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Hidden Symmetry

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Everything posted by Hidden Symmetry

  1. Could be, they've done many in the last few days.
  2. Amadeus is a complete orchestral library that includes strings, brass, woodwinds, percussion, a great sounding piano, choir, and more. Everything is provided in a single interface, so there's no need to go searching for functions. These sounds have proven themselves in music productions and media scores already, so you can be sure that they can stand up well in the final mix, even though it’s a very lightweight library, at under 13 gigabytes. Last year, we teamed up with Sonic Scores to create the user interface for Amadeus, a brilliant sounding all-in-one virtual orchestra perfect for use on a laptop, or as a first orchestra for young composers. Now, Amadeus is available for only $119 (reg $149) until December 31st. https://indiginus.com/amadeus.html
  3. I'm not seeing it here, last one I have is from yesterday. 12/20
  4. note from G: All products updated to latest executable - improved automation - improved host support (wavelab, cubase..) - improved os support (W10, Mojave/Catalina) - faster loading
  5. USE YOUR LOYALTY DISCOUNT Existing owners of Symphobia 1, 2 and/or 3 get a €100 / $100 discount on Symphobia 4: Pandora Existing owners of Orchestral Essentials 1 and/or 2 get a €50 / $50 discount on Symphobia 4: Pandora
  6. OUT NOW: S4PANDORA 1.0.6 Symphobia 4: Pandora 1.0.6 offers a number of useful new features, improvements and fixes. Here are some highlights: 70+ New Snapshots New Combos Sound Design Mode for Tonal Instruments Sync to Downbeat offset in beats Adaptive Sync musical timing toggle Faster loading times and lower CPU usage Numerous behavioral improvements & fixes Please update to Symphobia 4: Pandora 1.0.6 through Native Access.
  7. From G: We released an update for Celestial. We added input trim control to Tea preamp, we improved the linearity of response of master bus plugin. Harmonic distortion now can be much more cool using input trim control. If something doesn't work just revert to previous release. We are trying to be as much fast as possible due to Christmas holidays
  8. Cola Gold3 Diamond3 Diamond Lift2 Honey3 Navy2 Pink3 Purple2 Sand3 Celestial Run Aquarius
  9. Update 1.0.1 essentially fixes 3 issues: - The plugin could crash when bypassed - AudioUnit validation could fail - VST2 version didn't reload correctly the parameters values when reloading a session in some hosts Cubase, Studio One https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/lindell_80_series.html#downloads
  10. What confuses people is that Albion was the first version, Albion ONE is the second version. I always preferred the sound of Albion over Albion ONE & use that version. Of course I had to pay to upgrade to find that out. I find a bit ironic. When Albion ONE was released us Albion owners needed to pay for the upgrade. Now they're selling the bits & pieces of the Legacy version. Are people actually buying these new mini libraries based on those legacy samples aren't in Albion ONE? Those Spitfire chaps are clever!
  11. I find these new versions as micro sample packs of Albion. I can imagine them releasing a new version of Albion that uses their player exclusively thus making Albion One a legacy product, same as Albion.
  12. No it's not, don't forget to use your personal coupons just in case.
  13. From December 18, 2019 until January 7, 2020 11:59pm (Italian time), save up to 50% OFF most Acustica plugins. Check out the deals >
  14. Best to demo, I just tried quickly both the MB & Mix version on my 2 bus, did a little adjusting then disabled. The results were obvious, sounding great with very little effort. And I'll put up with the high cpu for the quality.
  15. Last year they also gave out a 20% coupon when you got the free CEIL, maybe they'll do it again this year.
  16. You'll also get free updates with it. One example is CEIL which was also the free gift last year, they updated & made a "BIG CEIL' version which you also got for free.
  17. DDMF updates MetaPlugin + Plugin Doctor Plugin Doctor: v1.3.2 enable all plugin buses by default (would crash some VST3 plugins before) MetaPlugin: v3.4.1 Added 6 channels in sidechain input in 5.1 mode to make surround work in LogicX https://ddmf.eu/product/
  18. Haven't tried yet but there's a harmonic gain control; (drive-teal staging section).
  19. I stopped purchasing their products a few years ago because they used a similar technique for Legacy Albion owners to upgrade to Albion One. I'm assuming that's why I get these free & not One owners.
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