 for things you don't need, but within the last few years they figured out that they should actually charge for them. Happily, most of their products have trial periods, and then you'll never have to use them again. macrium, easeus, acronis, and there's a few more. worst case, go to file hippo or similar archive and download an old version where they give the feaures away for free. I DON'T THINK YOU HAVE TO FORMAT AND LOSE DATA (haven't done this in a while and looked at current tools) - these conversion tools should work (pro forma statement: back your stuff up first) also: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/16226/complete-guide-to-symbolic-links-symlinks-on-windows-or-linux/
  14. may be a bit late, but microsoft makes a tool to convert a drive from fat to ntfs while preserving your data, also, people moving libraries on windows might consider learning about "hard symbolic links," so your OS thinks the library is in the old location, but it's really a "super shortcut" to the new location of the library. there's a tool with a nice graphical GUI that will do the command line stuff for you. sorry for no links, but I don't have them at my fingertips.
  15. Wow, what a great site! Thanks for the heads up on a place where I can get price history - that's great!
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