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Marc Cormier

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Everything posted by Marc Cormier

  1. I have the same question, ZT. Bigger question is why the system says it doesn't recognize my serial number. WTF. Going back to bed.
  2. Won't authorize. Bummer. Got AT5SE AND AT5 in my account, which was unexpected, but I can 't authorize either of them in the Product Manager.
  3. Good morning, Grem. Yes, it's that early. FYI - just double checked the IK Product Manager and realized it was a version behind - latest is 1.0.2. Apologies if this was mentioned earlier. It would have sucked to be in the download queue for that before even getting line for AT5.
  4. This EXACT same thing happened to me during the SAME sale. #strategydeclined
  5. I totally get your and Simon's points, but coming from the product management world, I can empathize what it takes to align the planets for a release like this and how much it must suck to have to push it out even one day. My usual policy is to under-promise and over-deliver but I've been on the other side, too. I would never take a vacation day for something that will come on a certain date but at an undetermined time, but I've been waiting - impatiently - for this release, too. We'll all be playing hookey on the 16th. And maybe the 17th, too, if its that good.
  6. It’s just ONE freakin’ day. I’m gonna be OK. Thanks for the update, Peter.
  7. Tough to say. I do think the overall sound quality and flexibility improved but it took a slightly backwards step in terms of general UI esthetics. It wasn't a deal breaker but I prefer the UI of TH3, nuanced as the differences may be. They're working on a few release updates now so work continues on the platform - those improvements and features will not carry over to TH3. I think its worth the upgrade and don't regret it at all. It's cheaper to do it now than when it was released and they've added features (not just Rigs) since then. Personally, I hope Amplitube is good enough to take its place in the rotation but it will be tough to beat in terms of sound and CPU usage.
  8. Still $39 at Plugin Boutique, too. I've had my cursor over the "Checkout" button way too long... https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/4758-Riffer
  9. If you're into guitar, its an absolute joy watching (and hearing) this guy play live on YouTube.
  10. According to Red at Overloud, they’re working on a point release with some new features including a “scene capture” that will enable users to take a snapshot of settings or a template of sorts (guessing here) to apply to new presets. Glad this rig revenue is paying for some updates—I’m done with the rig crapshoot. Still my fave amp sim with an Ownhammer IR at the end of the chain.
  11. That guy was great...as was his avatar pic.
  12. Me, too. When's Amplitube 5 releasing??
  13. Maybe I missed it but I don't see any upgrade paths from regular Jamstix - which I have - to Studio or Ultimate. I'd do it if it was an option but don't want to basically buy it all over again but just in a larger package. Great to see the sale is going on for all of December!
  14. Thank YOU Larry!!!!!!!!!! Now that my wallet is empty, I no longer walk with a limp.
  15. I have to turn off my computer tomorrow. It will be tough learning about any killer Cyber Monday deals after the fact but I'm tapped out: 1. Got the drives mentioned above 2. AT5 update 3. Orb Producer Suite 4. Ownhammer IRs 5. The usual freebies (thanks, Larry!)
  16. Just bought the 1Gb Samsung but have been wondering if any of these 2 Gb drives would be cheaper for Cyber Monday. Probably not worth waiting and seeing no price change...!
  17. Are the Brainworx amp sims the same as what are offered through Plugin Alliance?
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