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Hidden Symmetry

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Everything posted by Hidden Symmetry

  1. Nice track, it does have that Floyd vibe that I enjoy.
  2. Actually East St. Louis Toodle-oo started playing when I hit the link. That's a cool tune too!
  3. Enjoyed it, being from Detroit I was teethed on Motown & R&B. I played many the club doing these tunes in my teens, it's nice to hear them again. I'm on laptop but it sounds fine. Enjoyed the vocalist too, reminded me of Rod Stewart in spots.
  4. Good news. I'm guessing it's necessary to be logged in because the personal discounts are connected to each account . They don't want you sharing or giving them away. (Plugin Alliance is changing their system after Nov. , loyalty vouchers will have a minimum order value because of sharing)
  5. I'm seeing this in my cart: Cart Subtotal €399.00 Promotion (Promotion (ubonkdemooxc)) -€59.85 Promotion (Promotion ([N4 Halloween 2019])) -€279.30 Total €59.85
  6. Make sure you're logged in. I just tried & it works.
  7. Personal coupons never work on Acqua libraries for N4. SoundDrops, DiDiBiQuadro, London Acoustics, Nebula2 Man & N4 listed here: https://www.acustica-audio.com/store/marketplace Then click on NEBULA
  8. Halloween Promotion 2019 20% Discount for all Customers 25% Discount for Silver Customers ends Nov. 4th 2019 @ 23:59 gmt promotion is not applicable at Bundle, Upgrade, Expansion Pack. https://www.alessandroboschi.eu/html/alexb/alexb.htm New VC1 Voice Channel Strip A gorgeous sounding vintage british channel strip into a small green box, midrangey preamp, line amp, two opto compressors with different character and one harmonic enhancer. Only 55 units has been built ! Additionally there is another vintage green ½ U rack equalizer with three bands. You will be amazed by the sound from these units to process your voice and instrumental tracks. Visit the website to listen how the VC1 sounds on the Audio Demo. https://www.alessandroboschi.eu/html/alexb/VC1.htm SP79 Free Update A new MixBus called AIR (MixBus with patched the famous Swiss Linear Phase eQ) has been added at the library as well as the new skin for N4 + general sound improvement. https://www.alessandroboschi.eu/html/alexb/sp79_german_mastering_console.htm
  9. SoundDrops MANTIS 2 BUNDLE An Acqua library for N4/N4 Player MANTIS 2 Bundle is a brand new suite of four plug-ins based on the original valued compressor stage. All of them are now full-fledged Acqua libraries, and are supplemented by a versatile pre-amp and clipper section for added harmonic color. Early Access 55€ retail 90€ (almost 40% off) MANTIS 2 BUNDLE is free for all former MANTIS owners. http://acustica-audio.com/store/products/mantis
  10. Scarlet4 release L available in Aquarius. Fix: Preamp harmonics fixed
  11. I've been tracking & mixing in real-time & not having any problems with the CPU on my normal (large) projects. ( Cubase, CbB, S1 mastering) It's very stable here plus it sounds great, better than IK's. Although you could use it on tracks it's a mastering eq. How many instances would you need? I use one instance on the 2 bus for mixing or 1 instance in S1 for mastering. Even on my 3 year old i7 5820k AA plugins are running really well & they get better with each Core release.
  12. No, I don't remember the thresholds or if they've changed it.
  13. i7 5820k,3.30 GHz, RAM 32GB, ASIO Buffer 1024 Can't check the dropout protection atm. I have Reaper but don't use it. Cubase, CbB for projects, S1 for mastering.
  14. CPU usage in Studio One @ 44.1 kHz IKM EQ432- 05% Ozone- 10% AA Scarlet Classic- 12% AA Scarlet Homebrew- 14% Ozone Rebalance- 20% IKM Tape Machine- 21%
  15. Correct, I use my personal discount code on top of the intro offer.
  16. I demoed IK & the 2 AA models on a few 96k source mixes, all are very good. The lo end was similar although I had to push AA's a few db's more to get up to level. I preferred the mid cuts on AA, a bit cleaner but it was the high end on Scarlet where it was the 'clear' winner. Starting around 10k IK's gave me noticeable ear fatigue right away. With AA's you can really push it remained crisp & tight, esp. around 16k. As far as CPU & mastering there were no issues, no more than using Ozone or IK Tape. I didn't try it mixing on the 2 bus. I preferred the Scarlet Classic model overall. YMMV I already have AA's Ivory & CDS's Sontec so not sure if I'll pick it up but it's a great price at $40.00.
  17. SCARLET4 is a VST/AAX/AU plug-in suite specifically tailored for mastering engineers. It brings you the sound of two celebrated, specialized mastering devices designed in the '70s by two legendary pioneers, considered the most ingenious minds in the field of music recording technology. List €169.00 DISCOUNT PRICE: €76.05 (-55%) https://www.acustica-audio.com/store/products/scarlet
  18. Chroma just released yesterday, I'll have to check into this as well. https://store.louderthanliftoff.com/products/chromaplus
  19. edit- It's more complicated. The cpu hit on Master Rebalance can be very high on certain projects but not on some. Plus sometimes disabling it (VST3) the cpu usage remains, even when it's not processing audio. I'll have to investigate further.
  20. Good tune & mix. Interesting take on today's dating scene & culture. -great job
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