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Marc Cormier

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Everything posted by Marc Cormier

  1. I specifically made sure to avoid this very question!
  2. Ditto. Done. And I was kicking myself for missing the deal on Hyperspace. SCHWEEEET.
  3. Ditto. Have and use SD3 for most projects. Got the EZD2/ EZX bundle for the new features and couple of EZX’s I want to try out. I, like Bapu, am tied into the ecosystem and benefit from it, but I only download and install every 17th release. And not as quickly. I can’t think of another major purchase where I could justify the overlap or at least similarity of content/features/purpose. That’s good ‘cos this will tap me out for a while. This seems like a hella good deal for the upgrade, though. If I had EZD 2, it would define “no brainer” for me. I demoed EZD last year and just based on what is included here it doesn’t really seem like an upgrade. It’s more an entirely new product.
  4. Seventh Heaven Standard was $49 on Black Friday. Sorry I missed it!!!
  5. I have SD3 with Death and Darkness and now - and because I, too, and an addict - just loaded Progressive Foundry. It actually may replace D&D I like it that much. Gonna pick up the EZD2/3 package to try out the features which will hopefully make it over to SD3 at some point. I also spend way too much time tweaking which is the downside in SD3 so there's a possibility that I'll like the more ready-mixed kits in EZD3 and will have a couple of EZX's to add to the library. I definitely won't be keeping both SD3 and EZD3 once those features come over to SD3 but who knows. I have a feeling that if I got EZD3 before SD3 I probably wouldn't have sweated an upgrade. For $216 you get a ton of drums and excellent songwriting features. I'm really looking forward to seeing how it works with EZBass. Oh, and BTW - thanks, Larry for tracking down the Progressive Foundry SDX at Thomann. They have some GREAT prices!
  6. For anyone not using EZDrummer 2 right now but wants to see what EZD3 is all about, you can grab EZD2 and two EZX expansions of your choice (including newly released ones that won't go on sale for ages) for $216, which includes the free upgrade to EZD3. It was about $20 more last week. Free Upgrade to EZDRUMMER 3! Buy and register EZDRUMMER 2 in April 2022 and receive the Upgrade to EZDRUMMER 3 as a free download, after the Release on the 03rd of May 2022. After the upgrade to EZDRUMMER 3, the EZDRUMMER 2 will be maintained as well as the internal EZDRUMMER 2 Sound+MIDI Library as an additional EZX-Library. https://www.thomannmusic.com/toontrack_ez_drummer_2_ezx_bundle_2.htm
  7. Great price. I got this at 40% off during their sale last year but haven’t seen it at 50% before. Could be wrong.
  8. I’m gonna wait for Bapu to install this one.
  9. This all makes sense now. https://slatedigital.com/fresh-air/
  10. The other part of the native plugins I love is the 360 mixer that comes along with it.
  11. Bapu has downloaded and installed it. Case closed.
  12. In S1 I have to go to the "Load Preset" option in the plugin window; once you select it, it opens up the PA preset folder. Select all and click Load or whatever the prompt is and it tells me "X# of presets were uploaded." Not at my DAW machine at the moment - sorry for the lack of detail; not sure what DAW you're using.
  13. I picked up EZ Bass and two EBX expansions for $222 on Thomann. That seemed to be good bang for the buck considering it lists for $179. That will be enough MIDI until they start releasing a broader variety of meat-and-potatoes rock MIDI. They obviously want to sell as much of the rock and metal EBXs before bringing cheaper MIDI packs for those genres. Probably going to do the same for EZD3; EZD2 + 2 EZX is $212 at Thomann.
  14. Might have been mentioned already but does the upgrade for $79 apply if you buy EZD2 from a private sale (license transfer?)
  15. I love BFD3 and am part of the test group, too, but what I'm looking for these days is great sound and ease of use. EZDrummer 3 gets me excited more than a new update to my favorite drum program that just sounds good. If it doesn't help me create - as inspiring as it sounds - it's less helpful to me. Especially if either source passes in the mix anyway. I'm not a purist, and IMHO BFD3 sounds better than SD3 on its own and is incredibly detailed, but I get from point A to somewhere near the finish line a lot quicker with SD3, with less dinking around with MIDI maps, previewing clip upon clip upon clip, etc. If BFD3 had tap-to-find, for instance, I'd use it a ton more. I remember the day I was finally able to buy BFD3...I felt like I'd "arrived" and would still feel that way today if SD3 hadn't "arrived" since then. Conversely, if they would just sample some real - I mean REAL - hard hitting snares with discernible rim shots like the Tama Bell Brass in BFD3, I would also be a lot happier with SD3. Why are they so timid with some of their snare samples???? Has anyone used BFD3 samples in SD3? It looks simple enough - just haven't taken the time to try.
  16. I don’t use AT5 much due to CPU usage but I gotta say…some of the ToneNet presets kept me from putting my guitar down last night.
  17. Marc Cormier


    I was going to do the same but between the latency and lack of a clear use case, I walked away from the shopping cart.
  18. Has some nasty latency I don't get with other reverbs. Not sure about this one.
  19. Not sure what I just did but it's $29.99 for me now. Subtotal$104.99 2022-04 Customer Loyalty Monthly Vouchers - $50 (Code: )-$50 SLO: TAILS for $79.99 (Code: tails-7999ljuIujegf7Dt)-$25 Total$29.99
  20. I have a $25 and $50 loyalty voucher along with the $25 open voucher PA just announced. Can I stack these? How do you do it?
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