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Everything posted by markno999

  1. markno999


    Great song, definitely not your run of the mill Weather Channel smooth jazz tunes. Super interesting throughout, great guitar playing and instrumentation, the mix is good too. Love it... Do you have any old hard drives you want to sell?? Regards
  2. Andy, Thank you very much for the listen and comment. Will actually be posting an update of Bridge to Somewhere as I updated the strings and a few other things. Will leave the current version up as well. I agree, Phonobrainer came up with a good one in this song. Regards
  3. markno999


    Bjorn, Pictures and videos were breathtaking, and became so focused on them forget I was listening to an original music track:) Went back an listened to the track without the pics and it is really good. The combination of the video and music is quite powerful. Super enjoyable. Regards
  4. John, Good track, you did a fantastic job on the backing track too. Like the transitions from blues to a jazzy swing style. Horns are convincing too which is no easy task. Well done. Regards
  5. Thanks Wookiee, much appreciated. Tom, thanks for the comment. Without Gypsy the song wouldn't have quite hit the mark, really needed that emotive soloist to bring it home. Yes, all EW Spaces II, each group is sent to it's own reverb bus, Woodwinds, Strings, and then a bit from each to Abandoned Abbey and to a Soundstage Reverb. The EW samples are great as they are recorded but the EW Spaces really makes it sound more like a real performance and glues it all together. Regards
  6. Thanks very much for the listen and comment. Dynamics and Expression are about the only mixing I had to do with the aforementioned template from EW, very refreshing experience to not have to worry too much about mixing in the process of recording parts. Thx. Daryl, Thanks for the listen. Yes, EM was quite a prolific composer, orchestrator, conductor, etc.... Have been listening to a lot of his stuff along with John Barry in my recent orchestral experimentation. Good to see you back posting on the forum, quite enjoyed your recent song. Regards
  7. Thanks Tom, appreciate the listen. Yes, I would be interested to hear what Jerry thinks about the mix, his compositions are really good and he is most generous releasing his score's as PDFs. Thanks David, appreciate it.
  8. Mark, Good song and performance. Definitely push that classical guitar forward in the mix as others have mentioned. Seems like you have pushed it up somewhat from a mix I heard the other day but could come up a bit more. Some subtle ping pong delay may help it stand out a bit more in the mix. Regards
  9. It would be my dream to have old hard drives laying around with this quality level of original music on them:) Stellar production. Regards
  10. Daryl, Good track and great to hear your music again, you have a very unique sound that is instantly recognizable. Your lyrics are always clever but I particularly like the lyrics on this song, I think many can identify with the message:) Super enjoyable listen. Regards
  11. Nigel, Thanks for the listen, much appreciated. Regards
  12. David, Really vibey and interesting song. The ringtone at the intro is pretty cool. I might sprinkle a few random percussion elements throughout but certainly sounds finished as is. Good work. Regards
  13. Wookiee, Very cool song, have always been a fan of vocoder since first hearing it in Mr. Blue Sky back in the 70's. I like how you have given it a modern twist. Great listen. Regards
  14. Bjorn, Thanks for the listen, appreciate it. The template mentioned in previous post helped immensely in that realism, the samples in EW are terrific and the Spaces II reverb setup in the template really create a sense of natural space. Makes the process much easier as you can focus more on the music aspect and less on mixing and balance. Thx. Regards
  15. Jerry, Top notch work and stunning details. Has a real fantasy/adventure feel that takes the listener on a fantastic journey. Really enjoyable listen throughout. I hear some Jerry Goldsmith style in a few places and am a huge fan of his work. Regards
  16. Jeff, The Synthestration site does not have any templates for Spitfire BBC or Cakewalk. They do have some scores available with MIDI plus the score but that wouldn't really help with a template. Try these guys. They have more DAWS listed than Synthestration and are specific to Spitfire BBC. https://www.spitfireaudiothepage.com/templates Regards
  17. Thanks for the listen Wookie and Larry T. Appreciate it. Regards
