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Everything posted by msmcleod

  1. I notice it takes a bit of time too. If I'm too quick in clicking continue, I have to go back and try to log in all over again.
  2. Peavey Revalver 4's ACT technology has been around for a while and already does this kind of thing (albeit without the tweakability of BC Re-Guitar). You play some notes in to model your guitar tone (the "input" model), then select the output model. They've a fair selection available: https://revalver.peavey.com/store/input I've used it to match the tones of a real guitar and a VSTi guitar (Shreddage 2). In other words I model both using their own instances of Revalver, using the same output model. It sounds like the same guitar playing both parts.
  3. The only thing I can think of is possibly the Gain knob on the MIDI channel, but as your velocity is already at 127 I can't see this making a difference. Has midi X got any other controller information in it e.g. CC 11 (Expression) ?
  4. I got a bit confused about this at first as I was expecting the stems to appear in my downloads folder. It actually gets downloaded to your documents folder: Documents\BandLab\Downloads When you select File->Import->BandLab Project from within Cakewalk, it takes you directly to that directory. Selecting the .blx project will import all the stems into your project. It works a treat though, so thanks bakers
  5. Meng posted this link in the previous forum, detailing what is included in CbB compared to the last SONAR version: http://forum.cakewalk.com/Cakewalk-By-BandLab-vs-SONAR-Versions-Comparison-Chart-4282018-m3750958.aspx
  6. When you say it's the same plugin, do you mean the same instance of the plugin or two separate instances within the same project?
  7. Nope, Channel Tools isn't included in CbB. It's a strange omission, but BandLab have no doubt got a reason for it.
  8. The velocity level relates to how hard the drummer hits the drums. A velocity of 127 means the drummer is literally hitting the drum as hard as possible. To be honest, I used to do this in order to get more "punch" out of the inadequate sounds with some of my old drum machines. For AD2 though, you want to be using a far more conservative velocity. This will give you a much better dynamic range in your track, and a more realistic sound. @scook is right - the slider volume is what you should be using for volume. If it's still too quiet, try turning everything else down and turn up your master bus fader. Another thing, MIDI loops created for one drum synth can sound very different when played on another due to the way each drum sound reacts to the velocity. You may need to tweak your velocity curves within AD2 to suit.
  9. The previous build was 2019.01 build 24. Build 27 came out in the last few hours.
  10. The new 2019.01 build 27 of Cakewalk is now available.
  11. The updated Cakewalk is available now - version 2019.01 build 27.
  12. Have you tried deleting AUD.INI from %APPDATA%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core ?
  13. I think this is still the standard, but they've also come out for a standard wiring of 3.5mm TRS jacks for MIDI (maybe 2.5mm too). But an adapter would be simple enough to get.
  14. Jesse's just confirmed, the "Download Stems" command has now been added to BandLab Assistant:
  15. Yeah, this was reported in this thread: Looks like they're going to release a fix later this week.
  16. Looks like there's an update to BandLab Assistant today. It's now at 5.03. There doesn't seem to be any visible differences between it and 5.02, so must be under the hood stuff.
  17. I can recommend the Focusrite Scarlett 6i6, which is around £175. This gives you 4 analog ins and outs, plus a SPDIF in / out. Also look at the Focusrite Scarlett 2i4, which gives you 2 ins and 4 outs, at £139.
  18. I setup the following configuration: Behringer ADA8000 -> (ADAT) -> Yamaha i88x -> (ADAT) -> Focusrite 18i20 I couldn't perceive any difference in latency between a hardware synth plugged into the ADA8000 and it plugged directly into the 18i20. I tend to be far more sensitive to latency when using piano sounds, so I was using a piano sound on my JV1010 and hardware monitoring enabled on the 18i20. This was to remove any latency introduced by the USB audio drivers. I couldn't perceive any latency at all with this setup. On the other hand using a VSTi piano, a latency of 6ms was obvious. A 2ms latency with a VSTi, not so much. What I didn't think to try was splitting the signal, so basically record the same thing through the ADA8000 and a direct connection to the 18i20 at the same time. The next time I get a chance to try this, I'll report my findings.
  19. Actually, if the thin version was simply a copy of what you see in the channel strip, but just for the current track & it's bus it would probably work. That way you'd have: Very Thin PC - same as "Narrow Strips" in channel strip Thin PC - same as normal channel strip Full PC - normal ProChannel
  20. List of ids up to and including Sonar X3 below.
  21. The ones that are not assigned are likely to be ones that have been deprecated & removed over the years. Remember this list started it's life over 30 years ago. Quite a few commands have come and gone, and been replaced by others. There are definitely duplicates. I saw several examples of the same command id mapping to more than one item in the drop-down list. This is simply because it's the same command is accessible from more than one menu or screen. As far as the highest number goes, 1250 seems to me to be more in line with what I've seen in the .kbn files. Also be careful not to count the CAL scripts or StudioWare mappings. They are handled completely differently, and don't have a corresponding command id. e.g.: Kx00520F=RANDTIME.CAL Kx00390F=GENERAL MIDI.CakewalkStudioWare
  22. For live emulation of an acoustic I use a Roland VG88. I've also recorded with it, but it's not quite as convincing. For live though, it's great. Another good plugin for guitar modelling is Peavey Revalver, although it is limited in how far it'll go. So electric to acoustic is ok; the other way around, not so much. It works best at using one electric to emulate another. I'm no guitar virtuoso, so I've used it on guitar solos to mix a live guitar with the crazy fast sections played on Shreddage II. I model both my own guitar and shreddage II, then put them through the same destination model so they sound the same.
  23. If you open up the .kbn file, each key binding is represented by two numbers, separated by an = e.g.: Kx004103=1 The first number represents the key pressed - e.g. Kx004103, in this case "A". Part of the number at least, seems to be based on the keyboard codes: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/inputdev/virtual-key-codes The first four digits are the key code (e.g. 0041 is "A" ) corresponding to the codes in the link above. The last two digits are the shift state, so: Kx004103 A Kx00410B A + CTRL Kx004107 A + SHIFT Kx004113 A + ALT Kx00410F=A + CTRL + SHIFT Kx00411B=A + CTRL + ALT Kx004117=A + ALT + SHIFT The number after the "=" is the shortcut command id. CommandIds.h within the Cakewalk Surface Control SDK has the definition for each of the shortcut command IDS: https://github.com/Cakewalk/Cakewalk-Control-Surface-SDK/blob/master/Framework2/CommandIDs.h Unfortunately the list stops at Sonar X3, but you should be able to work out the missing ones by creating a temporary keymap and cross referencing them with the id's in the .kbd file created.
  24. I agree with @Base 57 . This definitely sounds like a plugin not authorised. You say you cloned your drive? It's likely Addictive Drums needs re-authorising. It gets upset at the smallest thing - even major windows updates. Just fire up the XLN Online Installer, remove your computer and re-add it again.
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