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Everything posted by ABull

  1. Why, yes I am.
  2. Hang on a second, let me get this foot to stop tapping. Okay. Man, first thing I noticed was the beautiful nasty tone on that Peavey -- harp was very good (I thought of J. Geils Band) --really like the bridge chord changes -- that was a surprise -- vox was spot on as were the on-point lyrics -- in fact, the only thing I didn't like was that there was not enough of your tasty slide -- good stuff~~Allan.
  3. ABull

    The Blues

    Nice work Mark -- the mix is great and vox are right in the blues pocket as is the instrumentation -- like that bit at the end with the harp -- another good one from you~~Allan.
  4. Terrific 80s sound on this (of course, that also makes it a 2020 sound) -- much like Michael Franks doing some new wavey stuff (but alas he never did) -- the mix is fantastic and everything sounds great -- good work~~Allan.
  5. ABull


    Thanks for that Paul -- and thanks for your intrepid commenting.
  6. ABull


    HATFM & fub-fud
  7. Very nicely done -- I particularly like the way it switched gears around 2:10 -- my only nit is the synth vox -- I think by now those synth choir voice things are archaic and should be retired -- my opinion of course, who knows? Anyway, good work~~Allan.
  8. A moody sound that's kinda different for you Freddy but you really put across the emotion of this~~and with your usual sweet guitar tones--another good one in the Freddy Cannon (!)~~Allan.
  9. ABull

    Happy Place

    Hey, you've got that 80s thing down solid -- good demo of your song~~Allan.
  10. ABull


    Hey thanks much -- glad ya like it.
  11. ABull


    Hey Douglas, thank you. I'm glad you like the tune and I appreciate your take on the vox and lyrics~~Allan.
  12. ABull


    Hey Paul, this is a terrific demo of your song -- mix is bright and clear and the vox are spot on -- only nit there is that the lead vocal could come down a tad but whatever -- also some unusual chord changes -- good one~~Allan.
  13. ABull


    MTCA - to be reposted.
  14. ABull

    A New Desire

    Hey, good demo of your song Douglas -- good mix and vox -- say, do you have to begin so many of your songs with a drumbeat measure as an intro?--just a thought~~Allan.
  15. Hey, good sound on this -- catchy feel to it -- I like that bass and the growl on the vox -- good one~~Allan.
  16. ABull


    Very dramatic -- good mix -- perfect for a soundtrack -- wishing you good traction on this~~Allan.
  17. ABull


    Much thanks.
  18. ABull


    Paul, thanks much for listening and commenting -- glad ya like those lyrics~~Allan.
  19. ABull


    Thanks Nigel -- yeah, those Byrds were great but "good thing" was the Raiders--?~~Allan.
  20. ABull


    I'm pleased that you like it and I thank you for commenting.
  21. ABull


    uh...excuse me...uh...yeah, I just wanna get there to the top of the heap...mind if I get by?...damn, did I step on you?...hmm, sorry, you okay?..almost there...thanks...whoa, the view looks sooooooooo different from here..look out below!
  22. ABull


    Hey, good demo of your song -- vox up front and lyrics are understandable -- I ask -- what more can you ask of a demo?~~Allan.
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