  18. Walt, This project I would call a hybrid piano reduction. I specifically chose this song because it is fairly blocked out chordally so I could play it on the piano even with my limited skills as a piano player. 1st thing I did was import the original song and Tempo Map it. Rather than piano I used an Chamber Orchestral Template in Opus which was laid out with 1st violin playing top note of the chord, 2nd violin playing next note down, Viola playing the bottom note and the Cello and Bass playing a C drone in octaves throughout much of the piece. This original bit playing chords with the orchestral template is still in the piece but pulled way back in the mix just to give some depth. Then I split out individual parts from Opus via MIDI export. Once I had those parts split out I just replayed them one-by-one while adding in Expression and Modulation for dynamics. Flute and Oboe are just playing the violin parts in places so easy to re-create them as well. Lastly added the Gypsy Violin for more color in the mix which I think brought a lot of realism to the track. I did buy Ennio Morricone's Anthology off Amazon and Malena is in the book as a piano solo. So I did use that for reference. While it has some details it is definitely not a score. For me it is easier to do this stuff by ear as I am not a real strong reader but any stretch of the imagination:) Regards
  19. Jeff, Appreciate the listen. That means a lot as I am a great admirer of your work. For those interested in checking out Orchestral music templates, part of the realism in this track, and the others I have done, comes from a template which I purchased from Synthestration. https://synthestration.com/store/ Ryan Thomas, who works with East West, provides a demo song in this orchestral template so you get a look at his programming along with getting the template. This particular template is for Logic Pro which is what I used for this piece but Synthestration has templates for other libraries such as ProjectSAM, Spitfire, etc..and other DAWS. Most of the templates for this style of music will be found on Logic, Studio One or Cubase. This particular EW template includes sends to EW Spaces II broken out for the different sections and this really creates much of the realism. The instruments are very well recorded and balanced in the library as well so there is very little mixing going on. I really only play the parts and add Expression and Modulation Wheel for dynamics. The lead Gyspy Violin in this piece has a lot of the expression you hear already baked into the sound. Opus also includes the Orchestrator which offers a number of instrumentation breakouts so you can quickly hear how different parts works together, and includes common Ostinatos and other tools for building a realistic sounding piece. While I have studied music and harmony for many years, this is really new to me so it is great that many of these new products like Opus offer some short-cuts for beginners in this area of music. Regards
  20. Still experimenting with East West Opus picking some songs that aren't overly difficult to work out musically or rhythmically so I can focus on how to do orchestration and programming articulations, dynamics, space/dimension, etc.. to create realism. This track is all EW Hollywood Strings, Symphonic Strings and the lead violin is EW Gypsy Violin. Pretty straight-forward arrangement with Gypsy Violin as the soloist, 1st and second Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass, Flute and Oboe. This is from the movie Malena from year 2000, I have not seen the movie but a fan of Morricone for many years and this was one of the songs in his Anthology Book that I thought looked doable. Comments Welcome. https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14460758 Regards
  21. Much better with the sound effects pulled back. Really well done. Regards
  22. Great track, really like the musical content and overall sound design. You have a very recognizable style musically. The only thing I heard that I would change is maybe change some of the intro sonar pings to another sound or change some of the tonality to mix it up in the intro? I would maybe use a Hang Drum on a few of the hits. I know you are going for a spacey type intro but the sonar pings to my ears are a bit on the annoying side and maybe distract from the music. Obviously it is a personal taste thing and other people may like that sound so take it with a grain of salt as intended. That said, a minor thing on an otherwise flawless track. On my 3rd listen and digging it a lot. Regards
  23. markno999


    Bat - Was listening on my Klipsch computer speakers. Level sounds OK on headphones.
  24. markno999


    Nice one Bat. I would bring up the LV on the verses a little bit. Really like the funky groove, not easy to get multi parts working together like that. Regards
  25. Mr. T., If you want to breathe new life into an older computer your best investment is an SSD drive. Samsung EVO 870 is a good choice and they are not super expensive (about $100) Makes a huge difference, more so than RAM or other upgrades. This is assuming everything else is working properly and you don't have any problems lingering from your Windows 10 upgrade. Regards
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