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Everything posted by markno999

  1. Good song and fun production. Thanks for posting your final Cakewalk project. I think many here use multiple DAWS for many of the same reasons you cite, and others. For example, I prefer using Logic Pro X for Orchestral projects when using Project Sam, EastWest (Opus/Play), CineSamples, etc... and have used it for many years (since around 2013) mainly for ease of use and workflow preference. As you say 6 DAWS would be unmanageable but I can deal with 2 or 3:) They all have their strengths and weaknesses, and of course personal preferences play well into the equation as well. The main thing is what you do with them. Your music and production level is definitely very good IMHO. Regards
  2. Gary, Nice vocal delivery, definitely has a classic vibe. Enjoyed the listen, or two:) Regards
  3. markno999


    Makke, Nice track, always enjoy your guitar playing.
  4. Shane, Sounds good, listening to this music I almost wish we were still recording to tape. Less choices make you focus more on arrangement and delivery. Really enjoyed this track and had a few listens which definitely created a Christmas mood. Regards
  5. Sounds like November Rain by GNR.
  6. I can verify my older libraries did not unlock in Opus after buying (3) new products and getting Opus for free. The three new products work in Opus, my older Gold Versions do not. I can also verify that I contacted EastWest Support and they said as much, "you need the newer Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition versions to work with Opus." I would recommend doing a Chat on their site if you have any questions, they were very prompt in answering. Probably spent 5 minutes in the Chat. Regards
  7. The "older" Play libraries such as Hollywood Gold products (Strings, Woodwinds or Brass) will definitely not work with Opus. You need the newer Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition versions to work with Opus. I recently bought Ra, Hollywood Singers and Hollywood Pop Brass while on sale and Opus came for free. These newer products work with Play or Opus, while the older Gold libraries I had (Hollywood Gold Strings, Woodwinds or Brass) only work with Play. I did contract support to ask how to get my older Gold Libraries working with Opus and and they said these products will not work with Opus, however, that the $295 upgrade would provide an upgrade path for these product to work with Opus and also add Cello Solo, Harp, Percussion and Hollywood Orchestrator as well as the Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition versions of Woodwinds, Brass and Strings. Pretty good deal. Regards
  8. Question for someone that has done multiple Group Buys, are your purchases cumulative? I bought the Mastering EQ for $124.00 but there are a few things I want to pickup at the $150 level. If I make another say $50 purchase does that get tacked on to the $124.00 I already have or do I have to make another $150 purchase to get there? Thx, Regards
  9. Nice one Bat. You put out a lot of great stuff but this has to be one of my favs. Bass really drives it along nicely and guitars are fantastic as always. Fun song...great way to start a Thursday morning:) Regards
  10. Craig, Happy to take a look at it if you want to put a .cwb on Dropbox Share. Have a few ideas for transitions. Thx. Regards
  11. Craig, First, very inspirational message. Anyone who has been through cancer or knows someone who has understands the importance of positive thought and a strong support system. I like the song, performance, harmonies, etc... Maybe add an atmospheric pad in the intro behind the guitar to add some dimension. The only other thing I noticed is some of the transitions seem like they run out of gas. The verses, chorus, etc.. are very strong but the transitions back to verse or into chorus somethings run out of steam for a second. Maybe work out some drum fills to bring the energy up or down more seamlessly, or, add some transitional effects for the shift in energy/direction, or something to fill the space in those areas. Love what you did with the guitar delay, superb. Regards
  12. Very good work. Good song, performance and production. The lights and shades make it a very engaging ride. Great listen, a couple times through:) Regards
  13. markno999

    Minor twist

    Nice work, cool song and seeing you play in that relaxed environment adds another dimension to the track. Thumbs up. Regards
  14. Kenny, Don't normally get to the CoffeeHouse too often but noticed your post on the way to the Deal Forum. Excellent jam, reminds me a bit of Ronnie Montrose's "Town Without Pity." Had a couple listens and enjoyed it both times:) The only problem is that it ends... Regards
  15. Wookiee, Your "normal" song is absolutely fantastic. Would love to hear some vocals on this, you have all the ingredients in this song of many of the classic hits from the late 70's or 80's. I know Wookiee's don't sing but maybe a collab partner would lay down some vocals. You already have an excellent title, "Just a Simple Tune." Love it. Regards
  16. Esther, J'aime votre chanson et votre mix, et de très bonnes voix. Bien que la piste d'accompagnement de la musique soit bonne, j'entends cette chanson comme un peu plus edgier, c'est-à-dire des guitares et un rythme de batterie plus entraînant pour correspondre à la puissance vocale et à la performance. Juste une opinion et il est bon tel quel. Si vous allez expérimenter avec elle plus, Je pourrais envisager un peu plus difficile de conduire des tambours. Cordialement
  17. Miguel, Good song and overall production. Really like the vocals. Regarding the guitar solo, in many instances stringed instruments do not translate very well with MIDI. Your MIDI strumming parts are fine in the mix but the guitar solo is very MIDI'ish and would remain so even with the suggestions made about the sound. I would get a guitar player to learn your solo and play it for you in a more natural flow for this style of music. Many guitar players on the forum here that may be willing to do it for you. Great work though..
  18. Starise, I believe you are thinking of GuitarHacker (Herb). He did write some original Country songs and used BIAB to sketch them out as well as played guitar along with them. I believe he posted songs with various singers, including himself. He also posted some songs without BIAB backing tracks. Good to see you back Dave, I recall you were a Superior Drummer beta tester and had a lot of useful information about it. Good to hear you and your wife are cancer-free and feeling good. Regards
  19. Jeff, Yes, I think this version is better than the previous version. Close to the original version EQ but the instrumentation is more defined with the BBC samples than Kontakt instruments. Sounds good, I'm sure others will chime in as well. This music really resonates because, for me, it embodies the great generation that came before us in addition to being a really great tribute for you father. Regards
  20. I have occasionally gone back and listened to your original version over the past year, it is a very inspiring composition and excellent tribute. For that reason am kind of partial to the original version. I think the brighter sound of the new version may be contributing to that, not sure if it is the newer instrumentation or if you have EQ'd brighter, etc... I guess to my ears the original version sounds like it is all together in a single space where the updated version doesn't have that feel of common space as much. Would maybe consider a darker common reverb for the updated version. Regards
  21. Solid cover. Very impressed you nailed that first guitar solo so closely, it ain't easy. Regards
  22. Nice job, sounds really good. Both versions of the song are really well done (i.e. the other link posted) and it would be hard to pick a winner. Regards
  23. Great job on this epic tune. Besides the song and the singing parts, the Phil Rizzuto part was really good as well. Cool ideas to create the radio announcer vibe. Regards
  24. Been a Thin Lizzy fan for years, and saw them live in "79 when they opened for Nazareth. Nice interpretation of the song and overall well done. I do agree with Paulo that the drum loop could use some variation. Regards
  25. Didn't hear the original version before your updates, but this one sounds really good. Not familiar with the original song either but really well done. Regards
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