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Everything posted by AndyB01

  1. Someone bought me some wooden ones in a tin once as a gift - look lovely but sound and play badly (too chunky and zero flex). I don't use a pick that often tbh but when I do I use sharkfin mediums - I know they split opinion - they work well for me. Andy
  2. I quit caffeine for good in the first lockdown. I had tried years before and crashed miserably after only three days with pounding headaches. This time I went down from several cups a day to just one - in a morning. Then after a week I subbed that with decaff, you can get some really good decaff coffee now (using water instead of chemicals to remove the caffeine) - including ground - so this is now my go to and I really don't miss it. I never realised how bad my caffeine addiction was, I would get a headache by the end of a day if we had been out somewhere and I had not had a coffee - completely nuts. Also, caffeine has a diuretic effect that I really don't miss. Hang in there, you will crack it. Andy
  3. If you want their own stuff, i.e. kindles, firesticks, echo devices, fire tablets then there are deals to be had - but the rest of it is just a firesale. Andy
  4. I looked at S1 6 - can't justify it as I mainly use CbB these days, so decided to upgrade my ancient cans and audio interface instead. Don't neglect the hardware. ? Andy
  5. I came in on Mix 4 and I liked what I heard, has something of a Gretchen Peters vibe (big compliment in my book). Listened through my new cans - sounds all good to me. Andy
  6. Hi Rex Didn't mind the clarinet solo at all - makes a change from the usual suspects like sax and guitar - (nicely played btw). Maybe an instrument with a higher register like a flute could add another dimension, but it's your song, so you get to make all the calls. ? Another great one here - enjoyed it a lot. Andy
  7. AndyB01

    Nothing to Me

    +1 to everything @DeeringAmps said and more. Fabulous performance and visuals - great stuff! ???? Andy
  8. Nifty looking gadget that Nigel, I hadn't seen that before. I can't afford those rather nice (but expensive) Austrian Audio mics that Mike featured on the video I mentioned above. However I bagged a pair of Behringer C2 mics (including XY mount) for around £40 off Amazon. Unbeatable value, remarkably good quality and impressive results, provided you don't push the gain too hard. At least I thought so anyway, audiophiles with younger ears may disagree. ? Andy
  9. OK so this turned out to be a comping problem. By some strange means - after flattening the comp - turns out the T1 take lane (to which the audio had been bounced) was muted (even though the track wasn't) and this was overriding the mute/ solo control on the track. I now have a completely separate and unrelated problem with my audio engine dropping out - after my audio interface spectacularly crashed and burned yesterday and had to be reinstalled from scratch - but I'll work my own way through that one. Glad I unravelled this mystery in the end and thought I would post the resolution for posterity. Andy
  10. Hmm DI isn't the best option for recording acoustic guitar - I've been getting better results lately using a pair of SD condenser mics in a X-Y config. Worth a try if you have the option - even a single condenser mic beats a DI hands down imho. Mike Enjo over @Creative Sauce did a great YouTube tutorial on recording acoustic guitar recently. I'm with Wookiee on the drums - and they're too busy for my taste. The guitar picking is busy as it is, so maybe you could let the percussion take more of a back seat? Did you HP the guitar - always worth doing to take out that low-end boom - especially if adding reverb. I like the guitar track - good chops btw - what was the tuning you used for this out of interest? Overall well done, but I think a different recording choice may yield better results. Andy
  11. Thanks for the suggestions - that's the mute shortcut - already been there unfortunately. ☹️ Panning has no effect and it's not phasing as the tracks were recorded separately. I've used this workflow loads of times in the past and never had this issue before. Cheers
  12. OK so can anyone explain this one to me: Two vocal tracks - both recorded perfectly and play back normally Added Melodyne (5) as RFX to each one in turn and made the necessary tweaks The first track plays back perfectly; the second track - completely silent Have checked the obvious stuff like mute, gain, faders, echo etc - all fine Here's the strange bit - open the RegionFX editor on the mute track and play the track inside Melodyne - plays perfectly. Both vox tracks are routed to the same bus, but I'm only hearing one. have also tried rendering down the RFX or even removing it - track remains muted Can't fathom this one - hoping someone can help as it's driving me around the twist! Cheers and TIA Andy
  13. AndyB01

