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Everything posted by msmcleod

  1. Yesterday I was looking at ways to calm the harshness of the pizeo pickup on my DI's acoustic guitar. I'd seen IR's for reverb and cabinets, but I was wondering if anyone had done them for the actual guitar body. Turns out 3Sigma Audio has: https://www.3sigmaaudio.com/acoustic-impulses/ So what these claim to do is take my harsh DI'd acoustic guitar and make them sound as if it came out of an expensive guitar body, mic'd with an expensive mic. Whilst it didn't make my guitar sound exactly like a Martin, it did give it that mic'd sound and took away the piezo harshness. Overloud TH3 (bundled with CbB) comes with an IR Cabinet effect, so this is what I did to get the sound I wanted: Note: These IR's are QUIET, so you'll have to crank the output considerably. Before: http://msmcleod.co.uk/cakewalk/piezo_guitar_DI_with_IR_before.wav After: http://msmcleod.co.uk/cakewalk/piezo_guitar_DI_with_IR_after.wav
  2. Have you got a lense enabled after hiding tracks? That might explain why the others are hidden. You can unhide them all by going to the Track menu and selecting "Show All Tracks and Buses", or by pressing SHIFT+H. Alternatively, if you open up the "Track Manager" from the Track Menu, you can uncheck/check the tracks you want to hide or make visible.
  3. The Focusrite drivers don't support two Scarlett devices connected as USB. You may get away with it using WSAPI or WDM, but with ASIO on Windows you can only use one device. However, there is a workaround using ADAT: 1. Connect the ADAT out of the 1st gen to the ADAT in of the 2nd gen. This will allow the 2nd 18i20 to use the inputs of the 1st gen 18i20. 2. Decide how you are going to sync your word clocks, so either: Connect either the ADAT out of the 2nd gen to the 1st gen in, or Connect the SPDIF OUT of the 2nd gen to the SPDIF IN of the 1st Gen 3. Switch on both devices, but have the 1st gen connected via USB. 4. Within MixControl, set sync to ADAT or SPDIF (depending on what you chose above in 2) and route all your inputs to ADAT outputs. Save this to hardware from the menu. 5. Unplug the USB for 1st gen 18i20, and connect the 2nd gen 18i20 via USB to your computer You should now be able to access the 1st gen inputs from the 2nd gen via ADAT, giving you all 16 channels. Note: Make sure you always switch on the 2nd gen 18i20 first, so that the wordclock is transmitting ready for the 1st 18i20 to pick it up.
  4. Most people over 25 struggle to hear 20Khz, so I doubt they could tell whether it sounded like a square wave or a sine wave. And yes I have looked at a 20Hz sine wave on an oscilloscope after it's been digitised. No, it's not an exact square wave, but it's not a sine either. 20Khz is a bad example anyhow, 22.05Khz would a better example. Try looking at that. Better still, show me exactly how a 22.05Khz sine wave can be represented at a 44.1Khz sample rate, when you've only got two samples between peak and trough.
  5. It can, but it comes out as a square wave. The speakers can't reproduce the extra harmonics of the square waves though (neither can our ears at that frequency), so the fact that its a square wave probably don't matter for listening. Try it yourself - record a 20Khz sine wave at 44.1Hz at take a look at the waveform. For lower frequencies however, the quantisation effect becomes more apparent. Again, the speakers will smooth a lot of this out, but it does matter more during processing.
  6. The Plugin-Manager is meant to be completely replaced by the Plugin-Browser at some point, but there are still areas of functionality that are only covered by the Plugin-Manager. So until the Plugin-Browser gets all the functionality of the Plugin-Manager, the Plugin-Manager will stick around. The speed issues with the Plugin Manager were obviously easier/quicker to fix than Noel had original thought, so he put the fix in. BTW @Noel - l love the new colour changes to the Plugin Browser to distinguish between 32bit / VST2 / VST3. Very handy.
  7. Whilst what you say is largely true, it's worth pointing out that at 96Khz the analog signal can only produce a square wave at 48Khz. Even at 96Khz, the approximation of a 12Khz sine wave will only have 4 steps from zero to peak. That goes down to 2 steps at 48Khz. So the argument for using a higher sampling frequency is more to do with getting better accuracy of the audible high frequencies... i.e. ones that will look less like tetris blocks.
  8. FWIW, for (1) you can tell if a track has data in or not by looking at the clip area. If the clip as "dots" in it, it's got data:
  9. Does it still happen if you run Cakewalk as Administrator?
  10. You don't need to open BandLab Assistant to launch Cakewalk, it can be launched directly. The installer should have created a shortcut on your desktop, just double click that. You only really need to launch the BandLab Assistant for checking for the initial installation, periodic checking of updates, and the loop content.
