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Everything posted by jngnz

  1. Worth pointing out that Kult is 50% at JRR. https://www.jrrshop.com/tracktion-kult
  2. Or maybe go all-in on Unearthed Sampling: https://www.lootaudio.com/category/kontakt-instruments/unearthed-sampling/sawmonium Fun library!
  3. Did you see I said GB as in gigabytes? I think I paid like $100.
  4. I bought the Diamond Orchestra thing years ago and never used it but also can't sell it. 700 GB is ridiculous anyway.
  5. I did last time all you guys went crazy when it went on sale and I haven't found any use for it. Might just be me going "meh, I can do that in Bitwig anyway" though. Also, the soundsets for Diva and Zebra have got to be some of the worst ones on the market. I didn't find a single usable sound in there.
  6. They're not allowed to link. I am however. https://d-fusedsounds.com/d-fused-sounds-monstalgic
  7. I don't think they do more than 30% off their premium libraries. The only higher discount so far that I can find has been a temporary educational discount of 50% (regularly 30%). But yeah, beautiful sounding libraries.
  8. You really should only buy Sonnox at JRR. Crazy deals to be had with the stacked discounts.
  9. It's $49 everywhere but on the XILS site, actually. Also, people need to wake up and realise this is top shelf stuff. I haven't heard anything that can sound richer than XILS, including u-he, GForce, Falcon, whatever.
  10. Why would they do that to me.
  11. Mate, you're basically a cat lady for VSTs.
  12. Funny. I used to have AKG 701s as well because I absolutely love the character it has. I tried a couple others (Avantone Planar, Audio Technica R70x, both great but too small for my gigantic head) and eventually settled on DT 1990 Pros, which are also the ones the Realphones devs recommend the most. They are tonally similar to the K701 I'd say, but much, much more detailed to the point where you can't believe what you've been missing all this time. I would highly recommend the step uo if you use headphones a lot.
  13. Really? Even owning Valhalla, Exponential Audio, Quantum, Eventide...?
  14. Never mind, it sounds horrendous.
  15. Articulations and modes of what? The text doesn’t even state what instrument this is.
  16. I'm a Realphones user and was going to snarkily tell you to get better headphones, but I've checked out Can Opener now and it actually is really subtle. It doesn't seem to emulate speakers at all, but just the crosstalk from it. If you want the "oh wow, I'm sitting in front of speakers" experience, you should probably look at Realphones or SoundID.
  17. I never use any of their sh-t but I keep buying it because it's so cool in theory. ?
  18. Thanks everyone. I checked all of these out and will provide some feedback. First, let me make it clear that I have next to zero interest in orchestral libraries. I'm mostly looking for traditional / eastern / abstract instruments and anything that isn't "bread and butter" or whatever, so keep that in mind. Keepforest - everything is "epic" and/or "cinematic". Hard pass. Sound Yeti - one of the worst professional websites I've ever seen. No idea if they even have an overview of their Kontakt libraries anywhere or how to get there, but none of the products I've come across are interesting to me anyway. Zero-G / Ethera: don't need choirs, don't need any orchestral/cinematic stuff. Some of their eastern/world stuff seems interesting, so I might have a look next BF or something. Indiginus: seems like good stuff, but they don't do sales apart from intro prices it seems like. I wouldn't go as far as to say their products are "always on sale" because they're not exactly bargains. I'm particularly interested in the Mandolin and Banjo, but I can get those for less and possibly in higher quality from OTS during the group sales. Sampletekk: got the Rain Piano. I'm too well covered in every other area they're covering, but their libraries certainly seem like bargain bin gems at those 90% off prices. Fluffy Audio: I will listen to Drummer Boy and pass. Sonuscore: I've had Symphony Series Percussion in my sights for a while. It's Kontakt Player though. Also, I got Evolution World Percussion and UVI World Suite so not sure I need it anymore. Everything else is a little too orchestral for me. Osterhouse: seems like good stuff, but almost exclusively orchestral. Might grab the upright bass on sale. 8dio: well aware of them. Too much stuff to choose from. Not a fan of the Soundpaint stuff and I'm guessing 8dio stuff is of similar quality. Might grab some ridiculously cheap stuff during flash sales or BF anyway. Orange Tree Samples: mostly Kontakt Player, so I own a handful of guitar and bass libraries already. Obviously amazing stuff. Will grab more during the next group buy. Looking at the baritone guitar, banjo and mandolin. Skybox Audio: don't need any more keys instruments, but I might look at the prepared pianos during the next sale. Sound Dust: seems wild. Love it. Will probably raid their site during the next sale. NI / Komplete: don't know, I'm just not interested. Lots of stuff seems high quality, but also not the highest quality out there and everything is quite ordinary. Komplete is great when you need to cover the basics, but I've got those well covered already. SoundIron: yup, well aware. Will go wild during the next sale. My wallet is already weeping. Xperimenta Project: f- yeah. Great stuff. Got the Fisarmonica and Indian Organs and will most likely grab the Preparato and Classica Double Bass (for the upright). Soniccouture: I love and own Sun Drums, although it pales next to BFD. Used to own Grand Marimba and deeply regret selling it because it has to be one of the most beautiful sounding libraries ever. Still own Broken Wurli and Hammersmith and have no use for them, but nobody seems interested in buying them. Embertone: great stuff. Will pick up everything that isn't "cinematic" during the next sale. Cinematique: absolutely hated the KLANG stuff and how wet it all is. Not looking any further. Production Voices: seems like keys only. Not interested. Waverunner: seems great and cheap, but they have nothing I'm not more than well covered in already. Heavyocity: I did grab all of the Foundations stuff, but none of their paid libraries are speaking to me. Westwood: didn't like the free Felt, don't care for anything else. Sonixinema: heavy focus on cinematic libraries, but I will probably grab Abstract and Bowed Metals. Possibly Resonate, but I do own Spitfire Resonate already. Now for stuff I discovered, mostly by looking at current sales or freebies: Strix Instruments: had the Pripyat pianos already, got Emisynth. Pretty good. Impact Soundworks: I think they're quite well respected on VI-Control. The free Heritage Percussion is decent. I might pick up a couple of their world instruments on BF. Paper Stone Instruments: picked up Creative Junk and German Log Drum. Great and extremely unique stuff. Unearthed Samples: dirt cheap and very creative. Picked up Bowed Fences, Sawmonium and Tension Drums. Looks like the next MacBook will have to be the 4 TB version.
  19. This thread is literally about exactly that and there's a 45 minute video explaining why. Do you want Zo to take you out to a candlelight dinner and whisper it in your ear?
  20. Sure. As far as I'm aware, none of the pre-M1 plugins got Apple Silicon support. None of them got a a resizable GUI. There's no maintenance updates at all. It's always just 1 or 2 bugfix updates (if even) and they never get touched again.
  21. What's really in there that’s special apart from Noire?
  22. I hope no one is seriously considering buying this, but if you're interested in the AAS stuff and you own the session bundle (which I think pretty much everyone does, you can write support and they should offer you the complete bundle for around $300.
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