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Hidden Symmetry

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Everything posted by Hidden Symmetry

  1. Summer Promotion 2019 20% Discount for all Customers 25% Discount for Silver Customers promotion ends 26th August 2019 @ 23:59 gmt promotion is not applicable at Bundle, Upgrade, Expansion Pack. Use Coupon SP2019 - requires Acustica N4 visit the website
  2. 1950's Bell & Howell Filmosound projector amps "These projectors were hiding some great tube amps inside which nowadays are being converted into amazing guitar amps. Very simple but first class powerful dynamic amps with just a volume and a tone pot. I could lay my hands on 2 magnificent Filmosound amps from the year 1953. First one is the Filmosound 385 used by guys like Blake Mills, Anthony Wilson and it’s even one of Tim Pierce’s favorite amps. The second one is a military AQ-2, a fantastic tight and dynamic tube amp which can be heard on Blake Mills' 'Heigh Ho' album. Both are carrying the original Mullard tubes." There are 33 profiles in the pack including 4 direct profiles. Introducing price will be € 7,50 (normal price will be € 9,95) http://bertmeulendijkprofiles.com/filmo-pack.html
  3. Also the LC2 Loudness Correct is $99.00 which I think was the intro price a few years ago. I still use that quite a bit, I already own several other loudness meters but I can pick up the LC2/ LM2 bundle upgrade for $29.00. That's a decent price as well.
  4. I have one for $25.00 if anyone wants it.
  5. Using Exponential R4 reverb on a bus converts the bus to a mono signal. Toggling the mono/st. will sometimes place it back in stereo but eventually the bus reverts back to mono. Other verbs on the bus they process stereo normally. Previously R4 worked fine & the issue doesn't happen using R4 in either Cubase & Studio One.
  6. I wouldn't use them myself. I always give this out, it explains various plans pretty well. Unless you're making allot of sales each year I wouldn't go with an annual fee (subscription) type of distribution plan. https://aristake.com/post/cd-baby-tunecore-ditto-mondotunes-zimbalam-or
  7. Unfortunately this is for Pro, not Standard which usually goes on sale for around $29.00.
  8. Get two free Standard singles when you release your album. Now through July 31st, when you sign up your album for CD Baby Pro Publishing, you'll also get two free standard singles. In order to qualify for the two free singles, you must pay for your CD Baby Pro album release between July 23rd and July 31st. Your two single-song submission coupons will be emailed to you the week of August 9th. https://cdbaby.com/
  9. Enjoyed it, nice laid-back groove. It has a bit of a Nilsson vibe to it.
  10. Very nice family pics, the abstract music accompaniment goes well with retro film. Great Christmas / guitar shot too. ( Swedish candle holder in the bg?)
  11. Great performances, lyrics, vocals. Excellent arrangement & orchestration. A beautiful song!
  12. @garybrun Thank you Gary, I struggle with mixing so it's very much appreciated! @Douglas Kirby Thanks, that's nice of you to say. I grew up listening to Pat & those 70's fusion era artists.
  13. @cclarry Thanks Larry, appreciate it. @Joad Thanks Joad! @emeraldsoul did a few tweaks..
  14. @amiller Glad you enjoyed it, thank you! @emeraldsoul Thanks for the mix suggestions, I'll check them out. Sax would be nice, would like to recut the bass & guitar tracks too.
  15. @Grem Thanks, it's an internet collab with a drummer & myself doing the rest. No theremin though. @garybrun Thanks, I appreciate the feedback.
  16. Hidden Symmetry

    End Game

    From my archives, Cakewalk 8.0 project remixed this afternoon trying out some new plugins & in CbB.
  17. Very nice tune & vocals on this. I like that electronic groove, how it moves the song along. You could try an alt. version with the drums playing more of a half time feel, maybe more an acoustic drum sound keeping the electronic for that break section. Good job.
  18. "play something soothing to the spirit"- you did a great job, enjoyed your composition.
  19. Yes, getting to know the ins & outs of AA plugins, their operations, website can be convoluted & similar to learning a new daw. I've been using them for many years now so I know what to expect &/or avoid. If you think the CPU is high now you should've have used them when they first started out! (No Aquas at the time either, all N4 which means separate instances need to be loaded for each band of eq...) BTW Navy will be updated to Core 13 soon ( think it's Core 7 currently) If you purchase now you'll get all updates for free. As with previous updates they will likely rollout new additional modules; new entire Channel Strip, Preamp, comp..It's a great buy at 70% off if you plan on purchasing & using them.
  20. If it crackles it's your audio card not the plugin, you need to raise your audio buffers. If you're getting spikey or artifact type noises make sure you gain stage @ -18dBFS.
  21. When working with AA it's typical to freeze tracks, don't expect to run an entire project with them. Using CbB or Cubase I typically run 20-30 instances in real time & mix using stems. Reaper is the daw of choice among most AA users as it handles cpu better than others.
  22. BTW you can delete any sample rates you don't use to free up space. Also you can delete file in Aquarius/ Stage if you no longer want the file.
  23. Who cares? It sounds great plus storage is cheap these days.
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