  11. Maybe it's my relatively ancient motherboard, but my both my Scarlett 6i6 and 18i20 are working fine plugged into USB 3 ports. When plugged into a USB 2 port, I couldn't get it to run reliably with less than 6ms latency. When plugged into the USB 3 port and until the Windows 1809 update, I was running the latest "release" version drivers (MixControl v1.8) for the mk1 6i6 / 18i20. I could run at 2ms latency with no issues. For some reason the 1809 update upset things, so I moved over to the latest beta drivers (MixControl v1.10b3) which has changed the drivers considerably (the ASIO panel is now separate from MixControl). Still plugged into the USB 3 port, I'm running reliably with a buffer of 64 which gives me a latency of 1.5ms. It can run with a buffer of 32, but not without the odd pop & click. But in any case, Scarlett + USB 3 works well with my setup.
  12. I had exactly this problem with the Virtual Guitarist plugins. Enabling "Load with JBridge wrapper" within the plugin properties solved it for me (even though it's wrapping a 64 bit VST in a 64 bit VST) If you've got JBridge, give it a try.
  13. Same here 24/44.1. I've got ADAT running between 4 (soon to be 5) bits of gear, and I want all 8 channels on each link.
  14. I found that when I first installed Windows 10, I started losing files. It turned out that both my laptop and my desktop were both logged into the same Microsoft account, and syncing to the same OneSync repository. I ended up disabling OneSync, although you can configure it to sync to different remote directories if necessary. Have you got OneSync running on more than one computer using the same Microsoft login?
  15. I've not ever seen release notes for the BandLap app - that's not to say they don't exist - it's just I've not seen them. Maybe someone else knows?
  16. I think the 2019.01 release must have literally just come out. I did a check yesterday, and 2018.11 was the latest version. I'd give it a few hours until the guys in Boston wake up - the release notes should follow.
  17. I'm certainly not experiencing this, and I'm sure it would have been mentioned before if others were seeing it regularly. Does this happen when opening up a blank (or no) project? If so, it may point to an issue with your audio drivers, in which case make sure you've got the latest Windows 10 compatible drivers installed and delete cakewalk's AUD.INI (it'll recreate it when you next start Cakewalk). If it's only happening occasionally, then it might point to a plugin issue, in which case you'll need to narrow it down. Re-installing the plugin might help. If this doesn't, using the JBridge wrapper can also help.
  18. First thing, don't uninstall Sonar. The bundled plugins you would have otherwise had to pay for will still work with Cakewalk. Secondly, make sure your VST paths in Cakewalk match what you've got in Sonar. Thirdly, if you've changed any of the default folders (e.g. Picture, Global Audio, and Projects directories etc) make sure they match what you've got in Sonar. After that you're pretty much good to go.
  19. I agree. I'm have the 2i2, 6i6 & 18i20 and I can run at around 2ms playback latency, which is fine for me. I find 6ms playback latency intolerable for piano.
  20. The External Insert is a generic effect for any external effect, so depending on how many hardware outputs you've got, it could go to various outboard devices. So renaming the External Insert itself doesn't make much sense. What you can do, is wrap it up in an FX Chain and save that as an FX Chain Preset which you can then just drag on to your track (or ProChannel) from the browser. Here's a thread with an example:
  21. I would say 32", but 27" is pretty large already, so maybe 40" is a better bet. I've been seriously thinking about using a 32" or 40" TV for DAW work as it doesn't need the high refresh rates gamers require from a monitor. If you've got a TV you can try it out on, that might be the way to go... that's assuming of course that you're happy sticking with 1080P, although there are 4K TV's. If there's a small independent TV shop local to you, they might let you bring a laptop along to try them out.
  22. On the unread content list, it would be nice to have a "mark topic as read" link/button on each post. The "mark site read" is useful, but there's always a danger I've missed something in between clicking the link & clicking the confirmation box, and also the list of unread post can be quite long and it's easy to lose your place. It would be nice to just mark off the obvious ones I want to skip one by one - especially if they're short posts and I've effectively read it on that list.
  23. I've still got Sonar 5 running on an old Intel Atom based 1U racked MicroServer. I used it alongside a Yamaha 01X for live recording / band jamming sessions. I don't get to do much recording with it anymore, but it still runs just as solid as it ever did, and its perfect for that purpose... mind you, my laptop would be my preference nowadays.
  24. Apart from some legacy DirectX effects, I haven't found a 32 bit plugin that doesn't run in CbB. I do find that JBridge does a much better job than BitBridge though, especially as there's some options to tweak things when incompatibilities arise (mainly GUI issues).
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