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Everything posted by msmcleod

  1. I've more or less stopped using insert fx nowadays, in favour of dragging the fx from the browser on the right, for exactly that reason. The other reason is its a pain navigating through nested sub menus on a right-click menu: one slip of the mouse, and you've lost your selection and have to start again. What you could do I guess, is add your fx into a "_favorite" category - note the underscore so it always appears at the top.
  2. You're right - the search completely ignores the FX Chains, even though they're listed on that tab. ProChannels aren't as bad as there's not as many of them at the moment. Hopefully this will change though, at which point a search would be good.
  3. Awesome stuff Pete - right up my street ?
  4. Both Hybrid 3 & Xpand! 2 are fantastic synths. With either one of them, you're also eligible for an upgrade to the AIR Instrument Expansion Pack 3 Complete package for $76, which is basically all their VSTi's. This is the VSTi pack normally shipped with ProTools and is a steal at this price. I'd also recommend the AIR Creative FX bundle, which are the stock ProTools VST effects, which are on sale for $28 at pluginboutique. Although the effects with CbB cover most of the types of effects included in this bundle, they do sound different, and again are a bargain at $28.
  5. I find having separate MIDI/Audio tracks for a single synth part cumbersome, so for the most part I use simple instrument tracks. However, currently you can only make an instrument track if the VSTi is configured as a single stereo output. It would be good to be able to make an instrument track out of any two MIDI / Audio tracks assigned to the same synth, as long as the synth's audio output hasn't been used elsewhere. So if I have a synth with 4 stereo outs (outputs A,B,C,D): Track 1: Audio Track - input Synth Out A could be combined with Track 2: MIDI track Track 3: Audio Track - input Synth Out B could be combined with Track 4: MIDI track Track 5: Audio Track - input Synth Out C could be combined with Track 6: MIDI track Track 7: Audio Track - input Synth Out D could be combined with Track 8: MIDI track Alternatively (or even additionally), having synth audio tracks shown in a separate bus-style area would help to make the main tracks less cluttered. What I had in mind was that when you expand the buses on the track view, there would be two tabs at the bottom: "Bus" and "Synth" The Bus tab would show the buses as it does now, where as the Synth tab would show the synth output audio tracks. A folder would be automatically created for the corresponding synth in the synth-rack:
  6. I pretty much agree with everything James has said here. As an alternative to double tracking the lead vocal in the chorus, you could try adding a touch of tight delay or slight reverb - but only slight, otherwise it may push the vocals "back" in the mix. The drier vocals in the verse work well, and the backing vocals are excellent.
  7. The old forum used to show the geographic location of where the user was based. Is there any plans to do this here? The reason I ask, is that it's common for users to try to infer the "tone" or meaning from the wording of posts, which can often lead to misunderstandings. If it's more obvious a user isn't a native English speaker, then it's a good indication to not infer too much their wording.
  8. With Key switches / articulations becoming more prevalent in VSTi's, it would be great if the PRV could be enhanced to cope with these. The sort of thing I was thinking about is: You'd define your key switches in a similar way to a drum-map, giving them names etc. The key switch area would appear between the velocity/controller view and the main PRV - like a split window (a bit like those code editors that have the split bar you can drag down to split the editor horizontally in two for the same file). This key switch view would be "sticky" in that it would remain visible & vertically focused on the key switch range regardless of vertical scrolling of the rest of the PRV. It could be minimised/hidden if necessary. So what you'd get is a normal PRV at the top, immediately below it would be a drum style key switch area, then below that you'd get your normal velocity/controller view. The velocity/controller area would behave as normal - i.e. it would treat both the PRV & the key switch area as if it was a normal single PRV view.
  9. A big thanks to everyone at BandLab / CbB for all the hard work resurrecting Cakewalk, giving us this new forum, and the continued integration with BandLab. I hope you all have a well deserved break over the holidays.
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