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Everything posted by ralfrobert

  1. https://www.goldbaby.co.nz/tssd.html $25 + VAT if applicable. Until April 30th.
  2. As the synth is cheaper than a cup of coffee, I pulled the trigger. The time I need to evaluate it is more valuable, however.
  3. Problem is I downsized my setup, can do everything I want and don't need any toys. Damned addiction.
  4. This unforeseen sale makes me very happy.
  5. I am broke right now, so V1 will do for now. Being broke has its advantages
  6. https://www.tone2.com/icarus.html I asked if the upgrade prices of €79 or $89 instead of $169 apply to me as I got V1 as magware some time ago, and they said yes. Upgrade price will not change. The synth is a stellar piece of software. Please decide for yourself if this is a deal or not. Demo available.
  7. You can always demo it. For me, this sometimes makes the GAS evaporate, as the product I demo doesn't give me anything new. It can play out in both directions, however.
  8. Vst10off coupon for 10% discount. And just wanted to say the cookbooks are great collections and a steal at this price.
  9. I posted it just in case someone missed it or needs a key to give to a friend. You get a key to be registered later.
  10. In your account with active plan. https://www.loopcloud.com/cloud/myaccount Use the link and code displayed there to claim on PB. Until April 30th.
  11. Are they worth the download and disc space?
  12. Find a billable project first to use them for. Do you have one on hand?
  13. Is it still a bug and crash temple?
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