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Everything posted by ralfrobert

  1. This discount, as far as I know, also applies to Omnisphere and other Spectrasonics products. One of the rare occasions when you get these a bit cheaper.
  2. I only know Metaplugin, and it does what it says on the tin. Good experience with DDMF in general, updates keep coming, responsive support, ugly GUIs.
  3. This was good, yes. Combined with the high quality plugins that are always free, being bankrupt is no excuse any more for delivering bad mixes.
  4. Does this bring anything to the table that the Komplete pianos don't?
  5. It's an open format, so I expect some of the other manufacturers to jump on the train. Reaper will be first I guess as Justin is usually very fast with things like this.
  6. ... but a great update. https://forums.presonus.com/viewtopic.php?t=52441
  7. ralfrobert

    EQP-1A $19

    This seems different to me. The Melda one is a transparent solution, and Kirchhoff does not have saturation. UniQ seems to have a collection of all the filters from the classics as well as flexible saturation. Pretty unique indeed.
  8. ralfrobert

    EQP-1A $19

    This one looks interesting, too. https://redrocksound.pro/en/uniq/ If it works, it can replace all the vintage plugins. Without the nice GUIs, though.
  9. ralfrobert

    EQP-1A $19

    Anyone got experience with their plugins? This looks like an interesting catalogue to get vintage effects from.
  10. I've demoed them, and they give you a good workflow with excellent sounding results. Didn't buy them in the end for 2 reasons: 1. Too much stuff already. 2. iLok. I would suggest to just start the demo and spend some time with the software.
  11. No, 2TB of ringtone samples from the pre smartphone era, deep sampled of course.
  12. €/$399 intro price plus VAT, €/$499 for existing customers.
  13. 16.09 changes MSoundFactory MTurboAmp Plugins with custom devices (MSoundFactory, MTurboAmp etc.) now provide device list with images for easier workflow. Never used devices are also marked as “new”. MSoundFactory Added new sampler rendering modes for high-quality stretching, additional compression and potentially creative possibilities. MTurboAmp MGuitarArchitect Added Mouse pedal to MTurboAmp and MGuitarArchitect. MGuitarArchitect Added input HP/LP filters and output EQ to NeuralAmpLoader. MFlanger MAutopan Added parameter Count, which multiplies the sync length, to all plugins with Synchronization panel (MFlanger, MAutopan etc.). MSoundFactory Added OscillatorSync plugin which resets its phase based on input. Added “Custom” ambisonics order, where you can set any number of channels from 1 to 64. Useful for Dolby Atmos for example. MSoundFactory MXXX Added Selector module to MSoundFactory, MXXX and other modular plugins. It lets you switch between modules, so that only one is played at the moment. It has been designed for easy implementation of instrument articulations in MSoundFactory. MTurboFilter Added a possibility to use C++ style comments in MTurboFilter algorithms as “/* comment */”. Target & Source have been renamed to This & Ideal in all automatic equalizers. Fix MGuitarArchitect NeuralAmpLoader plugin crashing with more instances. Fix Help window could not be closed/not responding in some plugins. Fix MSoundFactory Gains in the Mixer module didn’t work correctly in Generator section. Fix MDrumStrip MTurboDelay MXXX MDrumStrip and MTurboDelay could generate demonoise when inserted into MXXXCore. Fix Using MIDI to control parameters didn’t store undo points and send automation. Fix MSaturator Saturators could not clip the output with “Clipping at the end” option in some settings. Fix Buzzing on higher channels in Adobe Audition / Premiere Pro under certain circumstances. Fix MWaveShaper Dragging units weren’t displayed correctly in asymmetric mode. Fix MSpectralDynamics MXXX Switching graphs didn’t immediately update inside MXXX. Fix MSuperLooper Loop length in sync mode for whole range of set tempos in DAW. Fix MCabinet Filters in ”Analyze IR folder” feature didn’t work. Fix Graphs may have not been stored correctly if there were only 2 default points and the only difference was smoothing of the second point
  14. Keep in mind that they don't do transfers, so you should be sure you want to keep the software.
  15. All the Voxengo freebies are very good.
  16. Yes, it is a continuous deal... which costs an awful lot of money. If you are willing to spend it, you get a lot back, but it's the most expensive DAW per year if kept up to date. Decide for yourself.
  17. CLAP is very much alive, being implemented by more and more plugin developers.
  18. Changes in Bitwig Studio 5.0.8 [released 22 September 2023] New Features DAWproject files can now be exported (from the File menu) and imported This new format allows transferring project data from one audio sequencer to another More information on the format is at: https://github.com/bitwig/dawproject#readme Fixes When selecting a scene, the Inspector Panel was too wide in some languages Saturator Distortion device and Shaper Grid module: Were consuming too much CPU when fed with silence on AMD/Intel CPUs
  19. Cannot see it, will pass if it stays hidden from me, no space left on mobile HD anyway for ol' orchestra libraries.
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