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Everything posted by ralfrobert

  1. But nobody is getting excited about it. Would have been different 10 years ago.
  2. I reposted this and will add the resellers to the other post.
  3. https://www.bitwig.com/buy/ https://www.jrrshop.com/bitwig?dir=desc&order=special_from_date https://www.pluginboutique.com/meta_product/3-Studio-Tools/23-DAW/11626-Bitwig-Studio-5 https://www.thomannmusic.com/bitwig.html https://www.audiodeluxe.com/brand/bitwig?solrsort=fs_field_popularity desc This limited offer is available May 10 – May 20, 2024.
  4. Take some time, the situation is getting better.
  5. I wonder if Saverio from Hornet does himself a favor with this kind of customer torture.
  6. Seems to get hammered. Please tell me I don't need this. Edit: Still 21 hours, so no real hurry.
  7. I honesty thought this all was a joke. Another glue miracle? Well...
  8. If you were right, lowering the price would be the better strategy.
  9. $299.99 + VAT Wrong, cheaper, but still a lot of money.
  10. Around 50 bucks with VAT. As I can get innovative stuff like the apulSoft bundle for this amount, my choice is clear. PA is not really attractive any more, no no.
  11. Hmmm, a lot of money for a bunch of lite versions.
  12. Use CINCO10 for 10% off. Great tools to take a deep dive, very special approach. Highly recommended for sound designers and individualists.
  13. $19 + VAT if applicable. https://www.kuassa.com/products/efektor-grandmaster-distortion/ Free for Amplifikation 360 owners.
  14. https://dhplugins.com/bass-face/ Normally 15 pounds. End date unclear.
  15. Updated to V1.01 Update installer in account. You don't have to download the big one again !!! 1. Increased Drum Pitch Range to + / -24 cents. 2. Added a step position indicator to the track sequencer. 3. Added Audio Stem export option to Export Page. 4. Added Audio One Shot export option to Export Page. 5. Added an option to Bypass all 'FX' by right-clicking master FX navigation button. 6. Bumped Automation slots up to 64. 7. Added the option to 'clear' individual layers to unload samples from layers. 8. Added the option to 'preview' layers by clicking the layer tabs. 9. Changed the behaviour of bulk sample import so that imported samples still show in the Sound Browser regardless of how many / little sub folders the imported folders have. 10. Added Keyboard shortcuts for quick interface navigation. 11. Hold shift and hover over notes in the sequencer to see their MIDI value. 12. Added ability to enter full velocity steps without the need to drag. 13. Enabled Drum Layer XY pads for Host Automation 14. Added the ability of double-clicking presets to load them from the preset browser. 15. Added the ability to click the small up / down arrows for Swing, Rate, Length on individual sequencer lanes. 16. Added options to Save / Load Multi Out Audio Output Channel mappings on the Manage menu on the Mapping & Routing page. 17. Fixed audio crackles when rendering audio using Audio Export in FL Studio. 18. Improved audio render stability for Audio export in all DAWs. 19. Fixed silent audio render when using Audio Export with Host Sync mode whilst DAW transport is playing. 20. Fixed sequencer lanes without note data could still be silently edited. 21. Fixed exported MIDI files sometimes skipping the first beat in Ableton Live 22. Improved MIDI render stability in all DAWs. 23. Fixed Pitch & Motion data not resetting correctly when using Pattern Banks 24. Fixed timing issues when triggering Sequencer Play via MIDI keys.
  16. Something completely new ... higher prices.
  17. We can retire this one when yours shows up. I've been posting or updating the headline of the original post for the last few months and thought I'll continue.
  18. 5.2 Beta 1. https://downloads.bitwig.com/5.2 Beta 1/Release-Notes-5.2 Beta 1.html - new Compressor+ - 3 new EQ's (Focus, Sculpt, Tilt) - "Precision Editing" - new graphics engine
  19. It seems you can add other products and the discount applies to the whole cart.
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