    With You

    I like the way the track builds to a crescendo (love the harp) and then drops back again - killer vocal as always. Minor crit - not sure I was a huge fan of the panning of the lead guitar around the mid-point, but it might have been accentuated by listening on headphones. Seemed to suddenly disappear in one ear and then appear in the other rather than fading between left and right and 'travelling' across your head (if you know what I mean); I'm probably not explaining it very well. However, overall, I thought it was a great track. Andy
  14. Apologies if I've misunderstood the question but this might help. If by 'clips' you mean tracks, the simplest way to 'group' these is to use a bus. Your tracks will - by default - all route on output to a master bus. Find this setting and create a new stereo bus and give this a name - create as many buses as you need and select the output bus for each track. This way you can add effects on the bus to affect all tracks on the bus, rather than each single track. You can also colour the bus and it will colour all the tracks the same to help you navigate lots of tracks more easily. If this is what you meant, I strongly recommend you look at Mike Enjo's videos on YouTube (his channel goes under the name of Creative Sauce). Especially look for the ones on using buses and sends - he explains it far better than I can. Andy P.s. Welcome to Bandlab and the forum - a little hint when posting - a few paragraphs go a long way to helping us digest longer posts.
  15. Agreed, I'd love one. Hope you're enjoying it. ?
  16. I did eventually manage to convince mine that nylon and steel strung guitars are fundamentally different instruments - so I bought a Yamaha SLG-200N - but she remains stubbornly unconvinced of the difference between electric and acoustic guitars (less still Les Pauls, Teles and Strats). Hence my recent acquisition of a Taylor hybrid - which she approves of, as it has a smaller case and takes up less space. ? As for a 12-string - don't even go there... ? Andy
  17. This actually drops on my birthday (present idea right there) - and it's the big 60 - I love it when a plan comes together ? Andy
  18. 'Jetlag' was the name of my band - cos after listening to our set you felt like you had it. ? I was also in an impromptu duo (formed en route to a particularly tough gig where I was only supposed to be carrying the gear). Called 'Pave Lane' after the road we were on when we decided to play it as a duo.
  19. Great job - I think I only heard the fixed version - very much in my zone and I very much enjoyed the listen. Only crit - too short ? Andy
  20. I must admit, I thought it was some kind of magic trick when I first heard of it - software that apparently scans in sheet music and creates a working, editable score in Notion, Sibelius, Finale or just plain old XML. It has a complementary scanning app available for smartphones (Android and iOS), which you pair via a QR code then do your scans and upload. It comes in three flavours and at $9 for a one-year renewable licence (for simple one-staff scores) so it seemed like a reasonable punt (four staff scores is $39 and multi-staff complex scores is $79 - all renewable annually (ouch)). I found the app easy to use (it gives an out of focus image until you press the shutter then it captures a sharp image) but the upload is painfully slow - for three sides of sheet music we are talking ten minutes and then I got a 'no image found on server' error when I tried to retrieve them - not a good start. ? So I gave up with the app and tried the PDF scan option instead (top tip: it helps if you scan the music in the right way up). This loaded into the program OK but I have to say it made a pretty poor fist of the translation. By default, it seems to create everything as a piano voicing and when I changed to the intended instrument (nylon guitar), it changed all the notes and voicings (changing the track beyond recognition), so I had to regress that to piano. In a number of bars, it disagreed with the original composer (Ant Phillips) about the number of notes permitted in a given a bar and so simply dropped a few off and would not allow me to re-insert them; it also misinterpreted rests and phrasing on playback - to the extent that the piece was barely recognisable in places. You can use the built-in transport features and embedded instruments to preview the song and it helpfully shows the original scanned score alongside the newly synthesised one so you can track the errors as it plays through. On the basis of this use case, I would rate it as a pretty spectacular failure and 'score' it a generous 2/5. It might work for very simple pieces but for anything with a modicum of complexity I think I'd save my dollars. There is a trial version available via the vendor website, if you're tempted to see if you have more luck with it than I did, but I guess my only option remains to TAB this piece the hard way - i.e. note by note. Oh well, it was worth a punt - oh and if you do buy it - you need to create an account in order to access the download. Andy
  21. AndyB01


    Quite big in Russia apparently, especially with GRU Agents (allegedly). ? I don't really get the whole queuing to pay your respects to someone you've never met either. I suspect people get emotional because they project their own experience of loss onto the environment they're in and the whole thing becomes overwhelming. I'm not disrespectful of Her Majesty - her dedication and service is legendary and will surely never be surpassed, but do I want to spend ten days in mourning - not really. Each to their own I guess. Andy
  22. I have GP7 - use it mainly for bringing tabs to life. I probably don't use it or exploit it as fully as I should but don't regret buying it. Andy
  23. Particularly if you happen to have a 'Larry' at the other end of the sticks ? Sounding great as ever Peter - enjoyed the listen. Andy
  24. AndyB01

    RX 10 is here

    Upgraded from 8 standard to 10 standard - what do folks do with the old version, uninstall it or keep both? Andy
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